Elders! Elders everywhere!

by Julia Orwell 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    I have been inactive for more than 20 years. But lately I met an elder ......he seemed very scared and kept walking/running away from me! Am I really that dangerous?

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I don't want to be stalked or put under surveillance. I'm not a crook and don't need this. I think the only reason they've backed off and switched to less confrontational approaches is because I've exhibited some symptoms unstable mental condition after the inquisition. I cut myself and told them. It was not for show, I really got that messed up. This is why one asked about my meds I suppose.

    I want nothing more to do with them but I know it's not over. There are some good eggs who really do want to help a lost sheep, but they will be overruled. I feel like John Procter or Giles Corey.

  • Satanus

    Love bombs everywhere. Head for the shelter.


  • Balaamsass

    Caller ID, and stop answering the front door Saturdays. Take a tip from the average homeowner. NO ANSWER is the best answer!!!!!!

    or....ask to borrow money...or for help around the house EVERY time an elder stops by...they WILL stop bothering you....

  • Balaamsass

    $5 at local hardware store.."FOR SALE BY OWNER" & "SOLD" sign on front lawn...out of state phone number.

  • transhuman68

    I guess they have just noticed that you are spiritually weak tm and they are trying to get you to do more tm. Tell them that your cat ate your songbook , or some other good excuse like that... You really don't need the stress of arguing with them- go to the beach instead.

  • LouBelle

    They're after you!!

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Bloody hell, I feel like a fox trying to dodge the hounds. Hubby and I missed the meeting tonight so that'll bring more elders out of the woodwork. Out of seven on the boe, 5 visited in 2,weeks!

  • blondie

    My husband and I had a flurry of activity for about 2 years. They hate to lose a "brother" let alone an elder. Once you quit completely (inactive) it settles down to about once a year, just before the memorial. Nothing last year and so far this year. They can be more intense if the husband was good friends with one or more elder. But we never tried to educate the elders to the flaws in their and the WTS thinking...we kept private counsel. No pearls before swine.

    It takes patience, politely refuse meeting with them, be busy, or tell them if you need help you will contact them. They can't contact you directly since your husband is your "head" they should go through him. My husband always answered the door and talked to them briefly on the porch; no phone calls accepted. If they start talking about "theocractic" things, excuse yourself. Do no let them in your house. Each time you do, the process starts all over again.

    You are in control unless you give up to them.


  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Good advice! Thanks Blondie and others. Thankfully my husband wasn't on the in even though they gave him every 'privilege' they can shove onto a non ms.

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