Governing Body Member Talking To Psychiatrist About Being In The Faithful & Discreet Slave Delusion

by frankiespeakin 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: So are you saying there is no required amount of this accurate knowledge to get life?

    Morris: You see it is like this Jesus died and went to heaven and before he comes again the second time he's appointed a group of sincere christian beleivers to look after his belongings that would be the Governing Body. The Governing Body therefore to make rules and these rules must be followed because they have been given this very special privilege, in fact Jehovah looks at all disobedience towards these currant understandings and rules handed down by the Governing Body to the members of our corporation as disobedience to him personally.

    Psyc: So you take being a member of the Governing Body very seriously.

    Morris: That's right, it is a big responcibility.

    Psych: So what if the Governing Body get it wrong and have to change currant understanding, do people get reinstated if they are now right with currant understanding.

    Morris: No they are not reinstated because they were wrong in challeging the understanding at that time.

    Psyc: Are they at least sent an appology?

    Morris: No that would not be a very good idea.

    Psyc: Why not?

    Morris: Because they were running ahead of the organization that Jehovah is useing.

  • frankiespeakin

    Morris: Jehovah's visible Organization on earth must be organized, we have a very important message that has to be preached before the end comes. We can't have a disorganized message we all have to be in agreement we all have to be preaching the same good news to the nations, Matt.24:14 gives us our divine mandate, we must be unified in our message to the world.

    Psyc: So thinking independently is dangerous to the organizations control over its members?

    Morris: Yes, how else can you be organized, you need an head to control the body, what if the body no longer obeys the head's directives? You would have chaos.

    Psyc: So let me see if I got this right, and please correct me where I'm wrong. Member's can be disfellowshipped for disagreeing with the Governing Body even if the Governing Body is wrong, and they will not be reinstated latter if the Governing Body changes its mind on whatever it was that caused a member to get DF'd. And this is all done in the name of Unity with the Organization.

    Morris: That is pretty much right. They can also apply for reinstatement by showing repentance for disagreeing with the Governing Body but they won't be reinstated if they stubornly ask for an exoneration based on the fact that they were right and we were wrong. They must repent for their sin of disobedeiance to the Faithful Slave, that is the only way to get reinstated, if they can't do that we don't want them back because they will only cause trouble latter on.

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: I must say Anthony that doesn't seem like a good way to run an organization you can't get any good feed back from the members because they are afraid to give you any negative feed back.

    Morris: Well maybe for a worldy organization that maybe true but our corporation is a Theocracy it is ruled from the top down first there is Jehovah the head of Christ and then there is Jesus Christ and we the Governing Body are third in the link of command. It is in appropriate to have rank and file members being critics of the Governing Body you will have Chaos if that happens.

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: Tell me is there any concrete facts that prove the Governing Body have a sacred appointment.

    Morris: Yes but you might classify them as circumstantial evidence.

    Psyc: Is that why in your publications you always say "evidently" when making a point about different bible interpetations and what you classify as bible prophecy?

    Morris: I guess you could say that, but remember bible interpetation is very tricky sometimes you may be partially right but when the prophecy gets fullfilled then the complete understanding is known.

    Psyc: What about your Organiztion many faild predictions about the end of the world? Doesn't that make you a little hesitant about predicting the end of the world?

    Morris: Well some in the past were a little over zealous and so felt the end comming in 1914, which "evidently" didn't happen.

    Psyc: So those who were over zealous would include writters for your books and magazines?

    Morris: Yes but also many reader came to that conclusion as well so it wasn't just our writting department.

    Psyc: "Evidently". But weren't those readers who were wrong getting their information from your organization?

    Morris: Yes. Evidently.

    Psyc: How many dates and wrong predictions has your Organization made?

    Morris: Well you see the light gets brighter and brighter so mistakes are inevitable but I don't think there were many.

    Psyc: Evidently. But can you recall any.

    Morris: Well I think technically 1914, 1925, but definately not 1975 as that was given clearly as a speculation but not stated dogmatically.

    Psyc: I did some research on the internet and it seems that there are a lot more dates that they got wrong than the ones you mention, what about 1799, 1874, 1918, and many more most have been scrapped and are no longer mentioned.

    Morris: Those were old understanings.

    Psyc: What about this overlapping generations idea proposed by your organization, it seems kind of a rediculous interpetation of Jesus' words about the generation that will never pass away?

    Morris: Well I admit it does sound kind of hokey, that new understanding doesn't have complete agreement of the Governing Body and was passed by a slim majority on the Governing Body I personally don't like the idea but I'm only one member of 8 on the Governing Body and 5/8 voted on this to be our official understanding of Jesus words.

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: So the Governing Body is not unanimous on all policies it makes?

    Morris: O my God no. If we had to be 100% unanimous on all policy we would never get anything done.

    Psyc: So not every member on the Governing Body is in agreement with all policies?

    Morris: Yes that's right.

    Psyc: Can a Governing Body member be disfellowshipped for being in disagreement with Corporation policy?

    Morris: That's a real sticky question, but as Governing Body members we have different ideas and so as long as his disagreement don't cross the line and become rebellion against the corporation policy and he keeps his opinions to himself he won't be off the Governing Body and be disfellowshipped.

