by The Searcher 60 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wasblind

    Thank you Searcher

    And all the things reversed were claimed to be from Jehovah

    " Thus what is taught is not from men but from Jehovah "___Sept 15. 2010 WT para. 8 page 13


  • besty

    @The Searcher

    it would be helpful to post the individual quotes from the July 15 2013 Watchtower

  • SloppyJoe

    As someone who goes to the meetings still very regularly, there will really be no repercussions for changing these teachings. The WTBTS is a different organization from 20 years ago. Most witnesses were born in or have come in within the last 20 years have no idea about failed predictions and changed doctrines about a "generation". They are a group of people who come to the meetings, go out and service and live on with their life. I have talked to a few people about this upcoming watchtower and so far NO ONE and I mean NO ONE even knew what the teachings were before this watchtower was printed. So it will probably end up being a boring couple weeks of watchtower study for them as they will day dream not understanding what is really even being said or changed. If anyone still has to go to meetings like I do, you can already pick out who the people will be that answer over and over when these are studied on a sunday. A few elders, a couple of die hard know the truth through and through and LOVE when there is an adjustment. Business as usual.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    It's bad enough when WT says some Bible texts are literal and others are figurative. It is incomprehensible when it says that elements within the same parable are literal and figurative.

    "faithful and discreet slave" = literal

    "evil slave" = figurative.

    Cherry-picking at it's finest.

    Of course, the reason for this tactic is obvious. A literal "faithful slave" bolsters the GB's monarchical authority. Acknowledging that the "evil slave" could also be literal opens up the possibility that the GB itself could be that evil slave since they are in the same household.

    Note that it is the "evil slave" that sets false expectations (i.e. end-time dates) as to the Master's return, and when that doesn't occur on the evil slave's timetable (i.e. false prophecy), he then begins to beat his fellow slaves.

    It's no mystery why the GB does not want a literal interpretation attached to that aspect of the parable.

  • Atlantis

    (Credit goes to The Searcher) .

    1. The Great Tribulation started in 1914 & ended in 1918 - Page 3, par 3.. . . 2. The judging of the sheep and goats began in 1914 - Page 6, par 10 . . . 3. Those who die before the Great Tribulation and have rejected the Kingdom message will not be resurrected. . . . 4. Russell promised for decades that all the anointed were going to heaven in 1914 Page 12 par 8. . . . 5. Babylon the Great (world empire of false religion) fell in 1919 - Page 12, par 11 . . . 6. The Faithful & Discreet Slave was appointed at Pentecost 33 C.E. Page 20, par 3 . . . 7. The 'domestics' are only the anointed - Page 23, par 13 . . . 8. There is an 'evil slave class' - Box on Page 24 * . . . 9. Jesus appointed the FDS over all his belongings in 1919 - Page 24, pars 15,16 . See scan above pars. 15-16 . * It's noteworthy that the WTBTS uses a quote from one of apostate Christendom's Bible Scholars, to justify their new teaching that there is no such thing as "an evil slave class". (See the NET Bible online - Matt. 24:48 footnote) . See par. 4 in scan above in box which states: "Notice that Jesus introducesthe warning with the words “ifever.” One scholar says that in the Greek text, this passage “for all practical purposes is a hypotheticalcondition.” . . Atlantis

  • Bobcat

    Notice how all the old ideas begin with something like "we used to believe . . ."

    When, in fact, all these ideas were dictated by the WT, for all readers to accept without question.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    The Watchtower, September 15, 1989 Issue, Page 23:

    "In the world, there is a tendency to reject leadership. As one lecturer said: 'The rising education level has improved the talent pool such that followers have become so critical that they are almost impossible to lead.' But a spirit of independent thinking does not prevail in God's organization, and we have sound reasons for confidence in the men taking the lead among us."

    Watchtower, August 1, 1980 Issue, Page 19:

    Thus, the one who doubts to the point of becoming an apostate sets himself up as a judge. He thinks he knows better than his fellow Christians, better also than the 'faithful and discreet slave,' through whom he has learned the best part, if not all that he knows about Jehovah God and his purposes.

    God seems confused, as it took him over 100 years to correct major errors in WT theology:

    Wt 59 09/1 p 530

    "The voice of Jehovah speaks to us today through his organization, giving us correction and instruction in righteousness and in active ministerial service. "

    Wt 07 2/1 p24

    . "And as was true of Noah, our success depends on obedience. We must obediently follow the direction Jehovah provides through his Word and his organization"

    Wt 98 7/15 p14

    "How happy we are that Jehovah is still speaking to us today, through his Word and his organization! "

    The Watchtower, March 15, 1986 Issue, Page 17:

    Beware of those who try to put forward their own contrary opinions.

    (Logically, this would apply equally to the WT, as it publishes "contrary opinions" against itself)

  • Splash

    Am I correct in thinking there's another reversal:

    • WT 07 1/1 said the 1st resurrection began between 1914-1935 and some resurrected ones are communicating truths to the GB. The new teaching is that this resurrection will not occur until they are judged and appointed over all his belongings in the future.



  • Splash

    Also, I don't see here mention of CT Russell being the John the Baptiser class. That's new too.


  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    I think if anyone has any doubts pushed to the back of their mind this watchtower will either pull them in deeper and comfort them or it wake them up completely but I don't think it will be ignored except by those who are comfortable in their cult.

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