My husband MISSED the meeting today! Unheard of!

by Julia Orwell 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • cofty

    That's a very promising sign Julia.

    It's really important to get a break from the propaganda to be able to be objective about it. I hope you had a great day out.

    niomar1 - welcome to the forum. Its good to hear you think you have an open mind. You won't find many people here who agree with you that the JWs do any good work.

    Please do some research at and

  • *lost*

    HAPPY DAYS Julia

    Heap them fiery coals on his head ... lol

    Once he can settle it in his head he not apostate and his relationship with God/jesus beliefs are not affected he will start to feel relieved and a lot better. This is helping me get through it.

    Didn't they (leaders) actually say the same thing about Jesus.

    Have a lovely day

    much love

  • Pickler

    Good luck with the job situation Julia, enjoy your Meeting free Sunday!

  • cantleave

    A new adventure starts with a first step.

  • notjustyet

    When my wife and I were at the talking stage, but she still was not sold on the idea that the WTBTS could be wrong, we had wen to lunch one day and I told her that I had learned a new term, "Cognitive Dissonance" and then we just continued on with what ever we were talking about.

    About 5 minutes later she said "What was that new term you mentioned?" I said it again, and then explained how CD works etc and it showed me that she was interested in learning more.

    Hope for all the best Julia,...


  • cobaltcupcake

    It's a good sign, Julia!

  • nonjwspouse

    Julia that is fantastic. His mind is doing something positive. YAY. You are a smart woman for taking it slow. When I first really did my research I bombarded my husband with it, which was quite the wrong way to go about things.

  • Comatose

    So happy for you! Just be incredibly fun today and positive and happy. Let him see that it's not all doom and gloom when you leave.

  • designs

    He sounds like a good guy, enjoy your day in the country.

  • NoRegrets

    Good luck and best wishes with this situation! Sometimes a bump in the road of life is what it takes to jar loose from the mind control of the Watchtower! Have a wonderful Sunday together! No Regrets

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