What Did Jesus Ask US To Preach About?

by Perry 51 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • tec
    WHy would God give so much to the Israelites simply because of Abraham ? Does it make sense for a father to be so biased to one child and forget th eothers ? Or is this just bullshit dreams of a two bit nation ?
    I mean the claim that Israel is the promised land is also pathetic. its not, even today its a dry terrible place, hardly better than europe for example which is much greener, and has more water. This lack of geographic knowledge shows the authors didnt really know what a prpmised land would look like.

    I think this is another thread, mP, and I think I even responded to something like this from you on anther thread recently.

    Really ? So why did the apostles judge that gentiles couldnt receive the message ?

    Because that is what they had been formerly taught... and did not know better until Christ taught Peter otherwise. They did not SEE, until Christ showed Peter. (though Paul learned that from Christ as well, and perhaps others did too... we just have that account of Him teaching Peter, who did NOT know)

    Why did Jesus say he came too only preach to the jews ? Is that not judging an audience based on race ? Isnt that sad ?

    He did not say that. He said He came for the lost sheep of Israel. The Jews only make up one portion (two - Judah and Benjamin); there are still ten other tribes. In any case, He came to them FIRST... then after being rejected, the invitation to become kings and priests with Christ opened to ANYONE who would hear and accept that call. Remember who it was who taught Peter to go to the Gentiles, that God does NOT show favoritism, that the invitation is open to ALL with the faith to hear and accept. But we have had this conversation many times, mP. No need to get drawn into it again, is there? Peace, tammy

  • designs

    tec- trust me you are growing older and will die like every other human that has ever lived, it ain't fun but it is reality. Old Judge Rutherford tried to pull that notion of not dying and got many hooked but they all died.

  • mP
    MP:Really ? So why did the apostles judge that gentiles couldnt receive the message ?


    Because that is what they had been formerly taught... and did not know better until Christ taught Peter otherwise. They did not SEE, until Christ showed Peter. (though Paul learned that from Christ as well, and perhaps others did too... we just have that account of Him teaching Peter, who did NOT know)


    Thats right jesus taught them to continue their racist ways. How sad, good to see you acknoweldge this.

    How could the apostles get this so wrong ? Is it not stupid to have the 12 assigned to only jews and only Paul stumbles onto this new idea ?

    What scirpture says Peter preached to the gentiles ? there is none your making that up.

  • tec

    I am speaking of the spirit, not the flesh, Designs.

    This flesh dies.

    (though for those who are alive when Christ returns, and who belong to Him, they will be transformed and will not die... but that day and hour is not known by me)



  • mP


    He did not say that. He said He came for the lost sheep of Israel. The Jews only make up one portion (two - Judah and Benjamin); there are still ten other tribes. In any case, He came to them FIRST... then after being rejected, the invitation to become kings and priests with Christ opened to ANYONE who would hear and accept that call.

    mP: SOunds a lot like the racial superiority doctrine of the nazis. Didnt they also think they were selected to be kings over all other lesser peoples ? The sad thing is they werent superior and they lost their war as well, but in both cases a lot of innocent people died.

  • mP


    ut we have had this conversation many times, mP. No need to get drawn into it again, is there? Peace, tammy mP: So why do you continue to say Jesus loves us all when the examples in the bible are clearly quite different ?

  • tec
    Thats right jesus taught them to continue their racist ways. How sad, good to see you acknoweldge this.

    He didn't teach that... and I did not acknowledge it.

    What scirpture says Peter preached to the gentiles ? there is none your making that up.

    All of Acts 10, and it continues to Acts 11: 1-18



  • designs

    John 6:53 'Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves'. I mean let's get down to it, this is where (Jesus) Jehoshua ben Joseph shows he goes off the rails.

  • tec

    WEll, that is where many of his disciples left off, not understanding that He spoke of the spiritual, and not having the faith to remain with Him or even ask for understanding.



  • designs

    1 billion Catholics and some of the Protestant denominations teach this literally occurs in the mouth.

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