100 things I learned from watching "The Prodigal Son" DVD

by Perversion of a truth 84 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    So out of touch...

    Would normal parents not be happy and proud of their son for getting a real job instead of accepting a job from daddy, moving to the city on his own and meeting a pretty girl? That should make any parents proud. Every problem this kid has is cause by his JW brainwashed upbringing.

    I can sort of relate.. Not to the same degree, but after moving out of ma parents' house at 20 life hit me like a speeding bus. I trusted too much, had no idea how to handle money or people. It took me years to learn lessons that were kept from me with my sheltered JW upbringing.

    This thread is true, though. The thoughts it tries to convey are clearly written by a group of extremely disconnected, sheltered people.

    What a joke.

  • sd-7
    I trusted too much, had no idea how to handle money or people. It took me years to learn lessons that were kept from me with my sheltered JW upbringing.

    Definitely know that feeling. Still got plenty to learn there...a real shame to have lost most of my 20s without having learned those lessons.

    I couldn't help thinking that our dark hero, the Prodigal, kinda looks like who they'd cast if they wanted to do a young Will Ferrell. Is that just me?


  • Perversion of a truth
    Perversion of a truth

    I think they are playing on the fear of the unknown and the ignorant. The ignorant as in how sd-7 described it, that nobody with no experience could just go get a job like that... ricockulous. And the fear of the unknown at the same time because don't go out into the world and try to advance yourself cause look at what happens... def a cult...sad.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Pioneer savings fund at the age of 21? Hell, he should've already been pioneering since he dropped out of school at the age of 15.

    I havent seen this movie nor will I ever as it will probably make my blood boil, but from what I've heard here it seems to promote the message that parents should be financially supporting their 20 something kids so they can pioneer. Ok, my parents allowed me to live rent free at home while I was at uni until I moved out in my 5th year at 23, but my non Jw parents were in a position to. How many jws though, with jobs as cleaners or shop assistants can afford to support their 20something kids? Would not that expectation burden poorer Jw families? Does it not create a situation where adult kids have no life skills? Mind you, in my observations it seems to be an American cultural thing as my non Jw American in-laws are still supported, in their 30's, by non Jw American mum sorry mom and so are their friends and partners.

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam


    I just watched it and when once your eyes have been opened you can laugh at how utterly ridiculous this film is.

    My teenager heard a short portion from the other room and thought it was an SNL spoof of a JW life. I had to show her it was legitimate.

    I think it's worth watching just to recognize the logical fallacies and cognitive dissonance in action. My daughter is going to watch it this weekend when I'm out of town and then we are going to point out the logical fallacies (still learning :)

  • label licker
    label licker

    Expensive property, expensive vehicle, all those tools and the workshop, hey you can have it all and the whole family can still pioneer. My, where do they find the time to still cook, clean, cut the grass, study, service, blah, blah, blah blah, Just another fairytale in jwbs land.

  • rubbeng


  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    An avatar with a big staring eye..how original.

  • Perversion of a truth
    Perversion of a truth
    An avatar with a big staring eye..how original.

    Thank you. It is original because it is my eye.

  • rubbeng

    38). Those who repent come home at night.

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