Judicial Meeting

by Kool Jo 43 Replies latest jw experiences

  • snare&racket

    Listen to me lol.. I dont even believe in the zombie Jebus or his dad Yahoo-ha

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    I've been asked 'do you accept WTS as FDS' (or whatever the question is) twice.

    The first time was with two elders after I'd stoped going to meetings suddenly: I said somthing like 'to say no makes me an apostate per the WT', then disucssed the dictionary definition of apostacy and heracy and took about 10 minutes to say nothing more except that I wasn't sure (about what???). I got away with that. The nasty conservative elder was frustrated, the happy liberal seemed amused. When they phoned for a second appointment, I said they were always welcome at my place (one of them was) but I had nothing religious to discuss: they never tried again. I was 3rd gen and had been a 'well qualified' MS only a couple of months before.

    The second time was a couple of years later and after I'd moved territory. Someone arranged for an elder-pioneer to come around with his wife. He asked the question, slipped into in conversation as one does, and I said I didn't believe in God. He said, 'oh, well that makes it hard to believe in the FDS etc' and he reamained friendly and everything was good. He tried the usual arguments for God which I rebutted politley.

    That could have gone badly if he had DF on his mind: but he didn't seem to.

  • sarahsmile

    I was asked a similar questioned during my JC. I was shocked and asked them what brought that question on.

    I just told the elders that the brother who gave last Sunday's talk made an error. Letting the elders know that I listened during the talks.

    Jesus was talking to Peter and not the 144,000. In my mind it was impossible that Jesus was talking with the 144,000. And the scripture the brothered referred to was a conversation with Peter and he said 144,000. The 144,000 were not mentioned in the bible until Revelations.

    Next thing I know they said that if I did not believe that the 144,000 was the Jehovahs Witnesses they could not reinstate me. Then they all stared at me then at each other. I asked what brought that on why would you think that way?

    Not only that, one elder said he knew all 8,000 living 144,000.

    Then they dismissed the meeting leaving me in total shock. Like what just happened here! I never questioned the organization 144,000 doctrine. It did not enter my mind until after that JC meeting.

    Thank God I had a disfellowshipped friend that was a 144,000. I told her what happned and she gasped then laughed. She said what does that have to do with getting reinstated.

    These elders know how to sway peoples thinking.

    One thing I learned is to never put your guard down and think the elders are your friends during JC meetings.

    They come up with all kinds of questions that has NOTHING to do with why you are in the JC meetings.

    Stick to why your in the JC meetings and only answer question dealing with you.

    Hope that helps!

    Now, they could not get me in a meeting because it would not be for my best interest. My answer would be,HELL NO.

  • Crazyguy

    I haven't been in a JC meeting but in the past few months had to talk with them over my understanding of the Mediator, New Covenant topics then the Blood issue. Well i used enough common sense arguments and understandings from the bible, i don't think they even want to talk to me any more. It became more and more obvious that they were brain washed and they didn't want to talk to me anymore, I made their heads hurt.

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