WT Society Changes Definitions of Words to Control JW's for Their Agenda

by flipper 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    No, I can say with all certainty that I've not slotted that into a conversation, even the occasional drunken one. :)

  • flipper

    BALLISTIC & THINK ABOUT IT- Yeah, that's a really good one ! Antitypical . I don't think I've ever used it in conversation or otherwise ! LOL !

    I just looked and it IS in the dictionary. Antitype : " the person or thing represented or foreshadowed by an earlier type or symbol. 2. an opposite type. " Yeah, it wasn't one of the words on my radar either

  • Fernando

    Sorry, I missed that flipper. WBTS versus dictionary. Only noticed when re-reading OP.

    One thing I have noticed is that dictionary definitions related to spiritual concepts sometimes seem to be derived from religious sources, who like the Watchtower also erroneously hold that "faith" = "religious belief" (for example).

  • tornapart

    Humble... English definition: Conscious of one's failings, unpretentious, deferential

    Humble....WT defintion: Being subservient to the WT Organisation, being slavishly obedient to it and never dare think an independent thought from it.

  • flipper

    FERNANDO- No biggie. Don't sweat it. I agree that a lot of literature in modrern times is influenced by religion - unfortunately. It tends to cloud lots of definitions of reality many times .

    TORNAPART- Humble- yeah, that is a REALLY good comparison in how the WT Society totally misuses words. As you state a person is only considered humble by the WT Society if they submit to their control. Good example ! Thanks for sharing

  • BluesBrother

    True Christian : in common use = a committed follower of Jesus Christ

    In Watchtower speak = an enthusiastic Jehovah's Witness.......(7 million out of 2 billion )

  • flipper

    BLUES BROTHER- Exactly. A " true Christian " to the WT Society is only a Jehovahs Wtness. In mainstream society it includes many different religious groups claiming to worship God or Jesus

  • JWB

    (See 15 June 2013 Watchtower)

    headquarters - permanent address of the 'faithful and discreet slave' since 1919

  • flipper

    JWB- " Headquarters " - Yes, indeed, good catch. Permanent address of the FDS since 1919. That does sound pretty strange when you compare it to dictionary terms of headquarters

  • flipper

    BTTT, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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