Ripping a person’s faith away, a heavy responsibility?

by Seraphim23 207 Replies latest jw friends

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    seeking to destroy them? Is that what they are trying to do....REALLY?

    Now you mention it...that is what seems to be happening on that christian forum. Seeking to destroy each others beliefs because THEY are all right in their different beliefs. But pretending to be loving and agreeing to disagree. This however isn't the reality, because the same disagreements keep coming up over and over again, until they stop agreeing to disagree and actually address the issues.

    Locking people up for blasphemy because THEY are right. THEY are the ones seeking to destroy.

    And I would have to say that when I was a believer...I would have been MORE offended by someone calling me a 'tool of darkness' ie satan. Than being called deluded or a moron. I could dismiss those comments as them being ignorant, but the accustation of being a 'tool of darkness', I would have been VERY upset about.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I'm talking on JWN. I've seen some VERY sarcastic comments .. come on, haven't we all?

    Yes...from all directions...atheists...believers...all sorts. I think the BIG difference is how these comments are received. Some people let them pass...and some people point them out and make a BIG deal out of them. So sometimes it SEEMS as though it is only believers that are on the receiving end of sarcasim. This isn't true. It is just pointed out more. Some people just have very touchy offense buttons. And have to let everyone know whenever it happens to them.

  • cofty
    I view atheism as a faith as well you see - Seraphim

    Then you need to spend a lot more time debating with rational people who can help you get over this sort of muddled thinking.

    JWs believe all sorts of irrational things that are unsupported by evidence. Many ex-JWs simply exchange one set of irrational beliefs for a different set.

    JWs get very upset and take it personal when you point out to them how irrational their beliefs are. Many ex-JWs do the same for identical reasons.

  • *lost*





    Still thinking - I think your missing the point. We are talking about what goes on in this house, not every other house on the web.

    No one is talking about censorship or imposing fanatical Islamic blasphemy laws on the world.

    the point is making verbal attacks on others out of the blue for no reason. Your saying, in effect, let the agressor have at it, the recipient is weak, pathetic, getting their feeling all hurt, they need to toughen up ?

    Really ?

    We should just get rid of the posting guidelines. Why have them.

    let me ask you this. Are you American? if someone made verbal insensitive attacks on here re the boston bombings, it wouldn't bother you.

  • wasblind

    Hello seraphim23

    when a person set out to rip anothers faith away. It is surely

    A heavy responsibility that can and will affect a persons life

    Jehovah's Witnesses set out to do this each and every time

    they knock on a householders door

    They teach the householder to abandon everything they have ever known

    and introduce to them to new thoughts and beliefs

    If someone says_______

    ' Christians are supposed to be witnesses for Jesus, not Jehovah '

    You might reply:

    " But here is something that may be a new thought to you.....Of whom was Jesus " The Faithful Witness ? "______Reasoning from the Scriptures book page 208

    The Bible teach that Jesus was given the authority

    to tell folks to be Witnesses of him in ACTS 1:8 and have documentation

    of this authority in Jesus owns words in Matthew chapter 28

    Jehovahs Witnesses continue to go D2D pushin' the belief that Isaiah 43:10

    over rides this authority in ACTS 1:8. Which does not, because Isaiaih 43:10 was qouted before the

    birth , death and the ressurection of the christ

    It is not my goal to rescue anyone from where they want or need to be

    My goal is to continue to inform people who are curious enough to know

    about the Jehovah's Witnesses who have every intention

    to rip away what that person may believe

    On a personal note Like others who took in a Bible study

    I had crosses in my home. In Christendom, it is the symbol forever connected to our saviour ( Jesus Christ )

    A reminder of Gods power

    Jehovah's Witnesses do not see it in connection to salvation

    but a destestable thing , an idol that should be shunned

    They are truly the enemies of the tourture stake of the Christ that paul

    speaks of in Phillipians 3:18

    If this post seems offensive please forgive me, But I'm all outta fluff


  • cantleave

    Lost are you saying that ideas should or shouldn't be criticised / ridiculed?

    Stupid ideas should be pointed out as should dangerous ones. Just because an idea is shrouded with superstition and mythology or held as some kind phylactery does not make it above criticism or ridicule. Ideas of deities of spirits, that take us back to the days of ignorance and fables should be robustly cristicised and ridiculed without mercy.

  • bohm

    To paraphrase: If a person believe things on bad evidence, is it then a good idea to challenge his views?

    I suppose that depends on your view of the person. If you think he is mentally unstable and need to believe in false ideas to get through the day, i suppose the best course of action is to leave him alone. Personally, I would thank a person who prevented me from living my life on a lie.

  • cantleave

    If you think he is mentally unstable and need to believe in false ideas to get through the day, i suppose the best course of action is to leave him alone.

    Bohm, don't you think that a mentally unstable person with a stupid or dangerous idea is a worrying scenario?

  • Xanthippe

    ridiculed without mercy. -cantleave

    If you think he is mentally unstable and need to believe in false ideas -bohm

    Sometimes it's hard to see why people joined a ruthless, cruel cult.....and then again

  • bohm


    If you think he is mentally unstable and need to believe in false ideas -bohm

    Sometimes it's hard to see why people joined a ruthless, cruel cult.....and then again

    whats your point, you did notice there is an "if" in the beginning right? im not me making a value-judgement on believers, im saying the people who claim believers are too fragile to have their ideas critisized are.

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