My terminally ill friend will read this; please offer your love and support.

by compound complex 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Friends:

    Forty-five years ago I was out in service with an elder, and we came upon a house where the owners kindly received us. This was not so unusual as the family was Jehovah's Witnesses. Their little boy, who left the organization as a young adult, remains a close friend; we are kindred spirits.

    Though "Mike's" cancer-related surgery about a year ago was successful, the cancer returned and has already spread extensively, hitting major organs. He and I hope to meet up soon, somehow, some way.

    Kindly send best wishes, good vibes, prayers -- whatever it is that you do -- his way.



  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Dear Mike,

    CoCo is a very much loved member here and if he says you are a kindred spirit then we love you, too.

    Stay strong! My thoughts are with you, Mike

  • bsmart

    Good wishes to Mike, and to you dear CoCo. A good friend is a blessing in itself.

  • carla

    In my prayers.

  • Mum

    Mike: I am praying for a miracle.

    Keep yourself laughing. You do know that Norman Cousins claims to have cured himself of cancer with laughter. Whether or not it's a cure, it's the way to enjoy life!

    Take care,


  • nancy drew
    nancy drew


    Sending positive and clear thoughts to you and your friend

  • cantleave

    Positive thoughts coming your way Mike.

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    Mike, Don't be afraid. This life is not all there is. There is a life after this one, and it is wonderful!

  • Borges

    Knowing prayers would be said in vain, I send my best wishes to your friend. Cancer stroke me once some years ago. Never came back since today, but I'm aware that he could be just around the corner.

  • Adiva


    As a friend of CoCo, you are a friend of ours. I am 'expecting' the best possible outcome for you.


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