Has Your Heart and Mind Changed About Hiring JWs To Fill Job Openings?

by ÁrbolesdeArabia 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    If you own a company or small business, will you hire a JW over a non-JW? Did you find JWs more productive than non-JWs and more honest and outgoing for your business expansion?

    The Watchtower tries to state that JWs are in high demand because of their honesty, you think the World is smarting up and realizing they are just regular people who follow men? Do you think JWs are the most honest and best people you met in your life or is this Watchtower-Urban Legend?

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Well I can tell you I've worked for JW bosses and they can be just as evil as 'worldly' bosses. They smile and love you at the Hall though, and you can't just quit the job without causing a ruckus in the congregation.

    As for hiring them? I'd treat them on merit, like I would any other prospective employee. Can they do the job? Do they have a good work ethic? Are they qualified? I wouldn't discriminate if that's what you mean, unless I needed someone to work Saturday and Sunday mornings, for which they wouldn't be available.

  • zound

    I worked for a few JW bosses (window cleaning). I was underpaid in exchange for 'not having to work alongside wordly people'.

    It wasn't hard to do the sums and figure out that the boss was making an absolute killing.

  • joe134cd

    Things can be a lot more uncomplicated if its a witness with worldly person. If things don't work out its see you latter and that's it. I have known of cases where it's worked out well and others its been a disaster. Me personally I would never employ a witness,just to many issues. When it comes to money and witnesses (and especially witnesses who are friends)I have found they don't mix. With money there is very little difference in how witnesses and worldly people behave.well that's my take on it.

  • zeb

    Jw I have employed ask top rates and their work is average.

    Never build a house involving bros. They dont turn up, they talk all the time and sisters will also turn up to check out the house and ask a lot of nosy questions.

    The are little better when building a kh. All arrive on the saturday morning, some work then go home for lunch never to be seen again. Others form up into their talking groups and do so little else.

    This particular kh sat unfinished for months. I asked ( oh foolish fellow) what waas going on and the reply was they are waiting on some approval of the council. I phoned the council and they said they were waiting on... you guessed.

    It seems no one was in charge. It did eventually get finished.

  • jwfacts

    The company I work for was using an IT consultancy to look after out network. The person assigned to our account happened to be a JW friend of mine, (or rather ex friend). He misquoted and was too gutless to call the Office Manager and tell her it would be more. When she finally found out, she went nuts. When I told her he was a JW, she said "That explains it. That religion emasculates men and turns them into whimps."

  • cantleave

    I used to work for JW Franchisor, they had very poor business ethics and didn't care about the franchisees. In fact the the MD used to say that there is more money to be made in a franchise failure than there is in a success!

  • slimboyfat

    I think being a JW also trains you to be deceptive, and its a skill, once learnt, that can be hard to switch off.

    The reason is that the Watchtower sets standards for young people that are so unreasonable that the majority of people simply can never satisfy them. So in order just to get by young Witnesses learn to lie about what films they've seen, what music they listen to, whether they use facebook, romantic relationships in school and so on.

    Lying about who you really are is a Watchtower habit that can be difficult to shake off.

  • cantleave

    Lying about who you really are is a Watchtower habit that can be difficult to shake off.

    Spot on! As a kid in school I used to try and hide the fact I was a witness and in the hall I used to try an make out I was good little JW in school. The whole culture creates the necessity to lead a double life.

  • Phizzy

    I used to employ JW's when I was active, and some worldly guys. The JW's were never as good as workers as the worldly guys overall.

    The JW's always expected allowances to be made for them, short days on Meeting days,extra days off etc for Conventions, and they did not see the need to exert themselves to make the business a success.

    I would not employ a JW now for anything, worldly people appreciate employment as something for life, not just until the Big A.

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