Do You Believe In ANYTHING That The Witnesses Taught At This Point In Your Life?

by minimus 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quendi

    When it comes to the core beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses, I still believe in most if not all of them. I don’t believe in hellfire, the Trinity and the immortality of the soul; however I do believe in the eventual rule of God’s Kingdom over our planet. But I have discovered that there are others who espouse the same beliefs, and that these are not nor ever have been unique to Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    Today I have embraced preterism, or modern preterism as it is called by some. Among other things, I believe that the prophecy Jesus gave on the Mount of Olives was essentially fulfilled when Jerusalem was destroyed in A.D. 70 although there are still other elements which have yet to come to pass.

    I’ve gone back to celebrating Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthdays and observing some of the minor holidays. I will also become a registered voter this year for the first time in my life. But I still will not salute any flag nor sing patriotic songs because I see nationalism and patriotism as divisive.


  • Tiktaalik

    Not a single thing. It is all horseshit.

  • TMS

    Good question!

    I believe the 1922 Cedar Point, Ohio convention was the trumpet blast mention in Revelation, chapter 8. How could it not be?

    I don't believe Jacob really hated Leah like the Bible says, but simply "loved her less" as the Watchtower explained.

    Jehovah could have easily predicted Adam and Eve's sin in the garden but chose not to use his omniscience.


  • kassad84

    the danger of worshipping idols/images/saints

    the Tetragrammaton (although I learned since then that the obeying His Will is infinitely more important than merely uttering His Name)

    acquired taste and discipline for Bible reading

    the enormous shock of realizing how prophecies can be fulfilled right in front of your nose unnoticed (e.g. antichrists, false prophets)

  • wannaexit

    I don't believe any of their man made dribble.

  • Apognophos

    @TMS: I actually LOLed at that, thanks.

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    I still don't salute the American flag, but not because of belief in the WTS's reasons.

    It's the expection that I must make a public display of my patriotism on demand that riles me up.

  • designs

    tms- good, very good lol

  • NewYork44M

    I cannot think of any specific belief that I was taught from youth that I continue to believe.

    At least in my life, there is no value to any of the teachings of the watchtower real estate development corporation in my life.

    Actually, that is not completely true. As I write this I recalled one redeeming attribute from from the wt, and that has to do with real estate.

    Based upon my knowledge of Brooklyn Heights as a jw, I purchased an apartment in a buidling that used to be owned by the watchtower (129 Columbia Heights). I sold it five years later at a profit. So, thank you fds.

  • leaving_quietly

    I believe expelling someone from the congregation is scriptural. (1 Cor. 5:13) However, I do not believe it in the same way WTS does. The purpose of this is to remove any who would cause scandal to enter the congregation, thereby making it an object of accusation by unbelievers. This was especially important in the first century when the Christianity was new. In the context of 1 Cor 5, Paul was dealing with reports of fornication so shocking that it was worse even than among the nations (1 Cor 5:1). So, I believe the teaching, but WTS takes it to the extreme. I rather like this fellow's more balanced approach to it:

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