Pronouncing things differently so they don't sound rude. Typical CULT persona. Political correctness?

by punkofnice 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wizzstick

    Wasn't there a purple headed mountain in a scripture or a song?

    Or did I dream that?!

  • Shador
    Oh, there are some laughable names in the bible

    Gen. 46:21 - Mup′pim and Hup′pim.

    Always made me chuckle for some reason.

  • Splash

    We always used to say that the best wedding song from the old song book would be
    "Stay awake, Stand firm, Grow mighty!"
    or maybe "I Want To"

    Aah, those adolescent days were such fun.


  • punkofnice

    clarity - There was one Bro(TM) that always made a mess of 'Deuteronomy'. It took him about 7 hours to get anywhere near........and another bloke pronounced 'Lazarus' as 'Latharuth'.

    wizzstick - Don't know about the colour of a mountain. I've heard of Laurel & Hardy's Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.

    One Bro(TM) R.I.P. used to get so nervous he made words up or got them all confuzzled. I recall 'Diviering Fower' for devouring fire. And 'Advangeladistic' for 'evangelistic'. No one ever worked out what 'enam enam enam anvilitical' was though.

  • clarity

    Punky .... "Let them be blind, guides is what they are!"


    (let them be, blind guides is what they are!)

  • Shador

    Let them be blind, guides is what they are!

    Or the classic: "Roll the stone away, Martha!"

  • punkofnice

    Shador - Mehershalalhashbaz. What were his parents on?

    Splash - I was told (can't verify it) that at one cult wedding they started playing the 'Lazarus lay sleeeeeeping' dirg by mistake.

    Clarity - We used to laugh about ' his outer garment'. Costume hire?

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I had a long list going in high school of weird phrases. From reading posts here, I don't think my KH was normal. It was ignorance about stuff special ed students know. They were trying their hardest to please Jehovah. I felt bad noting the mangled English. Of course, I had no clue how to pronounce certain words either. I still can't read the IPA. My guess is TV and playground chatter. I always read way above my grade level but I had little exposure with adults who routinely used such words.

    Other religions thrive on ignorance. I live in a very atypical community. The area never explains the culture in promotional material. This area is a heavy Bible belt. It competes with the deep South. College grads here are not stupid. They are not typical college grads, though. Reading a book is a stretch. They think I am the devil for wanting to know how other area churches handle certain problems. I was busy at an Episcopal church for four years so I knew the regulars in a variety of settings. Mostly social. I understand how people might react to me at first blush. They saw me struggle. Finally, a glimpse of the true me surfaced b/c I respected these people. People who knew me very well started coming up to me at coffee hour and saying, "I despise the Ivy League." I behaved. My mind was thinking the Ivy League does not give a damn what you think. I cared. All I could think of was "You are entitled to your opinion." Part of me wanted to laugh. Next, it was New York.

    I wondered what community rules I had to accidentally break for such people to announce such venom. They were nice. A local Jewish doctor said I was too Jewish. I told him he was crazy. No Jew would consider me a Jew if I spent the rest of my life trying very hard. I worked at WASPY citadels. It continued so I started responding, "Yes, there are some Jews in the Ivy League. Frankly, I thought there would be more. I wanted the exposure." No one challenged me on the Jewish retorts. Finally, I said, "Yes, but I have a certain of viewing the siutation, Jesus was born a Jew, lived as a Jew, and died a Jew. " I bear scars from all the Jewish culture vs. Christian culture wars. I started laughing.

    I can't make them spend five minutes of prep for important business. It stopped bothering me. Now I find it so funny. They are losing big cash and impoverishing their lives. New York gets too NY. Many books have been written analyzing Christian love of total ignorance. They are the losers, not me.

    The WT will always be a dinky religion. Protestants and Catholics also have wacky beliefs. The WT could be far more powerful if they did not worship ignorance. Perhaps we should rejoice about their ignorance.

  • punkofnice

    Botr - Igginance is something I noticed big time too. Good. Long may they look stupid to the average Joe public.

    I wondered what 'Hyper Bowl' was. I thought it was an American game until I heard of Hyperbole! This was the bro(TM) that said that Jar Hoover would give us a computer in the new system(R) to make 'a DNA'.

  • irondork

    Kinda along this line, we had an elder who always proclaimed the evil of substitute cuss words. We were not to say shoot or darn because they are just substitutes for shit and dam.

    "Jehovah knows what your heart really wants to say."

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