ANOINTED Jehovah Witness has no doubt,

by lotus 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • lotus

    Hello, I am new to this website, but have to be straightforward and say that I do not agree with most subjects and contents. I am an ACTIVE Jehovah Witness, but I am very lonely so I am looking for others with the "HOPE" or to speak to those that know someone that does. It has been a long , hard road for me.
    I have studied for over ten years, but something did not feel right, and nothing "clicked." I knew it was a personal problem because who wouldn't be happy about learning about a paradise earth Pslam 37:29 where righteous people will live, and about a perfect heavenly government that will rule over mankind. Daniel 2:44.
    But it was at a memorial before my baptism that my life changed. I saw a sister in her 40's partake, and was astounded. I thought there were hardly anymore heavenly hopes, and she wasn't very old. She was and active and good sister. I finally realized that I never had the earthly hope. Romans 8:15 touched my heart, God's spirit bore witness with mine, and I became a partaker after I was sure to be baptized and active in service. This verse gave me strength "indeed, who is the man that will harm you if you become zealous for what is good?" 1 Peter 3:13
    I was in for something special, because my cong. has been so loving and supportive, the elders have been so good to me. So in respect I became "zealous for what is good" being active in service and helping the "faithful and discreet slave" Matthew 24:45, I guess I am a "domestic", accomplishing the ministry in my home terrritory though I would like to work at Bethel one day. I try to love the "great crowd", "the belongings" verse 47 and support them.
    It is hard being a "young anointed" but take comfort from this verse, "but God chose the foolish things of the world...the weak things..the ignoble things...the things that are order that no flesh may boast in the sight of God." 1 Cor 1-27-29 So I try to have faith and hope.
    I am sure that I won't be using the chat much because of certain ones and certain attitudes that I think are wrong and improper and disrespectful that are in your memberships of this particular site. We must remember that we are here to accomplish Mattthew 24:14 and not live selfish lives which take offense, because "offense rests in the bosom of the stupid ones" No-one is perfect and no-body is "good, only God" Mark 10:18, "all have fallen short," we must keep in mind Galatians 5:22 about "love" and "longsuffering" The Governing Body has to guide 7 million people, and we all have to preach to 6 billion and that is hard work.
    I am looking forward to your post, comments and e-mail. [email protected] I cannot talk to disfellowshipped ones please. But look forward to hearing from the rest of you all, who have the "HEAVENLY HOPE" and those that know a brother or sister that do, or other commments. Thanks. May Jehovah give you strength and zeal in the ministry! Lotus

  • Fredhall


    I would not worry about that sister. Just worry about your own salvation.

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    7,000,000 JW's???
    New light! New light!

    By the way, hello lotus.

  • Xenu

    May the Elohim, the perfect and true, bless your road to the presence of Yeshua

  • blindfool

    Welcome lotus,
    Hope you find what your looking for.

  • spender
    But it was at a memorial before my baptism that my life changed. I saw a sister in her 40's partake, and was astounded. I thought there were hardly anymore heavenly hopes, and she wasn't very old. She was and active and good sister. I finaly realized that I never had the earthly hope.

    Mommy, sister mary elephant is of the anointed, can I be one too???

    lotus: are you aware of the high improbability that you are actually of the "anointed" (if there is such a thing)? I think you have a better chance of being struck by lightning 5 times. Are you aware of how many people there are today claiming to be of the "anointed"? I know of two in one hall alone, both around their 50s, and both of them have mental problems.

  • Liberty

    Hi Lotus,

    I am not DFed or DAed so you can talk to me. However, I am confused as to why you would post on this site in the first place? The Watchtower Society does not want you to be exposed to the evidence presented here even if you have no doubts. They cannot afford to have their members see uncontrolled information or to have freedom of speech because the objective evidence against them is so overwhelming.

    I am glad you are here but I wonder if you are a real JW since most of them will not risk being here unless they are full of doubt in the first place. In any case, I will be happy to answer any questions or debate any issues you wish. I love to find real truth so please do your best to convince me that I am wrong. I am ready to be convinced by fair and friendly dialogue along with your evidence.

    Welcome and enjoy the freedom we share here.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi Lotus,

    I am not DFed or DAed so you can talk to me too. If I was DFd or DAd I might use theocratic strategy to confuse you. Good thing I'm not.

    Yeah, God's got a jones for the bottom of the barrel - must be good for your self-esteem.

    I believe that Jehovah is a sock puppet operated by the WTS and that your heavenly hope is a delusion, but hey! if it makes you happy...

    As a member of the spirit filled annointed remnant, you don't seem a very courageoous soldier of Jah. Are you sure you got the same full-strength Holy Spirit as J.F. Rutherford did? I think his brand was Wild Turkey 101...

    As a member of this super special group, I'll bet Brooklyn is in constant telepathic communication with you... Oh, theyre NOT? I guess some annointed are more annointed than others - you're just a CONSUMER of WTS dogma; whatever they say is okey-dokey with you. After all, you're a woman, and what Paul said about "neither male or female" doesn't mean you can't be disregarded in the congregation.

    Did ALL you HOLY FOLKS get UN library cards, or was that just something special for the Wild Beastie Boys on the Governing Body?

    Yeah, be afraid, be very afraid. I DO hope nothing I said was offensive or disrespectful of a person in such a holy freakin' special position.

    Rock on, Lotus!

    Expose! EXPOSE! EXPOSE the "king" and his "kingdom"!
    - Nathan Natas, UADNA
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America)

  • Xander

    Does Lotus = teh mavman?

    Xander F
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana

  • AjaxMan
    The Governing Body has to guide 7 million people, and we all have to preach to 6 billion and that is hard work.

    Yep, it is hard work and not all the 6 billion people will accept WTS doctrines. I know I won't accept WTS doctrines because they're so full of it.

    Also, since you are in this forum and from the sound of you, you have doubts about the Borg.

    So, have fun preaching to people in something that you have doubts.

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