If man evolved?

by tornapart 427 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Satanus

    'I didn't come here to debate Sitchin. I am just pointing out there are other explanations.

    I came here to point out that radiometric dating doesn't work

    and I can see no one satisfactorily rebutting me.

    So I am satisfied.'

    Well, there ya go. Everyone is happy.


  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Believing in the bible as god given fact is fine for someone who thinks they know more than all of science put together (we are now talking about dumb stubborn pride here after all now aren't we rather than ignorance), but teaching that to children should be viewed as a form of child abuse.

  • mrsjones5

    I'm satisfied too.

  • GoodGuyGreg

    @jgnat: I hope you're not offended; I was just pointing out the specific fact that melt layers in ice isn't the same kind of layers that are widely accepted as annual layers, since it was important for the argument regarding the Lost Squadron.

    The difference in structure in annual layers of ice cores, has a lot to do with the difference in texture due to evaporation (which while superficially similar in effect isn't really the same as melting) between the cold winter months and the warmer summer months. Also it's possible to analyze different parts of the cores for the ratio of 16O to 18O, etc, but since we've lost the good mr Brown already, I can save the details for another round later on. :-)

  • jgnat

    Not offended, GoodGuyGreg. I am all about truth.

    James Brown, I don't have to read reams of ignorance to know it's not good for me. If it isn't good science - solid tests, pubished results, peer reviewed, and repeatable, I'm not interested.

    You'll note that those boys plan on having a good little visit with the core scientists to set them "straight". They haven't actually done anything yet. That warehouse full of core samples is plenty of evidence for me.

  • Satanus

    James brown

    It appears that noone really cares that you don't believe the dating methods, that you do believe in a bible creator god, along w sitchens gods. Would you like me to start a thread to find out if there is ANYONE who cares what you believe, no matter how wacky it is?


  • mrsjones5

    Raises hand

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    I know anyone who believes in evolution is going to say that there is no 'if' about it. However...

    If man evolved over hundreds of thousands of years ago, why were there only about 200-300 million people alive 2,000 years ago? Surely there'd have been many billions by then?

    The above is the original topic by the person who started the thread.

    I was trying to point out to him through Hovinds many videos that we did not evolve and we have not been here hundreds of

    thousands of years. That would be an answer to his question.

    Regarding your post to me

    James brown

    It appears that noone really cares that you don't believe the dating methods, that you do believe in a bible creator god, along w sitchens gods. Would you like me to start a thread to find out if there is ANYONE who cares what you believe, no matter how wacky it is?


    The relevancy in not believing dating methods is pertinent to the original post. It's called a topic.

    Remarkably it seems like a number of people here are very upset about me not believing in dating methods.

    I would say multiple pairs of underwear are bunched up in knots over this thread.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    If we had no religious texts (written by ancient civilisations who knew very little) we would never look at the evidence and suggest a young earth:

    When was the last time we had a magnetic flip? The magnetic compass has been in use since about 200 B.C. Since then it's resolutely pointed North. When molten rock cools magnetite nodules record the magnetic orientation of the earth's field. The number of recorded flips measured by bands of alternating N/S magnetite alignment is in the hundreds. Had the earth's magnetic field flipped every decade or so this would fit the young earth model. We know that this isn't the case and the magnetic flips seems a very slow process. The evidence is simple, the earth is ancient.

    Well they say we are product of our environment and that is our history that we have a young earth.

    The ancient civilizations built the pyramids and had complex math, algebra and knew about the stars and

    could navigate the oceans. They had batteries, calculators and plumbing. They had calendars and clocks with

    minutes, copper tools and bronze weapons, bricks, methods of writing, wheeled vehicles. They used ramps

    and levers and rope trusses.

  • Qcmbr


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