Governing Body Member Talking To Psychiatrist About Being In The Faithful & Discreet Slave Delusion

by frankiespeakin 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: A few moments ago Anthony you said Satan wants everyone to perish that follows his rule, and back further you said there was this bet going on between Satan and Jehovah as to Universal Sovereignty and who's rulership is best. Well if that is really the case why would Satan want to see everyone perish who takes his side that seems highly illogical don't you think?

    Morris: What do you mean how is it illogical?

    Psyc: Well if they are in a contest about who's rulership is the best and this issue is before all the angels and everything why would he deliberately do something so cruel to his subject for all to see? That would seem like a diliberate forfeit in this contest. Doesn't that seem rather odd to you? It seems like a very unlikely senerio to me why do something so stupid if he is this super smart spirit creature with a higher intelligence than man in general, you paint him to be so niavely childish in this suposition of yours.

    Morris: I know it is childish but yet that is the type of fool the Devil is, he don't care about people or else he never would have caused adam and eve to sin if he really cared. He is evil and God's enemy and God's enemy has got to be my enemy too, he should have honored Jehovah as his grand creator instead he chose to slander him and challege him. So yeah he's a fool.

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: I see black and whit thinging going on here Anthony.

    Morris: Well I never said black and white thinking is completely wrong sometimes it is right on the money. And Satan rule stinks Jehovah will be victorious.

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: So Anthony you admit that this scenario of yours about the Devil and God to be black and white thinking?

    Morris: Yes because sometimes things are in reality black and white, good verse evil, the good guy against the bad guy with no in betweens. And when it comes to Jehovah we can only ascribe good because Jehovah is pure goodness, pure love, He never lies, everything about him is good with no evil in his heart.

    Psyc: So when you think of Jehovah you can only think in terms of Black and White?

    Morris: Yes because I worship jehovah and I'm on his side in the "Universal Soverneignty" issue with no in betweens issues, your'e either for him or against him your'e either hot or cold with no inbetween wishy washiness no lukewarmness.

    Psyc: I see. So this whole Rulership issue in your imagination is always black and white.

    Morris: Yes I will proudly say Yes! Let Jehovah be found true though every man be proved a liar(Rom. 3:4). And I feel good about it too there is no in between for me.

    Psyc: Yes there seems to be a tremendous amount of Black and White thinking going on in your psyche over Jehovah and this imaginary issue of "Universal Sovereignty".

    Morris: And as far as I'm concerned that's the only way it should be as I will never turn my back on Jehovah and side with his enemy in this issue.

    Psyc: Well I'm glad you are establishing this clearly, I do consider it a progress of sorts that we can work with, and Anthony keep doing home work in this area and learn what ever you can about Black and White Thinking, and try to be as honest with yourself as possible, it is very hard to do but well worth the effort.

    Morris: Well since you put it that way I will give it a try to make you happy.

    Psyc: It's not to make me happy that you should do this, you should do it to make "yourself" better.

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: Well lets start from where we let off: We establish last session that this "Universal Sovereignty" Issue is all based on Black and White Thinking,

    Morris: But we also established that Black and White Thinking is warrented because their is no inbetweens with Jehovah too.

    Psyc: Yes I agree, Jehovah in your mind requires black and white senario for the whole thing because Jehovah requires it for you to be on His side of this issue of Soverneignty.

    Morris: Yes on that we are in agreement.

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: I found this Talk on You Tube about Armageddon given by someone not on the Governing Body but very prominant and close to the Governing Body "Ciro Aulicino " I want us to listen to it together this session and talk about some points in the talk.

    Psyc: Ciro is giving talk to a big audience at one of your corporation sponsored events, where there are children in this audience. How do you feel about that?

    Morris: Sure we have an asortment of inividual there even little babies, elderly, blind people nobody is excluded this is not like a secret meeting even the public are invited to these talks

    Psyc: Do you see any harm that a talk like this could have on small mentally developing children?

  • frankiespeakin

    Morris: What are you trying to say doc?

    Psyc: Well it seems as though the speaker is talking about some scary stuff about Jehovah wipeing out the whole world and "finally becoming real" when he executes the entire population of the world with the exception of those who remain loyal to your corporation. It pretty gruesome really do you condone this type of thing for children to listen to?

    Morris: Well first you have to realize that this is real stuff ok, we can't just close our eyes and say it not real and expect it all to go away.

    Psyc: So you think that is ok for children to hear this?

    Morris: Yes because it is real and you will see how real Jehovah is when he brings his vengence on the world for not listening to the Good New about the Kingdom.

    Psyc: "Good News" about the kingdom? What so good newsy about it sounds more like bad news to me.

    Morris: Well you could look at it as bad news, I look at it as "Good News" its all perspectives I guess. In fact I can't wait for it to happen.

    Psyc: So are you in agreement with everything Ciro say in that talk?

    Morris: Yes, I know he sounds a little ecentric but he has a good heart and he's telling the truth of what armageddon is all about.

  • sir82

    I think you must be very good at playing solitaire.

  • 00DAD

    Jesus, the Prince of Peace, (Isaiah 9:6,7) is going to come with a sword and kill roughly 8 billion people because they didn't follow 8 men in Brooklyn, New York; men mind you that can't figure out what the word "generation" means and were wrong about their own prophetic identity for the last 93 years.

    God loves you, and that is why he is going to kill you if you don't listen to, obey and be blessed by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses.


  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: How do you feel about Ciro's Gay Bashing in that talk do you think maybe he's gone over the top with his zeal for Jehovah killing gays?

    Morris: Lets get this right doc: our corporation doesn't condone bashing gay people, we don't hit them with our fists, or clubbing them and you will never catch us doing that so I don't know where you come off calling his talk gay bashing?

    Psyc: Well bashing may be the wrong word to use for you limited vocabulary understanding. Perhaps I should have said all of Ciro's talk about Jehovah puting people to death because of sexual orientation how does that make you feel?

    Morris: Well I'm glad we got that straight. I feel perfectly ok with it Ciro was right Jehovah consider Homosexuality a gross sin making one fit for destruction for such ungodly behaivor.

    Psyc: I could not help but notice Ciro's tone of voice while he is giving this talk, he has a certain excitement talking about the death of all those people why is that?

    Morris: Ciro is a loyal company man and most of our Governing Body like him, he knows how to drive home a point and some times he gets a little excited. I think he could have shown a little more somberness to fit the material in his outline other than that I see it as harmless excitement nothing he needs to see a psychiatrist for.

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: So you feel he should just have been a little more somber in his tone that's all?

    Morris: Yes basically a little more serious and not tell any jokes causing laughter about the smell of dead bodies perhaps that was a little too insensitive.

    Psyc: So you did notice a bit of insensitivity?

    Morris: I think that made the talk weak I would have marked him with a W as he needs to have appropiate facial expressions, and I think we could modify this to include showing sensitivity and somberness to fit the material..

    Morris: And in all fairness I'd give him a G on Pitch, Power and Pace.

    Psyc: Sound like your grading him on appearences?

    Morris: Yes we have a ministry school that no one ever graduates from and each talk gets graded, so basically I'm useing this format to critique his talk. Appearnece has a lot to do with winning your audence over to your side of the arguement don't you think?

    Psyc: Yes that is probably right, and I see appearences play an important place in your world view.

    Morris: Yes we don't want anybody stumbled over appearences it would be better for that person to have never been born Jesus said than to stumble some one from the truth so appearences are very important.

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