Too sick or injured but still made it to the meeting!

by RULES & REGULATIONS 38 Replies latest watchtower bible


    I once attended a two day special assembly with my gums bleeding after having 4 widom teeth pulled the day before. I managed the two days by rinsing out my mouth all day long and placing cotton in my mouth.

    One brother had back surgery the week before but attended a two day assembly by laying on a matress in the back of the assembly hall. Why he needed to be there I'll never understand!

    Another brother gave a 15 minute talk while his daughter was the hospital in a coma after a bad car accident. Why was he even there?

    Did you ever attend a meeting while sick or injured? Did you ever see anyone at a meeting who in their right mind should of never been there?

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    There was an old timer in one Hall who said there is no reason not to be at the KHall .

    Have a headacke? Take 2 aspirins.

    Throwing up? Then bring a bucket.

    Just Lois

  • ?evrything

    Knew a bro how went to KH on a stretcher til his death in Waco, TX

  • Quarterback

    I worked in First Aid, at the assemblies, and I always wondered why the extreme sick ones would show up. Some had a guilt complex, and others didn't seem to understand any other life.

  • out4good3

    It was this rigid devotion to meetings that was first issue that drove me out.

    I did not want my whole being to revolved around a strict regimen of meetings, weekend service, and subservience to a whole congregation of people scrutinizing every decision I made to see if it was consistent with the latest WT thought under the guise of being faithful and loyal to God.

    I even said as much to two JW elders the last time they visited me I believe at the request of my wife.

    Surprised I wasn't df'd on the spot.

  • wannaexit

    Yep! that was my family. We never missed meetings ever. My father would drag us to the meeting coughing and hacking with fever. Meetings were never to be missed.

    I remember one sick sister who dragged herself to the Sunday meeting only to faint and fall in the isle. What was really sad --the bro giving the talk just kept on talking-the show had to go on.

  • Xanthippe

    Mein Gott! I had two weeks off work after having my wisdoms out! I felt so ill, you poor thing.

    Saw a women carried in on a stretcher at a circuit assembly who was having to lie flat for weeks because of a back injury.

    Yes but I did drag myself to meetings when I was ill and carried on pioneering when I should have curled up on the sofa with Ian McEwan.

  • iCeltic

    The guy that studied with me in Scotland told me that if I missed the meeting he'd know I had died because that was the only reason to miss the meetings. I used to laugh at that until I realised I was doing it, going to the meeting when I should have been in bed or worse at times, should have been in the hospital.

  • steve2

    You can bet that whoever turns up at a meeting under any of the dire circumstances noted above will somehow make it known what they are going through. There's sometimes a strong human need not only to suffer but to let others know one is suffering.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    I think that it is taught that meeting attendance is equivalent to one's love and loyalty to God. We have all heard the stories about brothers and sisters travelling to meeting, trekking hours on foot and through crocodile infested waters, etc. Well, if those brothers can get to meeting so can you!!

    What it comes down to is guilt and test of loyalty. But, the loyalty test has nothing to do with God-- just men.

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