My Parents Reply to my Letter

by cofty 60 Replies latest members private

  • free @ last
    free @ last

    Wow! What a fabulous and unexpected reaction. It's rare I see a post here related to shunning that has me grinning from ear to ear. So happy for you Cofty.

  • yesidid

    To be honest if I had the magic bullet that would convince them the Watchtower was a cult I don't think I would use it. They are in their 70s and their entire life and identity has been defined as JWs for the past 50 years.

    That is a very loving, understanding attitude.

    You seem to understand that losing your whole support system in old age is a very, very painful experience.

    BTW Wonderful letter. In my ten years on this board it is the first time I can remember someone posting a letter which received unanamous support. Well done.


  • Quendi
  • strypes

    I am glad to hear that your parents have responded in a positive way. Maybe something good will come from all of the suffering you have endured.

  • sizemik

    Great letter and great outcome cofty . . . now the ice is broken, hopefully things will gradually get better. You've done the right thing.

  • jambon1

    Hi Cofty

    I don't come on here much these days but was sad to hear of you being ill.

    Your letter was lovely & I'm glad you have a decent resonse, if not a little surprised.

    Kind regards


  • jookbeard

    great to hear

  • HarryMac

    It occurs to me that your parents are good people. Fifty years later... their natural decency is still apparent. The best to you and them.

  • jemba

    I love this positive response to your letter Cofty.

    Your parents have been in the cult for a long time and have seen many changes. They now face dying of old age in 'this system'.

    My guess is that many elderly people in the cult must soften towards the end of their lives as they must have some tiny doubt in the back of their minds as to the validity of the whole new world thing, after all they are facing their own mortality, something most Dubs doubt they will ever have to do.

    What a terrible waste the last 17 years must seem to them, that they havent been there for their Son. So sad for them, but how good it must feel to have contact with you and you with them.

    I think of you often and send positive vibes and healing across the ocean to you, please keep us updated on your health, I read your posts out loud to my Hubby and he enjoys them as much as I do.


  • Miss.Fit

    any updates?

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