WT 2013, July 15: Random thoughts and background info FWIW

by AnnOMaly 29 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AnnOMaly

    Some of this has been remarked on elsewhere (thinking of Blondie's thread and others). Perhaps something will be useful in a discussion with any JWs who are perturbed or confused about long-standing, written-in-stone doctrines being suddenly turned on their heads.

    Like Bobcat's Jeremiah Source Material thread, please feel free to add to it.

    My comments in blue. Bold emphasis usually mine within quotations.



    Par. 3 - For a number of years, we thought that the great
    tribulation began in 1914 with World War I and
    that “those days were cut short” by Jehovah in 1918
    when the war ended ...

    This view hasn't been held to since 1969. How many in the congregation will remember the previous idea? The Endnote includes a reference to this article:

    w99 5/1 p. 16 pars. 10-12 “Let the Reader Use Discernment”

    10 God’s people once understood that the first phase of the great tribulation began in 1914 and that the final part would come at the battle of Armageddon. (Revelation 16:14, 16; compare The Watchtower, April 1, 1939, page 110.) So we can understand why it was once thought that the latter-day “disgusting thing” must have stood in a holy place soon after World War I.

    11 However, in later years we have come to see things differently. On Thursday, July 10, 1969, at the “Peace on Earth” International Assembly in New York City, F. W. Franz, then vice president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, gave an electrifying talk. In reviewing the previous understanding of Jesus’ prophecy, Brother Franz said: “The explanation was given that the ‘great tribulation’ had begun in 1914 C.E. and that it was not allowed to run its full course then but God stopped World War I in November of 1918. From then on God was allowing an interval for the activity of his anointed remnant of elect Christians before he let the final part of the ‘great tribulation’ resume at the battle of Armageddon.”

    12 Then a significantly adjusted explanation was offered: “To correspond with the events of the first century, . . . the antitypical ‘great tribulation’ did not begin in 1914 C.E. Rather, what took place upon Jerusalem’s modern antitype in 1914-1918 was merely ‘a beginning of pangs of distress’ . . . The ‘great tribulation’ such as will not occur again is yet ahead, for it means the destruction of the world empire of false religion (including Christendom) followed by the ‘war of the great day of God the Almighty’ at Armageddon.” This meant that the entire great tribulation was yet ahead.

    See also w.1970, 1/15, p. 49f.

    Par. 6- In the larger fulfillment, the “standing”
    will occur when the United Nations (the
    modern-day “disgusting thing”) attacks
    Christendom (which is holy in the eyes
    of nominal Christians) and the rest of
    Babylon the Great. The same attack is
    described at Revelation 17:16-18. That
    event will be the beginning of the great

    Chart, p. 4 - United Nations (“disgusting thing”) will attack
    Christendom (“holy place”) and the rest of
    false religion (Rev. 17:16-18)

    http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/index.shtml- UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

    Article 18.

    Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

    Article 19.

    Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

    Article 20.

    (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.
    (2) No one may be compelled to belong to an association.

    Article 30.

    Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.

    Par. 8 - What happens after the initial part
    of the great tribulation has passed? Jesus’
    words indicate that there will be
    a period of time that will last until the
    start of Armageddon. What events will
    occur during that interval? The answer
    is recorded at Ezekiel 38:14-16 and Matthew
    24:29-31. (Read.) [2]

    Endnote - Paragraph 8: [2] One of the events mentioned
    in these verses is the ‘gathering of
    the chosen ones.’ (Matt. 24:31) Hence, it
    appears that all anointed ones who still remain
    on earth after the initial part of the
    great tribulation has passed will at some
    point be raised to heaven before the outbreak
    of the battle of Armageddon. This
    adjusts what was stated on this subject in
    “Questions From Readers” in The Watchtower
    of August 15, 1990, page 30.


    Prewrath Tribulationists believe the Rapture will occur during the tribulation, halfway through or after, but before the seven bowls of the wrath of God.
    Midtribulationists believe that the Rapture will occur halfway through the Tribulation, but before the worst part of it occurs. The seven-year period is divided into halves - the "beginning of sorrows" and the "great tribulation".

    ... ... Many other groups, such as Jehovah's Witnesses, do not believe in a Rapture at any point. [n.7 - The Watchtower 1993 January 15 p.4 ‘Caught Away to Meet the Lord’—How?]

    Well, they believe in some kind of Rapture now.

