Has Your Heart and Mind Changed About Hiring JWs To Fill Job Openings?

by ÁrbolesdeArabia 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    I supervise a JW employee who used to request permission to go assemblies. After he found out that I no longer go to meetings, he began to call in sick to go to assemblies and other dub events, parties, etc.. he has the worst attendance record of all employees

  • LongHairGal


    If I had a business and knew the JW was like ME and not somebody I wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole, I might give them a chance.

    If they knew the "score" and were a RESPONSIBLE person who didn't play the religion "card", I suppose my chances might be the same as with a non-JW.

  • WTWizard

    The witlesses are more likely to sue their way into positions they can't handle because of their religion, refuse to do the job, and then sue for religious discrimination. And beyond that, they are generally the worst workers around. They love to waste time gabbing on the job, usually wasting more time talking about the LIE-ble or the washtowel than worldly people do smoking. They also hold meetings that have nothing to do with the job--I have seen more meetings for the crew (all witlesses) about spiritual things, on company time, than about work performance issues. They threaten with ratting people out to the hounders for things like "slander"--never mind that it usually has nothing to do with company policies or doing crappy work (which the witlesses generally do).

    And time off! They have to get time off for their Grand Boasting Session, no matter what. They NEED time off so they can reject both Jesus and Astaroth (guaranteed damnation regardless of which side you take). They must get time off so they can pious-sneer when the hounder-hounder is in town. And, don't even think of asking to work "just this one Sunday" (when someone got fired for stealing). The boasting session is just so much more important than working, even if they could earn enough to get that battery charger, Sanyo Eneloop batteries, and that Fenix LD22 flashlight they will need the next time they get a blackout. That boasting session is just that much more important, and to hell with their co-workers "that are only going to die at Aramgeddon".

    Stealing? Witlesses are just as dishonest as worldly people. I have seen a witless in maintenance "sampling" wrapped chocolate candy from the bulk bin--were it now, I would have ratted that thing out. They are just as likely to sleep on the job (because they pious-sneer during the day). And they do crap work, which is quite dishonest. Just because they don't take cash from the drawer or carts full of groceries into their car doesn't make them any less likely to steal. They are just more sneaky when they do.

  • flipper

    ARBOLES- When I was a JW ( exited over 9 years ago ) I put many JW's to work in my business. Not ONE time did I ever get a contract from ANY JW to hire my services in my profession as they were too tight money wise to pay for my services. Even though I felt I generously assisted several JW's to get into their oWN business like mine by taking the time to help them see how to sell and give bids to commercial customers, went with them to train them to meet and greet customers in order to get their own businesses going. The thanks I got ? One of my JW buddies left after picking up several accounts on his own after I trained him and he dumped them on me - leaving with hardly any notice or warning. Almost like the " slave " in Jesus illustration saying " Here- you have back what is yours. " LOL ! Kinda weird. So after that I thought , why bother helping JW's they won't appreciate it.

    I did have one really good inactive or faded JW who helped me on big jobs and he was dependable in a pinch. But for the most part- no- most other Witnesses who helped me were a real pain in the butt and not dependable. Since leaving the organization I've had a lot more dependability with non-Witness workers definitely !

    My JW niece has a JW husband whose selfish, materialistic JW boss has dumped the whole load of running an oil company on him and the JW boss takes vacations in the Caribeann, Mexico, wherever - while my nieces husband works 80 - 100 hours per week and slowly watches his marriage and relationships , not to mention any JW committments slowly crumble and lessen.

    But yes indeed, I've seen this for years and years how JW's take advantage of USING us as employers while not putting out the required effort or showing the least amount of appreciation. As a JW boss goes- I was a pretty fair boss and treated people well - but I just think I was that kind ofperson deep down - WT influence or no WT influence. People always enjoyed working with me because I worked side by side with them as hard as they worked. I was a hard working boss, still am. Interesting thread

  • Sherilynn

    Being in the construction business while I was active JW we would try to hire "brothers" but it turned out very badly each time (Like Elders taking your clients by leaving their business cards at the job site, when we specifically said they were not to solicit work from clients while working for us) It was the last straw so agreed no more JW employees.

    Again, its all talk in the magazines but very opposite in real life. I will say there are a few that I would trust but very few as workers.

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    When he was 18, my younger brother, at my dub mother's urging, took a construction job working for a dub at our KH. My brother was routinely forced by his dub boss to lift loads that were too heavy for him.

    After several months, my brother developed back pain and was forced to quit over the strenuous objections of my mother.

    Result? Permanent damage to his lower back. It's now been more than 40 years' of suffering for him, thanks to a compassionate dub employer.

    Not one member of my immediately family has escaped long-term injury, either physical or emotional or both, not even my mother, that has directly resulted from the loving association of our christian "brothers."

  • Iamallcool

    If I own my business and I can hire people, well I would try not to hire any JW, I do not want them to preach to me or anything like that. I will give them opportunity to have an interview to see what the person is all about. I might still hire him or her regardless of religious affliation. Maybe they will never tell you that they are JW and after that person gets hired and then you learned that he or she is a witness, you can't discriminate against them. Be careful! I would just go with my gut instincts.

  • Quarterback

    I have worked for, and with JW's. I have found some that were industrious, and some that were like the examples above. Julia mentioned a good point above about not discriminating. I am aware of some JW employees that have won awards for their creative, and dedicated work. But, so have people that are not JW's.

    I used to only trust a JW mechanic,, but he was too honest and couldn't succeed in that business. He ended up doing some other work.

  • respectful_observer

    From my experience, most J-dubs seem to have the same mix as lazy/hardworking/deceptive/honest employees as the general population. The trouble seems to start when J-dubs hire other J-dubs, either as employees or as contractors. Suddenly they're looking for favors, expecting special treatment, or ignore your project in favor of non-JW clients since "you'll understand".

    I hired a JW for a construction project once, but never will again. Even my uber-JW parents decided long ago to stop hiring JWs as employees or contractors.

    General rule of thumb:

    JW+"Worldly person"+$$$= Normal result

    JW+JW+$$$= PROBLEMS!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I've posted on this before, but in the future? Hell no. "Dubs have stolen from me, altered their time cards, no showed and tried to play the brother card, etc etc. I've even been sued for religious discrimination by a dub as well when they got fired

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