Elders! Elders everywhere!

by Julia Orwell 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Think About It
    Think About It
    An elder came around this morning at 9am to ask if my husband wanted to come with him on a Bible study.

    Normal people would think this is crazy, but it is not uncommon in the wacky JW world. You and your family are definately on the elders radar. I don't know what your personal JW situation is, but something is up. There is no honorable way to just leave the JW's. Just continue to evade them, and say NO to any offers of contact. Over time they will cool off in their stalking & harrassing of your family. Keep in mind that they only have 1 of 2 goals. Either to bring you back into the cult, or kick you out with the shunning consequences. Good luck trying to successfully fade.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    It really sounds like they are on a witch hunt. The "drop in" was not conicidence, they are investigating. Be very careful!


  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    What's wrong with the telephone? He comes by at 9am unexpected instead? Something fishy going on there...


    Elders! Elders everywhere!


    Not an Adult in Sight!..


    ............................  photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • Apognophos

    Reading the thread title and OP, I just imagine Julia Orwell getting home and finding an elder washing his car in her driveway -- "Hey, our well ran dry." She goes inside and an elder is sniffing a jar of mayonnaise -- "I don't think this is good anymore, I'll throw it out for you." She opens the shower curtain to step into the tub and there's an elder with a shower cap on holding a loofah. "Do your back for ya?"

  • Londo111

    The cult machinery is in action! Could easily be a Scientology story!

  • cobaltcupcake

    She opens the shower curtain to step into the tub and there's an elder with a shower cap on holding a loofah. "Do your back for ya?"

    Apognophos - LOL!!!

  • Gojira_101

    Here in the States we call that a Witch Hunt! Or what I've been calling it recently, "An Apostate Hunt"

    You hear nothing from the elders for months until they think they might have a rabid apostate on their hands and they are ready to put you down like they did old yeller!

    A few years ago when we moved to a different state my family and another family from the hall became friends, not best friends where you spend any free time with them, but an occasional dinner, stopping by to say hi..etc. About 6 months later, we had two elders show up for a "visit." Some visit it was, they wanted information on our friends so they could make a JC issue out of it. My dad of course knew what they were doing and told them to leave that "we" were not going to tell the elders anything.

    And I hope this is not the case, but I have seen it happen to people I know, the elders might either be trying to get info from your husband about you so they can DF you or they are going to be "helping" him and might tell him to leave you. I don't want to scare you, but it is possible, I saw some elders in my old hall do that and it worked. Don't underestimate how devious and evil they can be.

    OutLaw: Love the picture.


  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Hi Julia, you better check your bushes and trees, they're lurking and probably have hidden cameras. I have seen this happen.

    To add to Gojiras post about our friends that were victims of a 'witch hunt', they came out here a month later and asked what we had told the elders, because the elders told them that we had said some things about their daughter. TOTAL LIE! We had never met their daughter, seen their daughter, or even knew what, if anything, she was even doing. So the dad went back and confronted that elder. Elder actually came out here and apologized for involving us in something that was not of our concern. Never admitted to us that he lied, but he did finally admit to the dad that he 'overstepped his authority.'

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    post about our friends that were victims of a 'witch hunt', they came out here a month later and asked what we had told the elders, because the elders told them that we had said some things about their daughter. TOTAL LIE! We had never met their daughter, seen their daughter, or even knew what, if anything, she was even doing. So the dad went back and confronted that elder.

    There was an 11 yr old thread that was bumped today, where another elder lied and told someone that another person admitted they were involved in apostate discussions. The truth was the other person said no such thing, but the elder used JW theocratic warfare reasoning to lie about it, to try to "smoke out" a confession. These modern day JW "apostate hunts" are sounding more and more like medieval inquisitions.

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