Who on here, are close to 60

by Quarterback 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lozhasleft

    They say 60 is the new 40... It's certainly been the case for me. Just wish I'd had this wisdom at 20, or even 30...

    Loz x

  • mrsjones5

    I have no doubt.

  • blondie

    It's all in your mind....hopefully experience (of others not your own) has taught you something. People live long today, 85 even 90.

    Today's the only real life you have, yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not dawned.

    60 today.........

  • gma-tired2

    65 here and yes on sex, try to reduce stress, eat right, and exercise and your health will be better. 60's is not old each iy is just maturing

  • Hortensia

    62 was the best year -- SS started. I'm in better health than I have been in a long time, living in a beautiful area, happy and incredibly lazy.

  • humbled

    61 next month. yes on sex--and my husband is a lot older than that.

  • sspo

    Two months away. Sex is good but not as horny as i was 10 years ago. Lots of racquetball playing, i stay away from religion and i don't worry about death and after life. Life is better now than before.

  • jam

    66 walk , walk, walk and LOVE.

  • kokyong.soon3
  • TotallyADD

    Both Reopened Mind and I are close to 60. Eat right. Stay away from fast food joints. Walk, work out, garden, when it comes to yard work do it the hard way instead of the easy way. Really a good way to keep your strength up. Enjoy the sunsets, warm days, cold days, rainy days and even bad days. Take in the marvels of nature, night sky, the early morning sunrise. Laugh alot and it's OK to act silly and always never take yourself seriously. Living in FL for so many years we saw alot of old people. The ones who stay active live along time those who just sat on their butts where gone in a few years. As far as sex is concerned. Wellllllll You can figure that one out on your own. LOL Totally ADD

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