So, Whats the real reason JWs are no concessions open at the DC and are discouraged from supporting nearby vendors?

by BU2B 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • prologos

    On the related subject of FEASTING: why are forced or allowed to stare at all the worldly advertisements? could be all covered up with DC slogans?

    Can remember having the head of the head of state, the flag, and Free Masons regalia over the venue. if its FOOD for thought its on topic. hopefully.

  • Magwitch

    "no leaving early, wandering back to the hotel for a nap or immorality"

    SD7 - you are hilarious!

  • Shador

    Basicly the same as everyone else has said. The reasons I have heard are:

    1) You would miss out on association (really? what if you and some friends all went somewhere together?)

    2) You might be late getting back, and miss out on "spiritual food" ( *vomit*)

    3) If the brothers keep going out to eat, the in-stadium concessions vendors will make a stink and want to be allowed to open. That would introduce a "worldly atmosphere" (not to mention the vendors sell beer - wouldn't want to make the convention tolerable).

    I suspect that #3 may have had something to do with discontinuing food service in the first place.

  • ?evrything

    light lunch for no napping in the afternoon

  • TotallyADD

    I remember back in the 70's at St. Pete Bay Front Center. The Ice Cream man would pull up outside to sell Ice Cream. He would sell a boat load of his stuff. The next day the announcement was made not to buy from outside vendors. I aked why couldn't we buy Ice cream and I was told it was better to use the money you spent on Ice cream and give it to the WT. So my bet is on making more money. I have heard from elders in the know that DC our big money makers for the WT. Totally ADD

  • running_away

    My kids know that convention = happy meals for 3 days...

    Such a happy time!

    Yes, as everybody elses says: it's about the money. Is you eat outside is far costly that eat a light nothing there. And the money has to go to boxes, not to McD.

  • whathappened

    You know it is indeed that people will get a breath of fresh air and freedom and wont want to face the crowded parking lot again, they would bolt and the afternoon session would be half empty. Only the "try hard/die hards" would remain.


    I am going with the contribution idea. The more money spent at lunch means less discretionary income for GOD to take from already poor families. Also, think of the parking nightmare with people leaving and coming back for lunch. Jw's are all about control. They want all worldlies to see how efficient they are, and how everyone loyally follows theocratic direction. Once you pull in the lot, you are theirs for the day...

    You know what sucks? A year ago I had to go to 2 different DC's. I was helping in a department so much, that my asleep wife wanted to make up for it. So it ended up costing me over $500.00 US to go to a DC out of my area. Then my wife had the nerve to want to contribute money! That is when I began an agressive anti-contribution campaign. Since then I have accumulated $1,000.00 US, all in a secret stash. It's all money that would have went to the WTBTS via contributions. Family worship is going to see the implementation of a new system of contributing! All petty cash, change, ect is going to go into a special jar. Then that jar will go to the bank, the coins will be turned in for cash. Then I will " handle " those funds as the family head! Muahhahaahhaah!!!!

    Stickin' it to the man feels incredible! I highly recommend family heads stepping up and " handling " contibutions. Awake wives, if you are the one who takes care of contributions, STOP putting money in the box!!!! Your hubby won't know! You will feel awesome and empowered! Best of all the WTBTS will not get YOUR hard earned cash!! They don't deserve it! Just sit back and wait for the local needs about how the bills are not getting paid. You will feel all warm and toasty! Screw 'em!!!! Power to the people!!!!

  • blondie

    But was more money put in the contribution boxes....................not based on my last five years working in accounting during WTS sell food, no sell food, no food period.

  • jgnat

    It's all so miserly. Compare this to the first Christians:

    They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord's Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity-- (Acts 2:46)

    As a side note, the highlight of the convention for hubby is picking out a slick cooler and stacking it with goodies.

    Then, paradoxically, everyone eats their own meal (no sharing).

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