Share the Craziest far out ideas/arguments you have heard about life in the "NEW SYSTEM"

by BU2B 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    I remember concluding that WE dont actually get to go to paradise.

    Would the me I am now be sad that most of the world died and inevitably people I loved died.... YES

    Would the me in paradise be sad... No.... THEN IT ISNT ME !!!!

    The people they describe arent us, they are modified versions of us. Who wants that and at what expense? The death of all humankind (and JW's who have been a bit shitty to us) in exchange for an everlasting fake life. It doens make sense!

    Also, all those people dead.... why? Because they would not worship a god that once again has caused mass genocide and death, has claimed to cause genocide in the past promoted and established slavery, condoned rape, sexual slavery, infanticide, blood sacrifice etc etc.

    What kind of terd bag worships such a guy in exchange for being in his club and getting part of the spoils. It's like bowing and scraping to Saddam Hussein as he slaughters millions of people, because he says he has the right to do so. The snivelling little creeps laughing at all his jokes and explaining away all the genocide and muder and lakes of fire he has had cooking away for some time, his hands rubbing together to use it.

    Of course people reject the god of the bible, even if they did it in inorance of the fact there is no evidence of his existance and a heap of evidence of how he was invented, on his actions and personality alone, he should never be worshiped !

    The deal is definetly off, you can keep your tiger in the garden, you nut job !

  • Comatose

    All life will be vegetarian. Including bugs. Maybe Mosquitos and flies will all be gone. Bees and wasps won't sting. Bat shit crazy.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    We had one old sister who claimed if there were no clothes in the new system she would not be allowing anyone to sit on her sofa without placing a serviette underneath their bare bottom.

    In her world serviettes and sofas both make it into the new system but not clothes. That never quite made sense to me.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Survivors of THE BIG A will get their choice of rich worldly dead peoples houses ..... This use to piss me off when sisters brought this up in FS . I asked them one time "If Jehovah hates greediness now won't he still hate it in Paradise ?" They never liked me saying that very much :)

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    I remember Nathan Knorr giving a talk at a convention at Twickenham I think it was the last talk and the stadium was packed he said " next time we meet like this we could be in the New World. " I thought well it had better be less boring and rasping than the talk you and Freddie Franz just gave or I shall be staying at a chalet in my new mountain retreat stroking my tiger and rolling about with my polar bear not to mention stroking my very fit looking wife's hair which flowed all the way down her back, as depicted in the Wacktower, while she caressed my newly perfected A class chest and admiring my muscle tone.

  • Dagney

    @Amelia: Aww...I can say I never heard that one before. How practical was she!

  • Think About It
    Think About It
    We had one old sister who claimed if there were no clothes in the new system she would not be allowing anyone to sit on her sofa without placing a serviette underneath their bare bottom.

    That sister should be more humble, and think more about what a fine example it would be to wash her guest's feet and ass when they come into her new system home to visit.

  • Comatose

    Would no one get boners in the new system? I mean even as a perfect man when some sister was bent over picking up trash that could be awkward. And would you just walk around with your awkward situation with everyone pretending it wasn't going on? What if it happened while on stage? Would sisters with nursing young ones just leak milk onto their firm stomachs since there was no bras or such? How would menstruation be handled while naked? What if your balls itch? Do you just scratch them in public guilt free? Would you adjust the thermostat in the KH depending on sisters hardened nipples?

  • Comatose

    I guess in the new order if we were naked and ate too many peaches the day before then farting in public would be impossible. A naked shart would be horrible.

  • Badfish

    I was in a car group when a younger brother said he can't wait until he no longer has to shave in the New System. An elder who was sitting in the car corrected him and reminded him that there are no beards in any of the pictures of the New System in the publications, meaning we we always have to shave.

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