Valedictorian Rips Up Preapproved Speech, Recites Prayer Instead

by Sam Whiskey 469 Replies latest jw friends

  • fakesmile

    a wise t-shirt once said, "religion is like a penis, its ok to have one and even be proud of it but dont whip it out in public and for effs sake, dont try to shove it down other peoples throats".

  • mrsjones5
  • AndDontCallMeShirley


    LOL! good one.

    Remember, though, fundamentalists like when another fundie "whips it out"!

    (I'm also pretty sure they like having it shoved down their throat, too).

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    But he didn't just say 'thank you' to his God, he recited a whole prayer. There's a difference.

    That's how he says thank you to his god...I personally see no logical reason to thank his god. But he does. Who did he hurt?

    And, how are we EVER going to hear a 'thank you Satan' speech, if this isn't allowed. LOL

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Knob. About as embarrassing and cringeworthy as a pro boxer or MMA fighter thanking Jesus for his violent victory.

  • *lost*

    samwhiskey I haven't watched it or read all of the posts.

    But i agree with your comments.

    there was an incident in London whereby external displays of xmas decorations were 'banned'.

    Incase it offended the muslims /Islamists ... but hey you can't publicly say it, racist don't ya know ....

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Marvin, Do you want to discuss the Ten Commandments in the public place with me?”

    Band on the Run,

    If you earned top scholastic honors and I were in the audience I’d want to hear whatever you have to say for sake of my own learning. I’d not care one wit what someone else wanted you to say. If I found out you delivered a speech you did not own I’d consider it a dishonest waste of my time.

    The ground I hold is not one of wanting to listen to religious rhetoric.

    The ground I hold is one of wanting to learn what makes high achievers strive; whatever that is.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Marvin Shilmer stated that he'd listen to anything a valedictorian had to say- and we also should listen and agree with it. I was simply asking Marvin how far he was willing to go with his claim.”


    With your statement above you either confess profound incompetency or else dishonesty.

    Nowhere and no how have I remotely suggested we should “listen to AND agree with” anything said by a valedictorian.

    That sort of intellectual rubbish demonstrates precisely why you can’t understand why folks like me want to hear what high scholastic achievers have to say no matter what that is.

    It’s not about agreeing.

    It’s about learning.

    You probably don’t understand the difference. Probably—because of your little brain—you think learning from what someone says must mean agreeing with what they say. Right?

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “I find it perplexing that you would become so utterly befuddled by the issue on this particular thread and cannot (or will not) see the absurdity of your position.

    “I think you're better than that but for some illogical reason have decided to champion and untenable position.”


    The position I hold is not untenable. The position you attribute to me is perhaps untenable. But not the one I actually hold.

    Compelling speakers to publicly express a preferential view and to share it as their own does not advance society. We grow by listening to what others are actually thinking and not by hearing them repeat something other than what they really believe.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Marvin Shilmer: If you earned top scholastic honors and I were in the audience I’d want to hear whatever you have to say for sake of my own learning


    Well, Marvin, at one time in history the most educated individuals on the planet were convinced that....the world is flat, and they spoke extensively about it.

    I imagine all the "Marvin Shilmers" listening to them were equally as awed by their "academic" thinking as you are about this kid.

    Just because someone has a fancy label pasted on them doesn't automatically mean everything they say is worth absorbing as sage advice. Need I remind you of your opinion of the Watchtower? The GB are considered the "valedictorians" in JW world, and you take issue with virtually everything they say.

    For over 2,000 years the best 'universities' in the world taught that a heavier object falls faster than a lighter object. This was accepted as "cutting edge" science. I'm sure all the "Marvin Shilmers" who learned this piece of "scientific" tripe were as impressed with their "valedictorian" instructors as you are with this one.

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