Judicial Meeting

by Kool Jo 43 Replies latest jw experiences

  • coffee_black

    I said that I was having difficulty with that question. I asked the elders "How do YOU know that the FDS is the channel that Jehovah is using"?

    One elder said I would just have to take his word for it!


  • EdenOne

    I would reply with a challenge: "I will reply yes or no to that question once you can prove to me Scripturally that holding the belief that a) the current Governing Body of the Watchtower Society is the FDS and b) is that acknowledgement an essential condition for my salvation? I am confused by the changing "new light", have many doubts and questions in my mind, which I wish to keep private while I research for answers, and I've prayed that Jehovah might show me the answer through the Scriptures. Maybe this is the answer to my prayer. Can you then prove it with the Scriptures alone, please?"


  • DesirousOfChange

    The elders have been trained. . . . .

    Now THAT is the most ridiculous thing I have ever read..........


  • Phizzy

    LOL @ DOC, you are right despite Elders "schools" etc they do not have any skills, especially in interrogation, so they are not to be feared.

    One thing they have been programmed to do is to ask you the "loyalty" question, it is no coincidence that all of us almost to a man (and woman) have had to either answer or fend off this question in one form or another.

    It was really funny when I got the two Elder visit, one was so keen to get me to answer that he popped the question in to the conversation at the most inappropriate moments, so I ignored him and carried on the thought of the other Elder, taking the talk in all sorts of directions.

    Eventually there was a slight pause, and he asked it yet again, I simply let the question hang in the air, there was a tumbleweed moment, and the Elder who was playing nice Cop simply could not stand the silence, he started to explain why they asked (as if I did not know) that they wanted to "reassure themselves about me".

    I then just said what i did not quite understand was how they could have been acceptable in 1919, he said "It is based on what they were teaching then" I just smiled and said "Oh really?"

    They left shortly after, I saw them stand andchat in the street for a moment, I could almost write what they were saying and be spot on, I bet it was somethng like "Well he was cagey, something wrong there, but we can't DF him or anything."

    Whatever happens, if you wish not to be slung out, do not challenge the belief, just skirt around the question, and make sure you give them no reason to come back.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    I like DOC's answer: "Why of course! The scriptures make it clear, do they not?"

    If that doesn't work, then Flipper's answers: " I'm taking it in prayer to Jehovah." If that doesn't work: "I don't understand the 'new light" on the GB being the only ones in the faithful slave" and ask the elders to explain it to you - then do what all good JW's do- totally change the subject onto another topic. Get the elders minds totally confused.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    I would act all insulted by the question:

    "Did I just hear you ask me . . .? No, you didn't - you couldn't! I . . . I must be hearing wrong, because I thought you just asked me if I still believe that the FDS is the channel that Jehovah is using. And you obviously could not have asked me such an insulting question. Now if you had asked me if I still believe that the Earth is round, I could consider it a joke. But I doubt you brothers would joke about Jehovah's appointed channel so you must be insulting me - or maybe I've interpreted your question wrong. If it is you brothers who are having doubts about the FDS then you should not come to me seeking confirmation for your doubts - speak to other elders in the congregation or speak to the C.O.! Or maybe I should run it by the C.O. myself when he comes and see what he thinks about appointed elders in the congregation using questions to plant doubts in the minds of the flock! Never have I been so insulted in all my life as a JW! Brothers, I think this meeting is over - I don't think I'm in the frame of mind to continue this insulting exercise!"

    By this time they'd be feeling a bit uncomfortable unsure of if you're having some underlying emotional issue or if you're just messing with them. LOL.

  • tenyearsafter

    No need to be truthful...think of it as your version of "Theocratic warfare"!

  • BluesBrother

    If it is important that you are not d/f, then box clever....The question was whether the FDS is the channel that God/Christ is using, not the identity of the FDS in the 21st century :

    "Of course brothers, Jesus himself made that clear in Matt 24.45"

    I was once told at an elders school that it is not always necessary to answer a question, merely acknowledge it. One could refer to the scripture, keep talking and throw back a question to them ...If they persist and box you into a corner we have a wonderful opportunity right now to confuse the issue by using the July 15 Wt ...Since they are the elders one could have prepared questions about the explanation, the time that it is now supposed to relate to , the parable of wheat and weeds ...and deflect the conversation away from their entrapment.

    One must be conciliatory , respectful and promise to pray about it . If all else fails, plead the fifth amendment and hope that saves the day

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Welcome Island Man!

    10years: And remember that telling them that you're still a believer isn't "lying", it's "untruthing"... something WT has been doing for over 100 years.

  • Wholly

    So here you are...sitting with a couple of elders at Judicial Meeting, and you're asked the following question:

    "Do you still believe that the FDS is the channel that Jehovah is using"?

    Now is it possible to answer 'no' without being DF, or how would you answer that question?

    Kool Jo


    You could say you would like the scriptures that show why the FDS is Jehovah's channel to reaffirm your beliefs. You'd like to study and pray and wait on Jehovah before you commit yourself to an answer. Then blink slowly.

    I would say, "Absolutely not, that's blasphemy". Jesus is our only channel and the Holy Spirit our only guide to God's mind.

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