    Par. 10-11 - Consider now the timing of another
    part of Jesus’ prophecy—the parable
    of the judgment of the sheep and the
    goats. (Matt. 25:31-46) Previously, we
    thought that the judging of people as
    sheep or goats would take place during
    the entire period of the last days from
    1914 onward. We concluded that those
    who rejected the Kingdom message and
    who died before the start of the great
    tribulation would die as goats—without
    the hope of a resurrection.

    In the mid-1990’s, The Watchtower
    reexamined Matthew 25:31, which
    states: “When the Son of man arrives in
    his glory, and all the angels with him,
    then he will sit down on his glorious
    throne.” It was noted that Jesus became
    King of God’s Kingdom in 1914, but he
    did not “sit down on his glorious throne”
    as Judge of “all the nations.” (Matt. 25:
    32; compare Daniel 7:13.) However, the
    parable of the sheep and the goats describes
    Jesus primarily as Judge. (Read
    Matthew 25:31-34, 41, 46.) Since Jesus
    was not yet active as Judge of all nations
    in 1914, his judgment of people as sheep
    or goats could not have started in that

    Endnote - Paragraph 11: [3] See The Watchtower,
    October 15, 1995, pages 18-28.

    Note the date for the WT reference. Now note the date of the following quote:

    w95 5/15 p. 18 Part 1—Flashes of Light—Great and Small

    Increasing Flashes of Light

    11 Particularly since 1919 have Jehovah’s servants been blessed with increasing flashes of light. ... The very next year [after the 1922 Cedar Point convention], bright light shone on the parable of the sheep and the goats. It was seen that this prophecy was to be fulfilled in the present Lord’s day, not in the future during the Millennium as previously thought. During the Millennium, Christ’s brothers would not be sick, nor would they be imprisoned. Besides, at the end of the Millennium, Jehovah God, not Jesus Christ, will do the judging.—Matthew 25:31-46.

    Yes, in only 5 months, that divinely-blessed 'flash of light' was extinguished. In reality, it was untrue, darkness.

    Specifically, the 1923 'flash of light' was:

    Our Lord’s throne, or judgment-seat, mentioned in
    in the parable does not seem to be that of the Millennial
    throne which will deal with the living and the dead
    during his reign, but seems clearly to be the throne or
    court established to judge the things existing at the
    time of or during his second presence and before the
    beginning of restoration.
    Based upon evidence heretofore set forth
    in THE WATCH TOWER, we believe that the Lord came
    to his temple in 1918 for the purpose of judgment, first
    upon his saints, later upon nominal Christendom.--
    Psalm 11 : 4-7 ; Malachi 3 : 1.

    - w.1923, October 15th, pp. 308, 309.

    It was taught that Jesus started his 'sheep and goats' judgment in 1918 and not in 1914 as the July 15th article writer said. E.g.,

    w58 3/15 p. 177 par. 5 Shepherd of Israel

    This wonderful saving power of Jehovah toward his people was displayed by his setting of the chosen King upon the heavenly throne in 1914 and by the victorious war in heaven that effected the expulsion of Satan and his wicked angels. Then in 1918 Jehovah, with his King-Son, appeared at his temple for judgment and commenced the separation of his “sheep” from the “goats.”—Rev. 12:7-9; Matt. 25:31-46.

    However, it looks like the 1914/1918 timing for the start of the parable's fulfillment had become fuzzier since the early 1960s.

    Par. 17 - In the past, we have stated in our
    publications that these last four references [to 'coming,' 'arrival']
    apply to Jesus’ arriving, or coming,
    in 1918. As an example, take Jesus’
    statement about “the faithful and discreet
    slave.” (Read Matthew 24:45-47.)
    We understood that the “arriving” mentioned
    in verse 46 was linked to the time
    when Jesus came to inspect the spiritual
    condition of the anointed in 1918 and
    that the appointment of the slave over
    all the Master’s belongings occurred in
    1919. (Mal. 3:1)

    Not just 'stated' but asserted repeatedly and most dogmatically for 85 years. E.g.,

    w85 2/1 p. 21 par. 12 Act Promptly Upon the “Sign”!

    Historical facts answer Jesus’ question about the identity of this “slave.” “The congregation” that serves as the “slave” is made up of his God-given “brothers” still on earth. It is the same as the ‘discreet virgin’ class. Since 1919 this “slave” has been outstanding in serving fresh spiritual food from the Bible to the “domestics” of the Master’s household, doing so at a time most “proper” for it. Hence, the invisible Master has appointed this dependable “slave” class “over all his belongings” of a spiritual kind.

