Remarkably stupid point in this week's Jeremiah book study - Jehovah's loving kindness

by sir82 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82
    And then promptly forgets

    Yeah, but he doesn't lose his patience! That's big.

  • LongHairGal


    Their logic on this topic always made me physically ill. The whole concept of the JW religion is that we are supposed to be masochists and "like" suffering.

    When we want relief, we are "bothering" Jehovah and showing ingratitude.

    Is it any wonder I want nothing to do with religion?

  • Xanthippe

    Similar to my experience LHG, I remember telling an elder that I felt that prayer was depressing because you are supposed to 'open your heart' to God. Yeah my heart was pretty miserable back then. He said that I should talk to Jehovah about positive things!

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Thanx Billy the X, I had never seen Mr. Deity before. lol

    The Watchtower Corporation have intelligent writers. It takes real brilliance to figure out how to write something that you know will screw with people's minds.

    How does the opening paragraph from the Jeremiah book, make sense to anyone? It doesn't.

    It just screws with your head. Mission accomplished.

    Just Lois

  • Smoky

    ...god doesn't lose his patience...hmm

    i imagine if he did, it would be something like Jim Carey im God Almighty. Reply yes to all prayer emails, and i win the lottery.

  • Smoky

    bruce almighty

  • HowTheBibleWasInvented

    The dreaded Jeremiah Book. The worst write up on this 7-6th century prophet and his (3 times edited) book.

    Jehovah is not a god of loving-kindness in any chapter of Jeremiah. Neither for that Matter is Jeremiah but seemed to be the whiniest and most idiotic of the Judean prophets at the time.

    We owe this book to Baruch the scribe actually and if you look behind the scenes....

    1. Jeremiah is given a huge release along with Baruch

    2. Political uprest (by an idiot called Ismael) causes many Judeans, including Jeremiah and Baruch to flee to Egypt

    3. Jeremiah preaches hate to them in Egypt and suddenly his words end (Killed or Jailed maybe?)

    4. Baruch in secret reconstucts Jeremiah's oracles along with his own notes.

    5. After the exile the book of Jeremiah is arranged in topical order and this screwed up again

    <<<<<<<<<<< Where is Jehovah's loving-kindness?

    Oh yeah I forgot to mention Jerwemiah preached hate and vengence being feed just fine by his priestly family (or in prison) while many he was preaching to were starving so much they ate their children! A loving man indeed ... ugh

  • Mary
    Jehovah takes note of all sincere prayers, but he pays special attention when his dedicated servants pray to him.

    In other words, unless you're a baptized, actively-reporting-your-time-at-the-end-of-each-month-Witless, Jehovah doesn't give a crap about your prayers and won't answer them.

    Kinda reminds me of their brain-dead theory that Christians that died in the arenas past the end of the first century CE, were not really 'true Christians' because that would screw up up their whole 144,000 doctrine.


  • mP


    Oh yeah I forgot to mention Jerwemiah preached hate and vengence being feed just fine by his priestly family (or in prison) while many he was preaching to were starving so much they ate their children! A loving man indeed ... ugh


    All the jewish prphets were aresholes. They only wanted the people to supply them with sacrifices sorry free food and donations to maintain their lifestyle.

    We have an entire book about priests rights, benefits and absolute nothing against slavery, womens rights, or other cruelties like pedophilia.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I have not laughed so hard in many years from the very title of your post. It is so funny. I've been away for so many decades but nothing is funnier than Jehovah's loving kindness. I can travel far, go up and down society but no where can I laugh so hard about Jehovah and loving kindness. Friends cannot begin to comprehend. They might study and beconme professors in Jehovah's Witnesses but only a born in knows about Jehovah and loving kindness.

    Many forum members should get jobs working for Jay Leno, DaVid Letterman, Jimmy Fallon, etc.

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