Another Newbie

by Skinnedsheep 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kool Jo
    Kool Jo

    Welcome aboard! Former MS here...was expected to become an elder.

    I'm glad you're now aware of the true nature of the WTBS.

    Looking forward to your posts!

    Kool Jo

  • Cadellin

    Welcome, skinnedsheep:

    I was raised in the "truth," by missionary parents, pioneered for many years, married an elder, the whole nine yards. Because I am a woman, I was never in line for MS/elder "privileges," of course.

    I always had an uncomfortable awareness that our timeline/chronology differed from secular history but was able to quash it by telling myself that radiometric dating methods were faulty, as the Society asserts, and that historians had anti-Biblical motives. It was when I started reading some of the reference material used in the Creation book that I saw how badly the Society misused secular quotes and information. I started actually researching evolution, dating methods, archeology, etc. in earnest and the blinders fell off for good. By this time, I was married with a small child.

    So what do you do? I gradually slowed down in meeting attendance and service--did the fade. S-L-O-W. Had it out with my elder husband. It was horrible and hard and heartbreaking. Ended up in therapy and on anti-depressants because, you see, when you take the red pill, you wake up with a thump to find your world fragmenting around you.

    But--listen now--you come out the other side. You survive. I am lucky--my marriage survived too. And because I am a woman, my dear elder husband was able to run interference between me and the elders, you know, the "I'll take care of my own household" thing. As a male, you don't have that buffer zone. But you'll do it. And you'll find out, when you've fully emerged, blinking, into the sunlight, that the intellectual freedom and curiousity that you buried for so long as a good Witness is still there. You'll enjoy using your mind. You'll discover stuff you never knew you never knew.

    If it hasn't already been said, I'll say it--read Ray Franz's book Crisis of Conscience. Order it now. You really need it at this point in your awakening.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I recently came to the realization that the organization is corrupt and is false. My story is similar to many I think. I was raised in the religion, pioneered and served as an Elder for a number of years. I resigned because I could not teach something that I felt was false. I still attend sporadically to keep the appearance up and not lose my friends or family.

    It has been an emotional rollercoaster recognizing that the organization is not God's channel to mankind. I am still trying to figure out my next steps. The organization is imploding I think. The new light is nonsense and I think it is pretty evident to anyone who doesn't want to be blind. The things that pushed me out mentally are; the molestation cases, the ban on higher education, Elder hypocrisy, changing doctrines and the worship of the Governing Body.

    I swear, you're writing my story!

    We too keep one foot in the door for appearances with family. Though I guess the Cong doesn't look at it that way since no one checked in on us after the nearby tornados. Didn't even think about it until a friend said the Bookstudy Conductors (who no longer conduct bookstudys) were calling all their groups. WGARA?

    CADELLIN: when you take the red pill, you wake up with a thump to find your world fragmenting around you.

    So very true! There is no turning back.

    Good luck on the rollercoaster!


  • Jaidubdub

    Welcome... I used to pioneer but inactive now. This site is excellent, u will get a lot of support here...

  • humbled

    Good for you --really moving toward the Light.

    Yes, read "Crisis of Conscience" by Ray Franz.


  • leaving_quietly

    Welcome! I resigned as an elder for the same reasons as you. I still attend regularly. I rarely comment. I still participate in the field ministry, though as little as possible without raising suspicions. I'm not ready to leave family and friends behind, yet. I study as I've never studied before. I have read the Bible all the way through, but a different translation, not NWT. I question everything.

    Let's just say it boils down to this for me: WTS is very much an OT religion. The leadership has put themselves in the seat of Christ. They put Christ in a secondary position, when the scriptures clearly state that all authority has been given him in heaven and on earth. (Matt 28:18) And, honor the son just as one honors the Father. (John 2:22,23)

    The latest teachings shows clearly that they simply do not have Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit would not mislead millions of people who, for the most part, really do desire to serve God properly.

  • Reopened Mind
    Reopened Mind


    Welcome to the forum. So glad that you and your wife are waking up together. My husband TotallyADD and I woke up at about the same time, in 2007, and we walked out for the last time in 2011.It's much easier when you have someone to lean on.

    TotallyADD was an elder for 25 years and I pioneered for 4 years. Unlike the organization there are no statistics here of who was what. Many though will identify as former elders, MS, pioneers, bethelites, etc. You will just have to read the posts. Enjoy. There are a great many stories here that you will find invaluable.

    Best of luck on your fade.

    Reopened Mind

  • happy@last

    Welcome, enjoy the journey. It will be tough, I ended up realising the faulty logic in every talk I heard and every article I read, and couldn't take it any longer. I resigned as an elder on health grounds and stopped going almost immediately. It was the best thing for me, sadly my kids still go with their mother, but I'm working on that.

  • DNCall

    Hi Skinnedsheep! Former elder here, born-in, etc. I was awakened in the same manner you were. It might help you to read my story that I posted on JWN because it will give you some idea of the territory you and your wife will likely traverse going forward. Best of all, it has a happy ending. Just search on "DNCall Unmasked." It's in 5 parts.

    All the best to you both.

  • flipper

    SKINNEDSHEEP- Very nice to have you here ! You are not alone my friend. Many of us here on this board were born-in JW's ( myself included I exited almost 10 years ago at age 44 ) and we have seen and experienced the injustices you mentioned . Please know that your having doubts is just a positive new beginning for you leading to freedom of mind and a more open minded realistic view of the real world , it's not the " end " of any "future " you thought you'd have with false promises from a scamming WT organization. The WT Society's " future " they promised you and us was false anyway- it was never there in the first place - for ANY of us .

    Please know that you are among friends here , thousands of us who have walked in your shoes so you'll definitely be shown empathy and understanding as you CAREFULLY extricate yourself from the WT organization. In answer to your questions I was a long time Witness a Ministerial Servant for 6 years. I had doubts since 1989 , but stayed married to my then fanatic JW wife until 1998, then I finally exited the organization in 2003.

    In regards to your question, " How many JW's realize the falsehoods ? " There are sizeable number of JW's who are still attendingmeetings and who don't believe , but out of fear of being shunned by family sill Witnesses- they keep attending. Which is totally understandable. After awhile though for many it becomes exhausting trying to please everybody while not being real ourselves from within. You asked also " what is the best way to reach out to a friend to see if they have doubts " ? Well- In regards to THAT you need to be careful about WHO you disclose your doubts to. Being an elder you're probably already well aware of this fact that if you disclose your doubts to anybody who would rat you out to your fellow elders out of some sense of " obligation " to the WT Society- you'd better remain silent to THOSE individuals. Keep your doubts to yourself. Another important question to ask yourself is : " Is your wife on board with your new doubting views of the WT organization " ? If so, then that's great you can both fade into obscurity in time carefully. But if your wife is still a devout JW - then you will have to use EXTREME caution in disclosing your views - as she may feel more allegiance to " protecting " the congregation or WT Society than she does in protecting you her husband. Only YOU know your wife's mind. But it's something I'd be VERY careful about - if you value your marriage.

    So these are just a few things to think about I thought I'd mention. Been there, done this myself and I just want to see you successfully gain your freedom without as much residual complications as possible ! Take care, we are here as a support to you friend ! Peace out, mr. Flipper

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