Evolution is Crap, there I said it!

by Crazyguy 261 Replies latest jw friends

  • darth frosty
  • tornapart

    LOL Crazyguy... you're either brave or reckless... HOW DARE YOU SAY EVOLUTION IS CRAP!! hahah

    One thing always puzzles me. When watching some really interesting nature documentaries, the evolution believing presenter uses the word 'design' or 'designed'. I've noticed it many times, David Attenborough has said it, Brian Cox has said it, Chris Packham has said it and others. How does evolution 'design' something? It's like giving some kind of inanimate process an intelligence of sorts.

  • cedars

    crazyguy - I sincerely hope you're right and that evolution is nonsense. If so, then it means that hospital superbugs (which develop because successive generations of bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics) do not really exist and are only a figment of my imagination. That will certainly comfort me during my next trip to hospital!


  • Phizzy

    Even the WT acknowledges that evolution occurs. They say that, as all the species we find on Earth today could not possibly have fitted in the Ark, they have evolved since the Flood.

    Evolution at work, just that the WT's timeline means it happened 16,000 times faster than science tells us it did.

    Bible Literalism is a real pain when coming in to contact with reason and facts.

  • Terry

    Reminds me of a conversation I overheard in the Department of Motor Vehicles a long time ago.

    Two college age buddies were sitting with the rest of us awaiting our number to come up so we could get our license photo taken

    and pay our fee.

    GUY ONE: "Why did you change your major? I thought you had all your courses just the way you wanted."

    GUY TWO: "I didn't change my major I dropped Calculus, dude. It was a bunch of shit."

    GUY ONE: "Whatdaya mean, man?"

    GUY TWO: "All that stuff is made up. It's just a--you know--'construct'--of somebody's imagination. I ain't wasting my time learning any of that stuff."

    GUY ONE: "What are you talking about? Science and math are inseparable. You DO need to know calculus or else you'll be left behind competitively..."

    GUY TWO: "That's just something you've been brainwashed with, dude. All that stuff is made up."

    I listened with fascination. Never forgot it.

    The point, for me at least, is that when we are standing on the outside of a discipline such as biology, engineering, chemistry, advanced math and such there is no point of intellectual contact sufficient for us to EVALUATE what is inside that field of knowledge.

    The gap is enormous until we master the basics and learn the language and become facile in working with the body of facts.

    We are like cave dwellers staring up at the lights in the sky imagining they are campfires in heaven.

  • Truth seeker 674
    Truth seeker 674

    crazy How would you define life?

  • punkofnice

    Crazyguy. What isn't crap and what evidence do you have to support this?

  • Monsieur

    I have done very little research, and i mean VERY little, on evolution...

    however, i've always been fascinated by the fossil record dinosaurs left.

    this very tangible record which i have researched somewhat has indeed opened up a can of worms. and the more science reveals about these fossils, the more i question why the Bible ignored such record.

    when it comes to evolution we might tend to focus on organisms and constitutions here on planet Earth; there are however (or there must be) what science calls evolution reflected in the entire universe.

    much to study and learn, there is.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    Your OP smells of yet further ignorance. Evolution has nothing to do with light, dark, hot, cold, etc. that's like saying the theory of gravity doesn't explain why we get sick.

    An organism does not need to understand why it can do what it does. No organism ever "created" it's eyes. The evolution of the eye is well documented and explained. Again, read a damn book.

    Many of us are not defending evolution because of its sentimental value or anything. It's not something that needs to be defended when its facts are available. Contrast that with the bible, which is defended solely because of what it means to people, and yet a Christian must start making excuses for it right from the beginning.

    If you can disprove evolution, you are welcome to do so and collect your Nobel Prize. If someone were to come up with a better explanation for the diversity we see, and the facts were there to back it up, I'm sure most of us would readily accept it. Darwin released "on the origin of species" over 150 years ago. While today we have a much clearer picture of the theory than he did, the main statements of his theory have stood strong every since. I say, well done Darwin.

    People don't adopt a belief in evolution just so that they can drop their belief in god. They believe it to be true because that's where the facts lead. All of your objections (at least the ones that actually pertain to evolution) are easily explained (not excused) and are important components of how it actually works. Just saying "how can that come about be evolution!?" Is not a legitimate argument, it is an argument from personal incredulity. In your case, it is an argument from personal ignorance.

    The information is all there and readily available for you, you just need to read a book that wasn't written by equally ignorant people. You have been fooled.

  • cofty

    Tornapart. Design in nature simply refers to the correlation between form and function.

    Julia. For more information on ID google Kitzmiller v Dover School Board

    ID is creationism in a new guise in attempt to preach religion in schools. The main arguments of ID such as irreducible complexity have been thoroughly refuted.

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