Do beleivers have a problem with GODS silence in this technological/communication age ? and if not why not ? ?

by smiddy 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • smiddy

    Why would the creator of the universe ,according to the bible ,converse ,either by angels,prophets,or in one or two occassions personally with humans centuries ago , and lets face it they are nowhere near as educated and enlightened as the present generation , and not communicate with the present generation.? Shoudnt their be more reason for him to communicate with his creation today than ever before ? And using the excuse that Jesus life and experiences does not cover it.Jesus never wrote anything down.The scriptures themselves say everything he said could not be recorded because it would fill volumes ??? excuse me ? Have you been to a library lately ? So obviously what other things he did have to say was of no consequence for future generations. If he was such a great person/prohet/messiah/ why wasn`t everything he said and did during his last 3 years of his life recorded ? or for that matter his whole life ? from birth till his death? if he was such a great person/logos/michael/messiah


  • tec

    He (Christ) STILL teaches today.

    God is not silent. He speaks... through His Son... who is the Spirit, who is alive, and who does teach and speak. (My sheep hear my voice)

    So, I guess the answer to your first question is that He does communicate with the present generation. Everything Christ did and taught while in the flesh did not have to be written down, because the Spirit teaches. Christ is recorded to have said that He had more to tell his apostles, more than they could yet bear.

    Writings and scripture point the way TO Christ, but they are NOT Christ, Himself. To know Him (rather than know about Him), we must go TO Him.



  • Fernando

    Good question.

    I believe, according to my personal experience, that God speaks to all of us all the time.

    Passively through the wonder of his creation, and via our 5 senses.

    Actively and directly to our human spirit - discerned via our 6th and higher senses (superconsciousness).

    The higher our "transpersonal intelligence" the better we are able to discern his "voice" and learn from what he is saying.

    A sincere and relentless pursuit of the "unabridged gospel" of grace leads to improved "transpersonal intelligence". There is nothing the "ruling religious clergy class" secretly hates and fears more (as evidenced by "Franzgate 1980").

    (Why does the "true religion" secretly blind its followers to the "Good News" according to Paul, Moses, Isaiah and Psalms?)

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    "God is not silent. He speaks... through His Son... who is the Spirit, who is alive, and who does teach and speak. (My sheep hear my voice)"

    Balderdash. Sheer mysticism and wishful thinking. If Jesus is speaking and teaching through the holy spirit, why doesn't he help all the starving babies and children, or do something to stop all the disease and terrible suffering. Prayer and giving of holy spirit is INTERVENTION in humans lives, and if Jesus can't intervene to stop suffering and evil then he can't intervene to help smug Christians in their self-righteous prayers.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Thinking about that subject today, I do not understand why we have been in the longest period of time without God speaking to humanity. The time period from Adam to Enoch to Noah, God spoke to each of them and the Earth was considered wicked and corrupted. Why can't he let us know, are we prone to make the same mistakes as Isreal made when they were delivered from slavery and bondage? I feel like we are in uncharted time, everyone has been fooled over the last two thousand years trying to figure out when Jesus would return. The Watchtower must feel utterly lost and disheartened with the sheer volume of years that have come and gone. Sir Isaac Newton went insane it's said trying to figure out when Jesus would return to the Earth, he thought God had silent too long and wanted Jesus to return so we could hear from our Father who created us.

    God speaking to Abraham and Melchezdick the king-priest, the time frame is not as long as the "Silent Period' from Malachi to Mark, what's that? I think it's about 400 years. The same amount of time God went silent from Joseph in Egypt to the Jews delivery, that's about 400 years.

    Time passes and the book say's the "Word of Jehovah had become scarce during the period of Josiah", I don't think Four Hundred years passed by during this period of time, if the "Word of Jehovah was scarce" over the period of the wicked acting Kings of Isreal and Judah, what do you call our Two Thousand years of silence? We have technology to see how advanced the human body is, the DNA and human body are complicated beyond our current understanding. We have his word with Creation, the understanding of the correct placement of the Earth and all the other planets and I can keep going. I wish we had more information from Jehovah but I am a tiny human being trying to grasp the Eternal Father who created Space, Time and according to some theorhetical physicist, "Ten Dimensions" and a "Multi-verse.

