WT Society Changes Definitions of Words to Control JW's for Their Agenda

by flipper 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • tornapart

    'Evidently'... Means they have all the answers and we can't question them.

  • flipper

    NIKA B- Very interesting. You know- Christendom, Christianity, Catholics- I just throw em' all into the same pot as Bible thumpers. But that may be just me ! LOL !

    TORNAPART- Exactly. WT Society uses " evidently " a hell of a lot constantly- insinuating they have all the right answers. So weird

  • JWB

    Interesting and important thread flipper. It may be somewhat amusing, but the fact of the matter is that the WTS does appear to have its own "Ministry of Truth" (see the novel '1984').

    Scott77, you said: "Looks like the Watchtower has awarded itself the authority to define meaning of english words for example 'generation, Slave, World etc' as long as they apply to their situation." Well what do you expect from the Vicar of Christ? It seems they also have the power to "change times and seasons" to suit themselves!

    "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely."

  • Roberta804

    Oh I do hope this one has not been mentioned yet!


    "Don't forget about your time!" we would hear on the last Thursdays of the month. Time?! What time! Oh the time I spent wasting in this damn chair? All the quality time for my children I gave up to study, prepare speaches (talk, is another one), assemblies, study, getting dressed and ready for meetings 3 times a week, did I mention study yet? special meetings, pioneer school, elders meetings, judicial meetings, and if there is time left over study! Sheezesh!

    Oh but no, they want the a different kind of TIME. They treat this TIME like it was gold nuggets to count or grams to weigh, they use it as currency. Currency for what? The more TIME you can count = ???????

    Excuse me...... I'm baked

  • flipper

    JWB- Thanks. I felt it was a semi-important thread to write as well because many newly exiting JW's who come on the board here are very unaware of the term " double-speak " from the Orwell book 1984 or they are unaware of how the WT Society changes and manipulates the English language for their own designs. Good point you bring out how the GB and WT Society changes " times and seasons " to suit themselves . I agree entirely . A bunch of tricky , manipulative bastards is what they are.

    ROBERTA 804- Very good point. The WT Society's view of the word time is like you stated that time is only well spent if it's spent 24/7 doing the WT Society's bidding for THEIR agendas. Any personal lives we wish to pursue are considered " non-essential " by the WT Society. It's truly twisted reasoning

  • flipper

    BTTT, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Lore

    Practically every watchtower study is an exercise in redefining words.

    How to attain 'Glory'.

    Redefine Glory to mean 'gods approval'.

    How to attain 'wealth'.

    Redefine Wealth to mean 'a relationship with god'.

    How to attain 'security'.

    Redefine Security to mean 'unbreakable faith'.

  • flipper

    LORE- Very, very true. I agree that every single WT Study is a lesson in changing meanings of words and redefining words. WT Society does this constantly

  • ballistic

    Antitypical? What on earth was that??? Doesn't it mean, opposite logic will apply to the subject at hand?

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Antitypical........now there's a word I bet X-JW's haven't used since our cult days.

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