    And who could forget the self-congratulatory 2004 article (w04 3/1), "The Faithful Slave Passes the Test!"? It included,

    [Box on page 16]


    In Matthew chapters 24 and 25, Jesus is said to “come” in different senses. He does not need to move physically in order to “come.” Rather, he “comes” in the sense of turning his attention to mankind or to his followers, often for judgment. Thus, in 1914 he “came” to begin his presence as enthroned King. (Matthew 16:28; 17:1; Acts 1:11) In 1918 he “came” as messenger of the covenant and began judging those claiming to serve Jehovah. (Malachi 3:1-3; 1 Peter 4:17) At Armageddon, he will “come” to execute judgment on Jehovah’s enemies.—Revelation 19:11-16.

    The coming (or, arriving) referred to a number of times at Matthew 24:29-44 and 25:31-46 is at “the great tribulation.” (Revelation 7:14) On the other hand, the coming referred to a number of times at Matthew 24:45 to 25:30 has to do with his judging professed disciples from 1918 onward. It would not be reasonable to say, for example, that the rewarding of the faithful slave, the judgment of the foolish virgins, and the judgment of the sluggish slave, who hid the Master’s talent, will take place when Jesus “comes” at the great tribulation. That would imply that many of the anointed will be found unfaithful at that time and will thus have to be replaced. However, Revelation 7:3 indicates that all of Christ’s anointed slaves will have been permanently “sealed” by that time.

    The thought of the 'faithful slave' being rewarded in the future is an unreasonable one, they say. Also we mustn't forget this:


    There are many reasons to have complete trust in the slave class. First and foremost, Jesus has appointed them over all his precious "belongings." This is a clear indication that he has complete trust in them.

    - p. 18, Organized to Do Jehovah's Will (2005) [italics in the original]

    Par. 19 - Finally, we examined why Jesus’
    arrival to appoint the faithful slave
    over all his belongings did not occur in
    1919 but will take place during the great

    All the boasting about how trustworthy and dependable the 'slave' is because they passed the test and were promoted; how the historical facts and Scripture support this conclusion and answer the question about the 'slave's' true identity; it has all just been a total sham.

  • Sapphy

    This is a good analysis AnnOMaly, thankyou. The more they try to clarify this doctrine the more questions they produce:

    If Jesus hasn't appointed the FDS/GB over 'all his belongings' then:

    a) why should they be demanding obedience in everything now?

    b) does this mean Jesus has other 'belongings' that aren't part of the WT society? If he has 'other belongings' why on earth sould anyone bother living the dreary drudge that is the life of a JW?

    Pg14 pp17 says "...

    All faithful anointed ones who are still on earth after the initial part of the great tribulation has passed will already have received their final sealing. Then, as indicated in Jesus’ prophecy about the great tribulation, they will be gathered to heaven..."

    And with that short sentence the WT joins the churches who believe in the rapture, seemingly joining the pre-wrath or possibly the post-trib brigade.

    One contradiction in the magazine I am particularly enjoying is this one:

    pg6 pp11 says

    “When the Son of man arrives in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit down on his glorious throne.” It was noted that Jesus became King of God’s Kingdom in 1914, but he did not “sit down on his glorious throne” as Judge of “all the nations.”

    pg19 pp17 from the same magazine says:

    "As we learned in the preceding article, the harvest season began in 1914. In that year, a number of important developments began to unfold. Jesus was enthroned as King, and the last days began..."

    So in 1914 Jesus became King and was 'enthroned' but did not sit on his throne.

    Maybe he stood on it? A perching kind of enthronement?

    Sit down, stand up, strut your funky stuff heyzeus.

  • AnnOMaly

    I hadn't spotted that one, Sapphy. There's so much to go at. I guess that, just as Jesus comes/arrives at different times even though he's already returned and been present for ages, Jesus sits on his throne at different times even though he's already been enthroned for ages.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    The box on page 24 uses a quote from a scholar in "apostate Christendom" as its solitary "proof" that Jesus was only speaking hypothetically about an evil slave.

    "Jesus warned about an evil slave who concludes in his heart that the master is delaying and who starts to beat his fellow slaves. When the master arrives, said Jesus, he will punish that evil slave “with the greatest severity.”—ReadMatthew 24:48-51. Was Jesus foretelling that there would be an evil slave class in the last days? No."