    Psyc: Sounds like being on the Governing Body gives one the special privilege of not being disfellowshipped for diagreeing with Corporation policy.

    Morris: Yes but only to a limited degree, we had to kick one Governing Body member off for disagreeing with currant understanding, and a few month later he was disfellowshipped for eating with a disassociated person.

    Psyc: That would be Raymond Franz, am I right?

    Morris : Yes that would be him.

    Psyc: Did he get any serverance package?

    Morris: Yeah, I think they gave him $10,000 or something.

    Psyc: And how many years did his give in service to the Organization?

    Morris: I don't recall but probably 30 or 40 years he was 58 when we kicked him out.

    Psyc: Wow that was kind of harsh.

    Morris: It may have been, but Dunlap got it worse because he wasn't on the Governing Body.

    Psyc: I have a Youtube about Ed Dunlap lets watch it and maybe talk afterwords:

  • sir82

    You seem to having a hell of a good time dreaming up these imaginary conversations.

  • Pickler

    Psyc: So those who were over zealous would include writters for your books and magazines?

    Morris: Yes but also many reader came to that conclusion as well so it wasn't just our writting department.

    Psyc: "Evidently". But weren't those readers who were wrong getting their information from your organization?

    Morris: Yes. Evidently.

    This stuff just made me spray a mouthful of coffee, almost wrecking my iPad!!! Damn you Frankie, you are hilarious.
  • frankiespeakin


    I guess you might say that, the imagination is an interesting thing.


    Glad you got the verbal play.

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: What a tragedy for Mr. Dunlap so many years devoted to the cause and now because of a change in beleif structure he is kicked out at retirement age to fend for himself with no finacial help from the Corporation he basically gave his life to.

    Morris: Yes I suppose when you look at it that way it was tragic, but that should serve as a warning to any member that they need to stay loyal to Jehovah's organization or else suffer the consquences.

    Psyc: Anthony do you know anything about the Psychological term "Compartmentalization" as used as a mental defense to ward off painful cognitive dissonance?

    Morris: I know a little about cognitive dissonance use in persuading people.

    Psyc: Good. I want to to read about Cognitive Dissonance, and Compartmentalization, understanding something about this research can help you with your depression and over reactions to certain stimuli, or situations. Look up:

    Cognitive vulnerability

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search

    For vulnerability in general and other types of vulnerability see vulnerability.

    A cognitive vulnerability in cognitive psychology is an erroneous belief, cognitive bias, or pattern of thought that predisposes an individual to psychological problems. [ 1 ] The vulnerability exists before the symptoms of a psychological disorder appears. After the individual encounters a stressful experience, the cognitive vulnerability shapes a maladaptive response that increases the likelihood of a psychological disorder. [ 1 ]

    In psychopathology, there are several perspectives from which the origins of cognitive vulnerabilities can be examined, including cognitive schema models, hopelessness models, and attachment theory. [ 2 ] Attentional bias is one mechanism leading to faulty cognitive bias that leads to cognitive vulnerability

    Compartmentalization is an unconscious psychological defense mechanism used to avoid cognitive dissonance, or the mental discomfort and anxiety caused by a person's having conflicting values, cognitions, emotions, beliefs, etc. within themselves.

    Compartmentalization allows these conflicting ideas to co-exist by inhibiting direct or explicit acknowledgement and interaction between separate compartmentalized self states. [ 1 ]


    Compartmentalization may lead to hidden vulnerabilities in those who use it as a major defence mechanism. [ 6 ]

    Those suffering from borderline personality disorder will often divide people into all good versus all bad, to avoid the conflicts removing the compartments would inevitably bring, using denial or indifference to protect against any indications of contradictory evidence. [ 7 ]

    Using indifference towards a better viewpoint is a normal and common example of this. It can be caused by someone having used multiple compartment ideals and having been uncomfortable with modifying them, at risk of being found incorrect. This often causes double-standards, and bias. [citation needed]

  • OnTheWayOut

    Morris: Well first you need faith in Jehovah before before I can even begin to explain to you how it all works

    Psyc: Okay lets pretend I got faith so try.

    Morris: You see, Jehovah personally contacts the Governing Body members and tells them these things.

    Psy: ...and you have personally heard Jehovah speak?

    Morris: It's not a voice, he directs our thoughts.

    Psy: ...and you have personally felt that direction from Jehovah?

    Morris: I guess so. I know the others say they have felt it, and I always feel that the majority are right even when I started by disagreeing with them, so that would be Jehovah directing my thoughts to line up with his.

    Psy: ....and you don't just think that's peer pressure or pressure to conform?

    Morris: No because, as we started out, you have to have faith in Jehovah.

    Psy: Okay, so you never personally heard a voice or were told that Jehovah is directing a specific thought or decision. You just have faith that he does so and the others have told you that Jehovah has done so for them.

    Morris: Exactly.

    Psy: Do you realize that sounds like logic circles of confirmation bias?

    Morris: Now I also see why Jehovah doesn't want us coming to worldly educated psychiatrists or psychologists. They always look for a reason to doubt genuine faith. Get behind me Satan!

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