  • Qcmbr

    Gods of all kinds continue to chatter in the brains of certain people. They are so impressed by themselves and their subjective experiences that they cannot step back and see that these internal discourses never exceed their own intellect , never introduce actual novel knowledge ( useable, testable and worth adding to the human canon of information) and oddly enough always agree with the core aspirations and ideals of the believer ( this is why 'divine communication' feels so right, it is the expression of that which is already, deep down , decided upon and is now bubbling up to the conscious level.)

    Any believer has a perfect opportunity, every day, on this forum to correct these assertions simply by providing some revealed information that is factually correct, generally useful and exceeds the intellect of the revealer ( for example a novel cure for dementia not involving magic rituals such as prayer or a revealed list of the next 5 scale 7 earthquake epicentres.) What we find instead is snake oil where unctuous believers use as much sophistication as possible to create wiggle room for the simple possibility of them being right. Using rigorous, critical, skeptical standards they decry and attempt to dismiss facts and non-magical explanations for their observed phenomenon and then apply to themselves and their personal god the widest possible latitude and scope for interpretation and meaning.

    Then they try and convert you.

  • tec

    The 'problem of evil' is probably another thread, and I know that we have more than a few of those around. This life will have all of those problems -sickness, disease, cruelty from man to his fellow man, death, etc. Believers and non-believers live in this world with such thigns.

    This thread is about communication though, and that is not the same as prayer. Just because sin and death and evil exist... does not mean that Christ and God cannot communicate: to guide, to teach, to speak the truth, to warn (all the things that Christ said would be done).



  • Fernando

    As Tammy said, evil and suffering are probably topics for another thread.

    They deeply affect and concern all, including believers.

    I am over it, and do pray for an end to it.

    However I keep being reminded that God has already played his ultimate trump card in the form of the "unabridged gospel" of grace, which we largely persist in ignoring, sometimes pursuing the worst of all alternatives instead, namely religion.

    The "unabridged gospel" of grace, is both a map and a medicine. It is a clearly defined and detailed pathway out of the mess we find ourselves in on so many fronts. God merely invites, and does not force us to investigate the map, as an alternative (especially to religion).

    We, as custodians and gatekeepers, of the physical realm, can expect dramatic changes to be precipitated when the majority voluntarily choose to find, understand and follow this map hidden in plain sight in scripture. It seems that this may also be what Matthew 23:39 is trying to convey.

    Although hard to face up to, it does seem as if the question: "why does God permit evil and suffering" is incorrect.

    It seems we should instead ask: "why do we permit evil and suffering, by ignoring God's ultimate solution/message/letter/map/medicine, in the protracted legal custody battle, between our heavenly father and our evil stepfather Satan (the god of religion)?"

    (Why does the "true religion" secretly blind its followers to the "Good News" according to Paul, Moses, Isaiah and Psalms?)

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    What's the difference between your beliefs Qcmr and Spontaneous generation when it comes to how life evolved on earth?

    "spontaneous generation, the hypothetical process by which living organisms develop from nonliving matter; also, the archaic theory that utilized this process to explain the origin of life. According to this theory, pieces of cheese and bread wrapped in rags and left in a dark corner, for example, were thus thought to produce mice, because after several weeks there were mice in the rags. Many believed in spontaneous generation because it explained such occurrences as the appearance of maggots on decaying meat."

    It's much easier to belive in things that go against everything we see and observe on a daily basis. Aldus Huxley put it adroitly when he said that he felt the reason why evolution and atheist were so popular was it allowed everyone to do what they wanted to do without any type of retribution or accounting of sorts in the End.

    "Shortly after Darwin published On the Origin of Species in 1859, Pasteur began to challenge the idea of spontaneous generation-the foundation of the evolutionary view on the origin of life. Pasteur's simple, but elegant swan-necked flask experiments not only put to rest the organic life-from-non-life idea, but also set the foundation for the law of biogenesis: life only comes from life. The genesis of germs in hospital patients were the result of microbes having parents, not a result of spontaneous generation. This revolutionary idea would have application in many areas of medicine. It forms the basis of sterilization, asepsis in surgery, and the germ theory of disease."

    Can you give me some kind of idea how totally blind and random, cold and cruel forces of the Universe going against our personal everyday experiences of how we see things created, began to create the Universe, the Laws of Physics, the great planet we live and and all the life we experience everyday? Your account seems much better than a magic God, telling us that everything came from ??? What did it come from and how?

  • punkofnice

    I no longer believe therefore I have no problem with the silence. It just adds to proof that god isn't there.

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