100 Years of Disappointment on the Horizon

by mrquik 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    The countdown is running to 2014. Expect lots of changes. I'm sure they are aware that some will leave the organization. I'm sure they view it as another seperating work and will call it that when the numbers go down

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I know my BIL expects that "this system" cannot possibly last more than another couple years (2014/15) and that his belief hinges on the 1914 teaching. I also know he didn't buy the "overlapping generation" crap either.

    Unfortunately, he's still full steam ahead; but then again, that may be just what it takes to wake him up.

  • Blind_Of_Lies

    What is the 2014 thing? Did they decide they were 100 years off?

  • smiddy

    Back in 1959 whem I was studying...." This world cant last another 5 years" and the same thing was repeated year in year out from then on.


  • mrquik

    BOL; Yeah, that will be the next twist & noo lite. Quite frankly, it's the younger generation I see leaving en masse. Older ones have been institutionalized. They have nowhere to go. They will all die off. Sorry, no Armageddon reprieve for you. Oh yes, I almost forgot; "We aren't serving with a date in mind." Good. Quit wasting your time in field service then. Don't leave the WBTS in your will. Send your kids to college. Plan for your retirement. Most of all: Live Well....Enjoy Life. (Your life gets shorter every day.)

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    Considering they threw Russel and the Bible Students under the bus recently with the latest understanding of the F&DS, it might not actually be 100 years from the perspective of the current WT Leadership and die-hard JWs. The starting point has been moved up to roughly 1919 with the latest understanding.

  • Blind_Of_Lies


    That’s very interesting thanks for the update. I haven’t touched any of their publications in about 3 years so I am out of “the know”. Is the 2014 thing speculation on our part or have they actually printed something vaguely indicating 2014 may be the new year?

    I think if they have printed the 2014 thing they are using it as a tourniquet to try and stop the hemorrhage of members they have been experiencing. I sat down and thought about the number of baptized publisher in the past 2 years that I know who left… is topped counting at 20 if you include children and teens who were never baptized but left on their own or with their parents that number has got to be near 100 people. The crazy thing about that is my view only includes about a half dozen congregations.

  • Mum

    JW's are not the only ones who have wrongly predicted "the end." There will always be the lunatic fringe in every aspect of life. The WTS may go down, but three other cults are likely to rise to replace it. Human nature and human suffering will keep the false prophecy flame burning.

  • Apognophos

    Is the 2014 thing speculation on our part or have they actually printed something vaguely indicating 2014 may be the new year?

    mrquik was being tongue-in-cheek or else wildly speculating. 1914 is still supposed to be the start of Jesus' reign until we hear something different.

  • A.M. Number 1
    A.M. Number 1

    There will always be a new date to move everything up to. We haven't even begun to see the time of the end moved up. They could suddenly say that 607 was bogus and therefore change 1914 to 1934 just like that. That gives them 20 extra years to fool around with.

    Let's see. Then they could say that 1975 really was something after all and the beginning of the last days started then. Finding scriptural support is always possible, in fact that is the easy part. Then they could say 1914 was 100 years off and 2014 is the new date. There is 100 years right there. People would buy it no problem.

    We could just go on and on and on. The possibilities are endless. The new dates and putting it further down the road are endless.

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