My husband MISSED the meeting today! Unheard of!

by Julia Orwell 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • niomar1

    "Behind every great man there's a great woman " julia I WISH you will NOT prove the opposite of this comment as true . In my vew you seem to be kind like Eve , i hope your husband will not prove him self to be like Adam. Observing your spirit i appreciate more and more my loving wife and her maturity and i will defenatly stop take is as granted :) .

    He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly

    "A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands." provebs 14 1
  • niomar1

    I dont like julia to judge you or to be to be condemnatory neither i have such authority .. and maybe i could have a more empathetic aproaching.. I actualy know nothing about you , but with these things i wrote before i have expressed my spontanous indignation as i realised what a sly trap is evolving behind your husband's back in this special time while he is more vulnerable because of his job loss. All the others who supporting your attitude they just making public relations to create a background that would justify them selves about relevant issues. niomar1

  • tec

    Julia, glad to hear that you had a wonderful day with your husband. Baby steps are good. I hope he gets the job that he is wanting, and that it works out well for you both.

    Peace to you and your husband,


  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Who are you to insult me like that? I've been sucking up these sorts of insults to my motives and worth as as person from the watchtower for years. So has my husband who is a convert like me, sucked in at yet another vulnerable spot in his life. What the witnesses did to him first time he came 'in' caused him to lose everything.

    Now he's in again, and he made that choice. We both love Jesus and Jehovah, and it's a shame we both have been misled by this Pharisee group in our quest to please God.

    So you will not cast aspersions on my motives or character.

  • wasblind

    Don't fret none Julia, You have support here.

    " A wise woman is able to build her home If she don't foolishly give what her husband earns all to the WTS "___The Book of Wuz 1:16

  • Retrovirus

    Hi Julia Orwell, great progress and glad you two had a good day together! Every meeting missed lessens the indoctrination.

    Hi Niomar1 and welcome! I gather English is not your first language (actually it's not mine either ). You write

    but with these things i wrote before i have expressed my spontanous indignation as i realised what a sly trap is evolving behind your husband's back in this special time while he is more vulnerable

    These are indeed strong and harsh words. If you have been with Jehovah's Witnesses for any length of time you will know that they are taught and encouraged to approach persons in turmoil or suffering after a loss because the may be "receptive". They also present only the happy and positive aspects of their religion, so that the negatives are only apparent when the new recruit has become committed to beliefs and dependant on the congregation's good will.

    Do you also feel spontaneous indignation over these sly traps?

    If you are willing to discuss, we must take it to a new thread; Please start one, or if you reply I'll be happy to do so.


  • wasblind

    These are indeed strong and harsh words. If you have been with Jehovah's Witnesses for any length of time you will know that they are taught and encouraged to approach persons in turmoil or suffering after a loss because the may be "receptive".____Retrovirus

    Example of Buzzard like behaviour of the WTS :

    " But why do the Witnesses call repeatedly even at homes of people who do not share their faith ?

    People themsleves change; serious problems in life may stimulate an awareness of spiritual need "_____Reasoning From the Scriptures book page 206

    They also present only the happy and positive aspects of their religion, so that the negatives are only apparent when the new recruit has become committed to beliefs and dependant on the congregation's good will.______Retrovirus

    Example of false advertisment of the WTS :

    " Jesus said that his disciples would be readily identified becuase of having love ( No truth ??? ) among themselves. Is this quality outstanding amongst Jehovah's witnesses ? We let the facts speak for themselves. " ____Reasoning From the Scriptures book page 137


  • MrFreeze

    Willing to miss meetings is (to me) one of the first signs that TTATT is taking over.

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi Julia Orwell, Hopefully you rewarded your husband with lots of compliments for his spur of the moment planning. Best of Wishes for you both successfully fading together, and let him tell you about his doubts before you tell him about yours.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • earthfire

    Julia I am so happy that this has happened and I hope it continues! Lots of love and hope to you and your husband.

    Niomar, you really need to back down and do not judge anyone here. I have a big problem with someone who comes into this supportive group and starts casting stones like you obviously feel you somehow have the right to do. Shame on you for making that assumption. I'm so tired of self righteous attitudes and judgements being cast in God's name. You're just being mean for the sake of shaming someone else. I know you've been trained to do that but that kind of behavior is not welcome here.

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