The Truth Changes: Watchtower of July 15, 2013

by Doug Mason 56 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason


    If you do translate it into French, could I please have a copy?

    If you email me I might be able to give you a little assistance. I provide my email address in the Study.

    All the best,


  • irondork

    Wow! That's a really nice piece of work DM.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    I guess I won't be the most popular person with certain people. I have to admit that I haven't been on their Christmas card list.

    How will they implement these changes? How do they implement any changes?

    Will Witnesses have to change their words on July 15? How will Witnesses (generally speaking) react when they are told to goose-step differently? How much leniency is shown if someone hangs on to the previous eschatology?

    As you all say, this is very confusing for people, especially when the GB's words do not reflect people's memories. It is said that he who writes history controls history. But that cannot erase people's memories.

    Let's hope that some Witnesses will examine the Study and see the inconsistencies when they are force-fed the latest ideas.

    I hope you all noticed that Russell expected the "great time of trouble" would END in 1914. The Great War started in August while Russell expected the unprecedented peace under the Zionists to come on October 1. So you can imagine what they thought when hostilities opened up - the great tribulation had reached its final climax, no doubt.

    Pick out the eyes from what I have written and use what is useful to you.


  • St George of England
    St George of England

    When I read the first article in the July 15th WT I too was surprised about the GT having been taught as starting in 1914 and interupted in 1918.

    I looked into this and the teaching came from 1925 and was finally dropped in 1970 There is a full explanation of the history of this idea in the WT of January 15, 1970.


  • Larsinger58

    Thanks, Doug. This was wonderfully prepared and I know took a lot of hard work. Much appreciated!

    Your PDF helps to illustrate that the GB of the WTS are truly in "spiritual darkness."

  • TotallyADD

    For those who will research the old teachings and compare it to the new teachings and the light bulb comes on. They will be the weeds that will leave the WT according to the GB. For God does not want weeds in it's clean yard of mono grass. So soon a new teaching will come out of all the weed like people ( ones who think) who do not agree with the GB will be pulled and tossed out of God's clean organization. It's a setup for all the problem ones who use their minds and think. Totally ADD

  • gorgia

    This is great. Thank you for putting the link here.



    Eden One,

    "I find really strange that the GB presents the understanding of the start of the 'Great Tribulation' being a future event as "new light", when the "old light" it supposedly replaces has alreaby been abandoned for well over 40 years and the understanding of the start of the "Great Tribulation" as a future event has been around for decades already."

    WT 1981 12/1

    " 2) However, it may have seemed to some as though that path has not always gone straight forward. At times explanations given by Jehovah's visible organization have shown adjustments, seemingly to previous points of view. But this has not actually been the case. This might be compared to what is known in navigational circles as "tacking." By maneuvering the sails the sailors can cause a ship to go from right to left, back and forth, but all the time making progress toward their destination in spite of contrary winds."


    " 19) Of course, such development of understanding, involving "tacking" as it were, has often served as a test of loyalty for those associated with the "faithful and discreet slave." However, progress is being made continually toward fuller appreciation of the "good news" and all that it means. It has been the experience of those who stay close to God's organization that questions and things hard to understand are always cleared up with the passing of time.( SIDE POINT: Reasoning book, Last Days, " The present wicked system of things, which extends worldwide, entered its last days in 1914, and some of the generation alive then will also be on hand to witness its complete end in the "great tribulation." The passing of time did indeed clarify this understanding. How many of that true, non-overlapping generation are stilll alive?)

    And as the light shines forth ever more clearly, how heartwarming and satisfying the way proves to be! It is as Peter expressed it when some of the disciples stumbled over Jesus' teaching: "Lord, whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life." (John 6:68) The Lord Jesus Christ still has those "sayings," and he is dispensing them through the one "faithful and discreet slave" organization that he today uses on earth. It is like the "good tree" that Jesus described as bringing forth "fine fruit." (Matt. 7:17) Apart from this, the only choice is association with Satan's political "wild beast" and "Babylon the Great," the world empire of false religion. (Rev. 13:1; 17:5) No dedicated Christian would want to return to that!

  • wasblind

    How will they implement these changes? How do they implement any changes?____Doug Mason

    Answer : Through Theocratic ministry school


    " Speak in a manner that shows that you are fully convinced of the ( Lies you tell ) "_____Theocratic ministry school book page 194


    " State more that once the points that you want your audience to remember ( to forget )"_____Theocratic ministry school book page 206


    " Impart information that is in complete harmony with the facts ( ) "_____Theocratic ministry school book page 223


  • wasblind


    " Make sure that any application of a scripture is in harmony with the context and with the Bible as a whole. The application should also be in harmony with what has been published by the " faithful and discreet slave "_____Theocratic ministry school book page 153

    The FDS Wrote :

    " Bible chronology also pinpointed in advance the time when certain events in the fulfillment would take place____Reasoning from the scriptures book page 93

    When will the end of this wicked world come ?

    " Jesus answered : " Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, niether the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the father However he also stated: " Truly I say to you that this generation [ That was alive when " the sign" of " The last days" began it's fulfillment ] will by no means pass away until all these things occur."______Reasoning from the scriptures book page 97

    LOL, The WTS and the Bible in harmony ?!?!?!


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