Evolution is Crap, there I said it!

by Crazyguy 261 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crazyguy

    Your arguments are stupid, plain and simple. Its like the people that came up with the big bang theory. 'Well there's this very dense rock , then space, then a massive explosion and bang we have the universe. Awesome great now every one believe it and no one ask' were the rock came from or space or the energy to make the explosion' Its funny how you can see the silliness in the WT's, thinking like this, but not see it when your talking about these theories. Same goes for macro evolution, scientists do not explain things like , depth perception, balance, as just 2 examples. Most animals have 2 eyes for depth perception and most animals have 2 ears for balance and scientists again can not explain how completely stupid animals can develop these things when they don't even know balance and depth perception are. Again science needs has as much faith in major evolution and some one needs to believe in the bible actually a lot more.

  • scotoma


    "Because this is a support forum for JWs. Creationism is a fundamental doctrine of the Watchtower. A doctrine that many ex-JWs are still stuck with."

    Too bad Ray Franz isn't still alive. Do you think you could have convinced him that evolution is true.

    The real problem is with ex JW's persistent irrational belief in the Bible. And even if you take the Bible out of the mix there are still a truck load of ex JW's that believe in some exotic wuwu - even reincarnation etc.

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    Well there's this very dense rock , then space, then a massive explosion and bang we have the universe. Awesome great now every one believe it and no one ask' were the rock came from or space or the energy to make the explosion

    Crazyguy post 218, emphasis added

    No, lots of people have asked that (or a more informed version of the question, anyhow). A potential answer is the multiverse.

    You are misrepresenting people and science. Sadly your kind of trolling rot needs to be rebutted on a forum like this becasue of who this forum is for, people indoctrinated in creationism and persuaded not to develop their critical reasoning faculties.

    You seem to be a predator predating on vulnerable people with distorted reasoning.

  • Shador
    macro evolution, scientists do not explain things like , depth perception, balance, as just 2 examples. Most animals have 2 eyes for depth perception and most animals have 2 ears for balance and scientists again can not explain how completely stupid animals can develop these things when they don't even know balance and depth perception are.

    Scientists CAN and DO explain how evolution works. More than one person has pointed you toward books that give a good, conscise explanation of evolution that addresses and debunks all this nonsense. But you don't seem to want to learn, you just continue to perpetuate ignorance. Again, evolution is not a conscious process it is a process of natural selection. But, sadly, you didn't listen before and I doubt you will now.

    Why don't you do the human race a favor and go .... play with puppies and faeries in the nice-nice land of make believe where everthing is rainbows and butterflys and nobody ever hurts anybodys feelings ever.

    There. Happy now?

  • cofty

    JWs are indoctrinated with creationism. Americans live in a culture where evolution is treated as synonymous with atheism. Misinformation abounds.

    I agree crazyguy is a classic example of scientific illiteracy but how are we to encourage people to ask their questions and test their favourite canards if we respond to them like this?

    We have reality on our side of the debate. We don't need to resort to ad homenem

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    Shador would be well advised to edit out those comments as they are inappropriate and outside posting guidelines 1 and 3.

  • Shador

    I agree crazyguy is a classic example of scientific illiteracy but how are we to encourage people to ask their questions and test their favourite canards if we respond to them like this?

    He has repeatedly been given resources to peruse regarding the true facts. Rather than agreeing to peruse them, he continues to respond with the same flawed arguments. Ignorance is one thing. WILLFUL ignorance is something else.

    However, in deference to prevailing opinion, I have revised my statement to be somewhat more PC. Sorry for disrupting everyone's pretty little pastel-colored happyland.

  • cofty

    It is unlikely that anything will help CrazyGuy until he is ready to show some humility. I agree he/she is probably trolling.

    Patience, facts and reasoning will help the many others who lurk. Personal abuse makes you look more ignorant than the one you are abusing.

  • snare&racket

    Crazyguy..... The fact you are saying 'science doesn't explain....' Then listing things science DOES explain and did so decades ago tells us what about you?

    What do you reckon?

    a book worm?.......nah.....

    a seeker of knowledge and understanding?.........nurp....

    a conscientious researcher who checks all facts in detail before spouting them?........nopesies.....

    a person interested in the things he is asking....... Nope....

    a person with a pre-conceived idea based on bias and hopes of what he wants to be true .....DING...

    a troll?......DING......

    a Christian troll who has per-conceived ideas based on bias and hopes that he wants to be true? DING DING DING DING DING.

    and goodnight.

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    There. Happy now?

    Not a matter of that. The amended line makes a clearer point, although I think a different point, within the guidelines and removes a repugnent suggestion.

    You did the right thing.

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