So what IS wrong with higher Education?

by LoisLane looking for Superman 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • GRexBolt

    My parents aren't Jehovah's Witnesses, but i chose to be one. Im thirteen and Im going to go to the Duke University. ill still attend the KH and go out in the ministry, but Im still going to college. As long as i keep God on my mind and in my heart, I can get as high an education as i want.

  • Laika
    My parents aren't Jehovah's Witnesses, but i chose to be one. Im thirteen and Im going to go to the Duke University. ill still attend the KH and go out in the ministry, but Im still going to college. As long as i keep God on my mind and in my heart, I can get as high an education as i want.

    Good for you GRexBolt, you are absolutely right, you can get as high an education as you want and still keep God in your mind and heart. Go for it and don't let anyone, elders or otheriwse, tell you anything different!

  • Vidiot
    GRexBolt - "I'm a Jehovah's witness and I know there's nothing wrong with a higher education."

    Tell that to your local BOE and see what happens.

  • jgnat

    GRexBolt, I wish you all success in your future. My sister has a talent for healing people. She pursued a career in medicine, and is very happy helping people be as healthy as they can be. There's not much use for her talents in the Kingdom hall now, nor in the paradise to come. She's better off following her secular path.

  • Pistoff

    " .When I am at a convention...on purpose I use 2 (TWO) paper towels, not one as ordered."

    The last 2 times I went, I used 3 towels AND tore down the "Use one towel only" sign.

    Controlling, cheap ass bastards.

  • Pistoff

    " THERE is a difference—a big difference—between education and propaganda. Education shows you how to think. Propaganda tells you what to think. Good educators present all sides of an issue and encourage discussion. Propagandists relentlessly force you to hear their view and discourage discussion"

    Can't believe they said this, irony-free.

  • sir82

    Stick around, GRexBolt. You'll pick up a mighty fine education here!

  • Terry


    I'm a Jehovah's witness and i know there's nothing wrong with a higher education. It's all about God. When armageddon comes you won't need an education. The only education anyone needs is one towards God.


    Aren't you missing the point? We couldnt be using the internet with only bible education to guide us. We wouldn't have antibiotics. We wouldn't know that germs cause disease. (Incidentally, the Watchtower Society thought that was bunk.)

    THIS LIFE is the one you HAVE.

    There are 7 million Jehovah's Witnesses in the world (so we are told) and each believes what they read in the Watchtower because it has been

    claimed it is the ONLY TRUE channel of correct information from God.

    The Watchtower has placed the NEXT life above the PRESENT one and this is a dangerously stupid opinion passed off as fact.

    Look at the track record for these men and you'll see that betting on them to be right is betting on certain disappointment.

    Plenty of JW's for the last 100 years have set aside their own needs. They were counseled to do so. What did they end up with? NOTHING.

    If you want PLENTY of nothing. Keep on keeping on.

    Incidentally, this is largely an APOSTATE site and the only true channel of communication has warned you off.

    You are in danger of thinking for yourself and that is also condemned.

    Re-examine your PREMISES if you haven't already.

  • wasblind
  • fulltimestudent

    Jgnat, I have a memory of a warning against higher education in maybe the late 50's or early 60's. The congregation I was in at the time, had a school servant who permitted (encouraged) his daughters to go to uni, and who was removed over the issue.

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