AAWA, J M____ E______, and me

by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    That would be a noble cause Ray. Just don't repeat the mistakes of the AAWA. Or the arrogance

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    The bodies keep lining up. And according to Marvin. They are all liars

  • slimboyfat

    Thanks Ray I need to start making my own list. I never knew there were more than a couple around.

  • talesin

    I am, after all, the anti-Christ. Right?

    No. *smile* You are not.

    I merely object to your expectation that we should trust sources who have proven they are not credible. I object to your browbeating the victims of their incompetence. And I dislike your arrogance and stubborn refusal to acknowledge that other people may have more experience/knowledge of both facebook and organizing non-profit groups. You seem to think that a recently freed-from-the-cult 'ex-elder' is more credible than people who have been out of the b'Org for many years, and have been huge contributors to this board.

    That's all.

    SBF, you said " Isn't it ironic that AAWA have removed their website that was not causing any harm, but kept their Facebook page up that has been causing people problems?"

    Precisely. It is the responsibility of the administration to protect its members, when they are offering counseling to victims of a cult who are desperate to maintain their anonymity.


  • slimboyfat

    That's about 10 people affected that have mentioned it here on JWN, and a couple of them badly affected.

    Just think how many others it has happened to/is happening to that have not bothered posting about it here.

    AAWA shoud be ashamed of themselves, for an organisation that is supposed to be trying to help people for goodness sake.

  • talesin


    I had to chuckle. My fellow festival organizers used to call me the "Anti-Christ" because of my virulent hatred of the JWs. Yes, I do a lot of anti-witnessing in real life.



  • mrsjones5

    How can I like a page I knew nothing about until the video was posted here? I know I'm getting old but I know when I like a page.

    but for me it's no nevermind. The damage has already been done elsewhere. Oh and the fan page is still up. I haven't unliked myself, it doesn't show up on my newsfeed (a lack of activity perhaps) nor do I go to look at the page.

  • besty
    - I asked for evidence that Julia added 260 odd people “ without their consent ”.

    @Marvin Shillmore - Given your hotline to AAWA please simply ask Julia Barrick Douglas, Jo Buel Jensen and J Mason Emerson whether they sought consent from the 800 people they added. I don't have the same access you have.

    I have no way of knowing if they had informed consent for all 800, so given your voracious appetite for primary source evidence of the highest caliber I suggest ethically you have no choice but to ask AAWA.

    <Given the single click process to add or the multi-click, type personal message, wait for response/no response cycle and then go back and add if permission given, and the numerous reports on here of people being added without permission, and me personally being added without permission, I have fair and reasonable belief that permission was unlikely to be sought.>

    Thanks. I look forward to THEIR answer via you. <any obfuscation from you on this simple request will tell me everything I need to know>

  • Tylinbrando

    I was added to AAWA's secret group by Julia as well without my consent. When I checked the membership tab there were only 24 members. My JW mother in law came to visit and I asked to see her Facebook account on her Ipad. I went through her notifications and I checked my Facebook page from her account.

    Nowhere was it shown in her newsfeed, notifications or friends activities that I had been added to AAWA or that I was participating on the AAWA Group.

    For every story indicating that everyone in the world could see AAWA's activity and members, there are stories that completely contradict it, from the time there were a dozen members to the present with well over a 1000 members.

    The he said she said is an issue that wont receive any attention by AAWA anymore because of the conflicting testimonials.

    However, the FACT that members were added without consent should move them to reboot membership.

  • besty
    Nowhere was it shown in her newsfeed, notifications or friends activities that I had been added to AAWA or that I was participating on the AAWA Group

    perhaps your MIL has set your updates to 'ignore' - you might not be that interesting to her ;-)

    I have a ton of FB friends who are invisible to me. Maybe check with a bunch of other FB friends to see what else might be going on...

    How can I see my timeline as others see it?


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