Carbon dating and the Global Flood - links needed

by wizzstick 91 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    Im more about the non scientific circular dating methods of evolutionary atheist than the flood.

    According to the bible the flood would have been in the last 10,000 years.

    This is 2013 ce. Time began and Civilization began in Sumeria 2,900 Bc.

    I'll go within the last 4,913 years.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    Backseat Devil: Can you show me some evidence that the Sumerians or the Jews thought the

    earth was flat?

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    This is the stupidity that James Brown references to, to dispel the accuracy of radio carbon dating.

    It is clear that radioisotope dating is not the ‘gold standard’ of dating methods, or ‘proof’ for millions of years of Earth history. When the method is tested on rocks of known age, it fails miserably. The lava dome at Mount St Helens is not a million years old! At the time of the test, it was only about 10 years old. In this case we were there—we know! How then can we accept radiometric-dating results on rocks of unknown age? This challenges those who promote the faith of radioisotope dating, especially when it contradicts the clear eyewitness chronology of the Word of God.

    Mount Saint Helen's erupted 10 years ago so the rocks are only 10 years old. .... good grief

    The Stupidity is called a double blind test. That is what it was and the dating methods failed.

    If you would have been paying attention in 7th grade Science you would know that.

  • cofty
    You are dating rocks based on the date of other rocks based on the date of other rocks.

    You could not be more wrong.

    Here is the article by Dr Roger C. Wiens a scientist who is also a christian about radiometric dating..

    Here is the post where I explained the subject to you...

    Do yourself a favour and stop saying things until you read them.

  • BackseatDevil

    Isaiah 11:12

    Revelation 7:1

    Jeremiah 16:9

    Daniel 4:11

    Now, there are many scriptures that denote that the world on which they walked was "round" and the correct translation for such is "round" NOT "sphere". This is easily noted by walking and seeing things come up over the horizon. Not a difficult concept to grasp. However, they (as did every civilization at the time) think the world had end points... an area where it stops.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    If your going to hopscotch from dubious 11,000 year old tree rings

    to a 4.5 billion year old earth.

    I have a bridge to sell you down here in Sarasota.

    You can make lots of money with it.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    Since the same layers of sedimentary rock are to be found all over the world, wherever igneous rock is found above, below or within a layer of sedimentary rock it, and the fossils it contains can be dated. The accuracy of these dates can be confirmed by comparing numerous clocks from numerous samples. Not just the relative ages, but also the actual ages of sedimentary rock layers are now known with certainty coftys words.

    How about I just stay on point and stick with your words above.

    You are using the rocks to date the rocks that is what you are saying above.

    And it has been proven that man can not date igneous rocks.

  • BackseatDevil

    NOW, it is possible that some of the bible writteres traded information with the greeks who mathmatically figured out the earth must be a sphere, but that would have been after the story of the flood and it would have still have been "theory" at the time. So there is that possibility. but that's the best argument I can give you for your side.

  • BackseatDevil

    Also, the Mesopotmians and the Egyptions... who Moses took many of his stories from also thought the earth was flat.

  • Comatose

    Cofty - Dont waste energy on James please. Your valuable insights are much needed for truth seekers and open minded people. I have a question I'm going to ask James below and I'd love your feed back too.

    James how long does it take diamonds to form? James even the JWs admit Neanderthals existed now, they just make vague references to them being an extinct race. Do you believe this, or do you think Neanderthals were apes?

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