Too sick or injured but still made it to the meeting!

by RULES & REGULATIONS 38 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Kojack57

    In reality God would understand why a meeting or two was missed, especially if your sick. But CULT MEMBERS can be the worst in understanding your situation. Blind obedience to men is what lays a snare.


    Why were they even there.....

    They all think that they are martyrs. LOOK AT ME EVERYONE! I AM STILL HERE!! They get an ego boost by showing up despite sickness. WHat they fail to understand is the extreme disrespect they show, and the lack of love they demonstrate by showing up sick. Thier ego boost is more important than getting an older one, or a child sick. They could have stayed home and rested, and not gotten others sick. They do not realize that, "do not forsake the gathering of yourselves....", does not apply. They don't know what forsake means.

    My comments do not include those who are handicapped or those who have no choice but to be dragged to the meetings or conventions.

  • titch

    Correct me, someone, if I'm wrong, but don't a lot of Kingdom Halls have, as part of their public address system, a feature by which a person who is sick, can call a phone number, and listen to the program from the comfort of their residence, via the phone.? Or, has that been elminated? Just wondering. I realize that not all KHs have that feature, but some do...or, do they any more?


  • finally awake
    finally awake

    in 2007, i fell down my front steps on my way to the car to go to memorial. i was scraped and bleeding all over, ruined my dress, and i was 6months pregnant. instead of going to the er, i changed my clothes and wrapped gauze on my injuries and made it to the hall just as the meeting was starting. i was still crying from the pain but my butt was in my seat. STUPID

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    A brother I know had a lot of chemo and used to sit in the second school room with the meeting piped in through the sound system. A sister with a broken back would sit in the recliner out in the parents' room. For the most part, people with anything contagious would stay home from meetings, but assemblies were hotbeds of contagion as people with colds would drag themselves along. In the few weeks after an assembly half the congregation would get colds. The family that didn't believe in vaccinations always got sick.

  • Shador
    The family that didn't believe in vaccinations always got sick.

    Oh, you had these whackjobs in your congregation, too?

  • Quarterback

    Tich, rhat phone service is available in our KH, and their are some balanced people that do use it. The problem is that not everyone is balanced

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Shador, yes. A young mum had her first daughter immunised, and then she married into a family who didn't believe in immunisation and of course went along with it when he second daughter, the half sister of the first from her first marriage, came along. So every winter, mum and first daughter who both had immunisations were fine and at the meeting while the husband and their mutual daughter were constantly getting every illness and passing it back and forth to each other and stayed home a lot.

  • SeventhSojourn

    To get to a meeting I once stumbled my way through the thick of a dense jungle, treaded across a raging river, hopscotched over hungry alligators, fended off wild animals and biting insects, and finally crawled my way into the kindom hall. All of this in a driving storm while fighting a fever of 105. I was a stinking, bloody stump when I arrived. But hey, I was there!

    Of course, I dragged myself to the back room because I was a little late and didn't want to disturb the meeting. I was so encouraged by the talk "Now That You're Here, Lets Go Over What You Already Know." I was even rewarded with a part on the DC relating my experience before thousands of people. No one can call me a spiritual wimp!


  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Are you a pioneering bethelite elder and ministerial servant serving where the need is great while being in an iron lung and washing windows to support your kids who got baptized at 6 and are pioneering at 12? Well, if not, get off your lazy Jw butt and do more!

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