I heard Jehovah's Witnesses were the first ones on the scene in Boston providing assistance.

by Theocratic Sedition 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasblind

    Hello Theo, Thank you for my bedtime chuckle. lol

    Nite - nite ,

    Just Lois

    You might need to rephrase that Lois, A young verile man like Theo

    wouldn't wanna be known as a bedtime chuckle to the ladies on the board

    Sorry Miz, I couldn't help myself


  • OnTheWayOut
    I am pretty sure the first ones on the scene were the stand-by medical teams.

    Yeah, but after that. They were the first ones on the scene to offer anyone literature that actually explained why bad things like that happen to good people.

    You can bet there will be a Circuit Overseer saying something about how requests for their literature went up dramatically in the Boston area afterward.

    The only place they ran to was the hospital to make sure if the bomb didnt kill a jw their no blood policy will.

    Exactly. And if no JW was hurt, that C.O. will go on to say "No Witnesses were hurt because we don't waste our last days being attached to the world."

  • wasblind

    Yep, I can here 'em now tellin' the FBI

    " It's not for man to direct his own steps, Wait on Jehovah to find the bomber "

    " Wait on the Kingdom"

    " How 'bout a Bible study so we can bump our gums 'til the Kingdom come "

    " When will it come ? Soon. very soon. Don't blink or you'll miss it "


  • punkofnice

    JW at the scene killed = Died faithful(TM)

    JW not at the scene = Jehovah(TM) spared them

    JW runs marathon & killed = Dangers of engaging in worldly(TM) activity

    JW runs marathon not killed = Jehovah's(TM) protection

    JWs were the first on the scene and started many watchtower(R) studies thus giving a 'fine witness(TM)'.

    As WMF says - Let's review - it's a cult!

  • CADSkin

    I always hated the feigned sadness with a suppressed smile when the JW’s talked about a tragic event like a mass killing or a natural disaster. The conversation would always shift to “Sign of the end.” It always sickened me to hear. The second thing said was “Were there any JW’s there?” No…just people. Peoples sons, peoples daughters, peoples husbands and wives.

  • wasblind

    Earth Quake kills thousands , Time of the end !!!!!

    War breaks out , Time of the end !!!!!

    Peace ? , Time of the end !!!!!!


  • jam

    They will definitely be out in numbers this weekend in

    the Boston area, explaining why such a terrible event

    takes place. With their fake smiles, It,s because of Jehovah,s

    love for mankind.

  • Scott77

    The only place they ran to was the hospital to make sure if the bomb didnt kill a jw their no blood policy will.



  • respectful_observer

    I can verify that there were several JWs running the marathon yesterday. Several were within a mile of the finish line when the bombs went off. One of them had crossed the finish line less than 30 seconds after the first bomb went off so was very close. They are all safe and sound.

    I'd post more, but don't want to "out" myself....

    As of JWs being on the scene for "support and comfort" none of the Boston-based JWs that I know have related any such experiences. The media did mention that several people were walking up and down the marathon route sharing Bible verses for comfort.....but they turned out be Lutherans!!!

  • soontobe

    And not a single one gave blood to help the injured and dying.

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