Design or Non-Design, finally we know, Darwin's Doubt

by QC 371 Replies latest jw friends

  • EntirelyPossible

    Hmmm....The God Delusion reached #4 on the NYT Best Seller list and stayed on it for 51 weeks. Science beating ignorance yet again!

  • FlyingHighNow

    EP, again you appear on a thread trying to create arguments where there is none. There are opinions and there are claims. Please learn the difference. As for a void of nothingness,try to wrap your mind around the concept. And reread my opinion which was a comment in response to Billy's mistaken idea that God came from nothing.

  • EntirelyPossible

    EP, again you appear on a thread trying to create arguments where there is none.

    Silly rabbit. Reality denies are creating an argument. Do try to keep up with the thread.

    There are opinions and there are claims. Please learn the difference.

    Sorry, were you providing evidence or defining what you said or just trying to skate of out actually saying something substantive? I only ask because it seems like the latter, but I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt and presume you are terrible at the former.

    As for a void of nothingness,try to wrap your mind around the concept

    Define what you mean and I will. So far you have said anything that can be quantified. Here's your chance!

    And reread my opinion which was a comment in response to Billy's mistaken idea that God came from nothing.

    Sorry, I don't really have time to deconstruct your ill-formed thoughts again. Just define what you mean by "nothing" and we can move on.

  • FlyingHighNow

    E.P. you're like a dog chasing its tail. People can join you in your dizzying circles, or they can watch you dragging other gullible posters into your circles with you. You remind me of the atheist version of Nancy or Shelby.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    QC, have you ever read any books that actually explain evolution?

    If not, how do keep your confirmation bias in check?

  • QC


    have you ever read any books that actually explain evolution?

    I was thoroughly educated in Evolution. I understand all its arguments.

    Hear me out:

    When you learned Steady State theory (eternal universe) was wrong and the correct understanding is the Big Bang theory (universe beginning origin), after understanding you accepted this change. True?

    That's exactly what’s going on with Evolution as explained here, Post 211 of 224

    Cambrian Explosion proves Evolution is wrong. Life arrives exactly opposite (reverse) of Evolution. More complex life arrives first, AND THEN came small-scale variations.

    So you have to adjust your understanding of life’s origin, just as you warmed up to the Universe having a beginning origin.

    This is new; older books have the older understanding (obsolete).

    Please read Darwin’s Doubt, get current.

  • cofty

    QC - If you think the so-called Cambrian explosion is a challenge to evolution then you are being dishonest when you claim to be "thoroughly educated in evolution".

    You have obviously not read anything written in the last 20 years.

    For the fourth time...

    Do you understand the causes of the ecological changes that drove the Cambrain?

    Have you studied the recent discoveries from Evo Devo that show the full genetic tool-kit for body-building was was already in place?

    Have you read about the evolution of genetic switches and gene networks, or the duplication of Hox gene clusters and the shifting of Hox zones that account for the proliferation of body plans?

    Have you investigated the significance of the pre-Cambrian fossil Aspidella terranovica?

    Would you like to discuss it like an intelligent adult or are you just going to keep mumbling your mantra?

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious
    I was thoroughly educated in Evolution. I understand all its arguments.

    Where? Did you accept it as fact? What changed your mind?

    Cambrian Explosion proves Evolution is wrong. Life arrives exactly opposite (reverse) of Evolution. More complex life arrives first, AND THEN came small-scale variations.

    So what day of creation was that? How does the Cambrian explosion fit with your understanding of biblical creation?

    According to your thoroughly educated understanding of evolution, how should it happen according to evolution, and what is your evidence that it happened otherwise? Perhaps that would be a good discussion rather than this book. I'm not interested in the book unless CrazyGuy takes me up on my offer.

    Please read Darwin’s Doubt, get current.

    Have you read it and its rebuttals? Will the author be up for a Nobel Prize? Why not?

  • EntirelyPossible

    FHN, your childish insults only make you look more ingorant than you already show yourself to be. When you can converse like an adult and actually say somethig useful, please do say something useful. Until then. you can live in your fantasy world of woo saying nothing and convincing only yourself that you have actually said anything at all. Seriously, if you can't even clarify the words you write, you can't expect anyone to give a shit or second thought to you're attempts to defend your vapid and meaningless comments and pathetic insults.

    My dog is more clear and consistent in what she says and means and can actually convey that.

    So, to rebutt what you are likely to say next by way of insults and yet again trying to escape clarifying what you mean (if you even know to articulate), "blah blah blah". So far that's all you have said.

    What do you mean by nothing? You are doing a hell of a lot to avoid saying what you mean. I suspect it's because you are cornered and can't actually clarify what you meant by that.

    Can you clarify it?

  • QC


    Slow down. Discussion is impossible if you are going to be hysterical. The Bible and Noble Prize have nothing to do with this.

    We know Evolution (gradualism and transmutation) and mud puddle magic (abiogenesis) is not viable. Science says when something is not viable (has anomaly glitches), waste no more time, move on.

    So, looking at the evidence, what theory best explains the Cambrian Explosion? All science tools must be available to solve this. This means informatics science, the best tool to explain instructions and messaging evidence found in the Cambrian Explosion DNA and Epigenetic software, must be used. We can’t exclude science simply because it goes some place ideologically we might not like—with regrets that’s how Einstein handles the rude awakening of the expanding universe and quantum mechanics.

    Let chips fall where they may, accept it, learn and move on. That's the lesson.

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