Share the Craziest far out ideas/arguments you have heard about life in the "NEW SYSTEM"

by BU2B 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • exwhyzee

    We'll all be naked in the New System but neckties will still be mandatory for brothers at the meetings. (extra long and extra wide ones and a tie pin to hold them in place)

    There won't be any tears or pain so when you're walking through paradise and a Coconut falls out of a tree onto your noggin, you'll just keep on going. The blood will dry up and your dented skull will just repair itself.

    Everyone's bodies will be perfect but some of the sisters will still think theirs aren't as good as everyone elses.

    We're going to live on other planets....what else are they for ??

    We will live forever but our much anticipated and much loved pet Lions, Dolphins and Polar Bears will die every so often. tears over this on our part.

    Everyone's homes will be painted Watchtower issued yellow with green trim. No individualism or trying to stand out from others by being creative or unique.

  • jam

    The idea about grow your own food. That idea is not so inviting.

    First of all, if you don,t grow your food will you starve. Secondly

    I have never wanted to be a farmer. I have a small vegetable

    garden. The work it requires to grow a few tomatoes, beans, onions

    and etc. Just enough for about two weeks of eating. Now to grow

    food for your everyday needs, that,s another story. I knew a brother

    who is a farmer. It was hard work, his vacation, assemblies.

    Look, if I,am to live in paradise, I want to enjoy it. I don,t want to spend

    all day plowing and milking cows. I don,t have time for that!!!!!

  • MrFreeze

    One brother said he thought there would be trees with fruit that would taste like fried chicken because so many of the brothers love it and Jehovah would want them to be happy.

  • jam

    A tree that taste like fried chicken, now that,s funny.

  • momentofsurrender

    My grandmother believes that in the new system there will be a tree that you can tap and beer will come out. Jehovah will create it especially for my Grandfather that passed away almost 40 years ago, because he loved beer so much. She also believes that she will be married to him again, even though she married again after he died - and that the scriptures that say this isn't true are not meant for her. She is old, but she has pretty much always been that out there about what it is going to be like in the new system. She is going on 65ish years as a witness.

    I personally think the beer tree is a pretty cool idea!

  • 2+2=5

    I shall be staying at a chalet in my new mountain retreat stroking my tiger and rolling about with my polar bear not to mention stroking my very fit looking wife's hair which flowed all the way down her back, as depicted in the Wacktower, while she caressed my newly perfected A class chest and admiring my muscle tone

    Too funny. I am loving this thread.

    It is kinda sad though. Not because up until recently I believed in this insanity, but because so many of my family and friends still do. They don't just believe it, they live it and breathe it. The new system consumes their thoughts as does the wickedness of this current system which the lament so much.

    I heard a CO talk about how the 144000 may materialize so they could govern in the flesh, then turn back into spirits so they could go back to heaven. Like some type of access all areas pass. This got everyone in the hall excited.

    He had a good point though, how else will the Government work? This invisible heavenly government does present some problems, and has proved to be ineffective, especially when it comes to communicating a clear understanding of the scriptures.

  • jam

    WOW!! Trees that taste like chicken and beer, now that,s

    paradise. What else could you ask for.

  • Comatose

    2+2=5 - great point! The kingdom is already there and evident since 1914. It will have to communicate better in the new order. Haha.

    I heard of pizza trees before. Fruit like the fried chicken tree. I forgot about that. Must have been a talk or article a long time ago. Or else people are just crazy. It's weird for me too that I earnestly believed this stuff and everyone I have still does. Wow.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    hmmm how about chicken and waffle trees?

  • suavojr

    We will all talk Hebrew, live and visit other planets, will not use any money, will have nice clothes (But don't know who will make them), we will have the best and most advance technologies such as flying cars, telepathy communication, everlasting energy and nothing will contaminate the world.

    I am personally looking forward on having a better body than Rambo with zero steroids and zero workout, I will kick higher than Bruce Lee, I will swin faster than Michael Phelps, hit harder than Bonds, and sing better than Julio Iglesias.

    We will learn everything in a blink of an eye and yet JW's don't beleive in miracles today....

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