"They went out from us, but they were not of our sort..." - worst ever scripture to lead an anti-apostate talk?

by cedars 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • designs

    Apostate mania right before lunch, that'll make the Subway sandwiches churn all afternoon.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Thanks Cedars, great catch.

    I guess that I must truly be an apostate then, because I find their assembly program hilarious. HATE, HATE, HATE

  • 00DAD

    The point of the scripture at 1 John 2:19 is in and of itself fairly benign. So some people left the club, big deal. They were "not of our sort." So what?

    The problem begins when those that leave are labelled as "apostates." Technically, anyone that leaves any group is an "apostate." But it's the highly negative connotation of the word that brands those that leave as more than just "not of our sort," but as defectors, evil and of course the WT's favorite, "mentally diseased."

    As if that wasn't enough, the WT leaders have decided to lay the groundwork of branding "apostates" as evil by beginning with a discussion of Satan. The implicit "guilt-by-association" is fairly obvious, but I expect the speaker will explicity make the point just to be sure no one misses it.

    This highly-charged, loaded language employed to manipulate is just wrong. In fact, it is evil.

  • Apognophos

    Thanks cedars, you made me snort with laughter at your comments on those 1 John scriptures. Up until recently, as a True Believer that every word was inspired of God and beneficial, when I came to verses like that I used to concentrate really hard because I was sure that, being God's Word, they must have some deeper meaning that I was missing. But perhaps John really was just tired when he wrote that, or he was rambling on distractedly while someone did their best to take dictation....

    Apostate mania right before lunch, that'll make the Subway sandwiches churn all afternoon.

    What do you suppose would happen if, in the middle of the apostate talk, someone stood up and shouted, "Apostates, right over there!" while pointing into the distance. Would people start screaming?

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    According to their interpretation of that scripture and the context......1 John 2: 18-20

    I guess we're the anti-christ now!

  • designs

    how could they tell.

  • Glander

    They are continuing to circle the wagons. The threat of exposure is escalating. The emperor has no clothes. I have JW relatives who have pretty much ignored that we are DF'd apostates for a long time. We don't put each other on the spot , we have found it easy to avoid sensitive areas.

    That has pretty much come to a screeching halt, as I expected it would.

    The convention program above is obviously the big item on the program. The entire Sat morning session sounds like apostasy hysteria.

  • Gopher

    "They went out from us, but they were not of our sort;

    This is a verse JW's use to often say about certain ex-members, "they really never were a JW". Of course, that is utter BS. I really WAS a JW, gave a lot of my time, energy and resources to them. If everything I did as a JW didn't count, then I want a refund of my approximately $5000 in contributions to their worldwide work.

  • Apognophos

    I will contribute to a pool if someone wants to offer a prize for someone shouting "Apostates! Look out!" and running out of an assembly during that talk. Caught on video, of course.

  • cptkirk

    really feel bad for them, really sad. at this point so many of them know that they are being fed bs, so what support do they get? none, just to get beaten over the head with more "truth truth truth"....as if the leaders were petulant children saying MY TOY, and even though the opposition is not retorting with: NO MY TOY, regardless, this is their(the leaders) perspective, and this is how they see any kind of plea for reasoning. please be reasonable? NO MY TOY....but, i mean can you just help us to understand this? NO MY TOY MY TOY MY TOY MY TOY GET OUT OF MY HOUSE THIS IS MY TOY....uh..ok sorry, you are right that is your toy, i'll just be going now then.....nope, maybe not, they don't like people leaving who have good lives waiting for them. so now, it's not just MY TOY, it is also, MY TOY AND YOU WILL BE DEMONIZED AND WE WILL LAUGH WHEN YOU ARE DESTROYED. wow ok, you guys are really really shining examples of light....and love.

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