    On that basis, we can rip out the above Scriptures from our Bibles, which read -

    “But if ever that evil slave should say in his heart, ‘My master is delaying,’ and should start to beat his fellow slaves and should eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards, the master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know, and will punish him with the greatest severity and will assign him his part with the hypocrites. There is where [his] weeping and the gnashing of [his] teeth will be."

    Everything said here must also be hypothetical, therefore Jesus wasted a lot of breath warning his followers about something which was essentially a figment of his imagination, and would never happen!

    Isn't it comforting to know that the good slave is real, but the evil slave is just an illusion? How could dumpkopfs such as us ever understand Bible truths like this without the insight of the "inspired" writing committee?

    "And from among you yourselves, men will rise and speak twisted things, to draw away the disciples after themselves."

  • Sapphy

    Yep, it seems he turned up in 1914, disappeared in 1919, while remaining present up until now, and *soon* he will return again to endorse all the decisions the governing body has made since he appointed them in 1919. Although he didn't get around to creating them until the 70's, and didn't tell them he had appointed them until last october.

    Congratulations. If you actually believe that you probably qualify to be on the the governing body.

  • prologos

    yeah, he had to disappear leave in 1919, because all the parallel illustrations have the master logically pass on the baton to his slaves when he leaves to receive kingship.

    so what kingship did he receive after 1919 that he did not already have since Pentecost Col.1:13 (kingdom of light of the son's love) and 1914 ?

  • Dagney

    People should prop get screen prints of the the discrepancy. I bet they change the online version as soon as they notice it.

    Goes to show the writers are just putting out s**t.

  • Apognophos

    Jesus didn't disappear, he just took a break between inspections of the F&DS to, uh, do stuff.

    Seriously, Sapphy's post is classic. It sums up most of the insanity very well.

  • AnnOMaly

    Thanks for your comments everyone. Good points.

    It continues to stun me that JWs (I was included) are still being asked to believe that the holy spirit keeps 'God's people' in the dark for so long, allowing them to be blissfully unaware they are way off track regarding historically/prophetically important events which are vital, not only for 'God's people' but for all mankind to know about, not putting them straight for years, for DECADES.

    Looking at it from within the JW paradigm, we have a situation whereby Jesus makes one of THE most momentous decisions in history: in 1919 he chooses and appoints a responsible slave to feed his household of faith in these last days ... only he doesn't tell them. Ever since that time, 'God's people' have been absolutely certain,

    - that 'faithful and discreet slave' was Russell and he was made 'ruler over all the Master's goods' (1919-1927);

    - that 'slave' wasn't Russell after all; it was a collective 'anointed class' from 33 CE, whose modern-day remnant of 'Christ's brothers' was associated with the Watch Tower Society and, having been found already faithfully and discreetly feeding the household of faith in 1919, was promoted and made collective 'ruler over all the Master's goods' (1927-2012).

    After the best part of a century where BSs/JWs have got it all wrong, the holy spirit FINALLY in 2012/13 directs 'God's people' to the 'truth':

    - there was never a 'faithful and discreet slave' class existing from 33 CE;

    - they had not been found to have been performing their duties faithfully and discreetly in order to be promoted and granted authority over all the Master's goods in 1919, but were only first appointed to feed the household then;

    - the 'faithful and discreet slave' class doesn't include the thousands of 'anointed brothers of Christ' world-wide, but is only the top leadership at HQ.

    The questions for thinking JWs have to be,

    Why did it take so long for God's spirit to correct these fundamental errors on something so important as the 'slave's' true identity?

    Why allow His people to believe the 'slave' held an elevated status when no such status had been granted?

    Does the assumption of having an elevated status and banging on about it fit with the characteristics of discretion or prudence?

    Can we trust that this new understanding is the truth now ... or not?

    Naturally, these questions can prompt more disturbing ones, e.g. have we been had all this time?

  • Apognophos

    Yep, excellent summary. This should be serious food for thought for any believing JW, but as I think back to when I was a believer, I honestly think I would have written this off as a tedious scholarly matter of minor details rather than seeing how deep the underlying implications are in this adjustment.

    That being said, I'm interested in attending the next few Sunday meetings to see how the congregation seems to feel about these adjustments. It might very well be a waste of my time as everyone repeats the paragraph material robotically... but I'm not so sure. We have a couple old-timers in the congregation who are usually up for reminding people about what we used to believe and how much things have changed in their lifetime. Already there's been one joke from an elder on the platform to the effect that that the next study article is going to be confusing.

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