The Truth Changes: Watchtower of July 15, 2013

by Doug Mason 56 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    The Watchtower magazine of July 15, 2013 introduces significant changes for the Governing Body, the organisation, and for all Jehovah’s Witnesses. In recasting its eschatology (study of the “Last Days”), the GB has cut away from its past, distancing itself from previously held applications – which up to now had to be vigorously defended by Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    With this magazine, the GB completely changes several key positions, and in the process remodels its past, its attitude towards Russell, the Bible Students, and to 1914. In the process, the GB is moving its focus from past dates to an anticipated future – without making commitments to dates. The centenary of October 1914 looms, and the events of those times slip ever further away.

    This Study provides an analysis of the changes the GB is imposing through this magazine:

  • Simon

    The 1914 - 2014 centennnial anniversary will surely make a few people stop and think ... one hundred years - wow, that is a long time for a train to just pull into the station.

    2114 people, Uncle Jebus is coming back then. Trust me. You heard it here first.

  • wannabefree

    Doug ... Nice work! ... as usual

  • Listener

    Thanks Doug, you've put a lot of work into that, I'm looking forward to reading it.

  • Finkelstein

    1914 - 2014 The Watchtower Corporation bullshitting righteously with forwarding commercial appeal for an entire century.

    What will the next century bring ?

  • Scott77

    Excellent and superb work.


  • Listener

    Great work Doug.

    You made this statement

    "The GB has now expanded the "domestics" to include the "great crowd" class. This further diminishes any uniqueness of those claiming to be of the anointed (those who plan to rule earth from the government in heaven). This is the only mention of the "great crowd" in this magazine. They do not appear in the diagrams at pages 4-5 or 10-11. "

    The moving of the other sheep from being identified as part of Christ's belongings to now being part of the domestics within the household is a big change but you've pointed out that they only mention them once in this article. It would seem that they are going to make future changes in their understanding here as well.

  • Jeffro

    Doug, you have a PM

  • prologos

    it is true that they taught the 1914 start of the Gt and interruption in 1918- bigA prior to 70s, but changed that to "cut short" to "save flesh (of the anointed, chosen)"in length, terminating it early. up to now.

    Did WT gloss over that current teaching to appear less confused than they really are?

    That is why many new-bees were startlet and will be in July when they learn that were supposed to have believed, taught that discarded "GT cut- short- in the middle,"bit.

    On the judging of the Sheep and Goats. reference is made in the refution of "preliminary stages" of such a judiscial process. whatever they be, the Lord at that point has the evidence at hand, fait accompli. where wt is wrong, its the nature of the brothers and the kind of deeds. and with the overlapping generations, how about all the dead during that "day of judgement" starting when? in the do-gooders of the millenia?

    GB and writing, even legal should study this excellent DM work of research to see what they have wrought.

    Ps: such excellent work allows us to see even more inconsistencies. keep it up.

  • Simon

    Btw: great research / pdf .... thanks for sharing that !

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