Governing Body Member Talking To Psychiatrist About Being In The Faithful & Discreet Slave Delusion

by frankiespeakin 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: Anthony I got to admit appearences are important so I can see to a certain extent why you would view things this way.

    Morris: Thanks doc, that's good to know.

    Psyc: But I still don't think scaring people especially little children with these horror stories is very healthy for the proper developement into adulthood.

    Morris: Well we are still loosing a lot of young ones, so perhaps we are not scaring them enough, after all this is a life and death matter.

    Psyc: That may be true from your point of view, but did you ever think of the emotional harm one is causing these young ones by scaring them with destruction by an angry God who wants absolute obediance?

    Morris: I really don't see your point doc, these things need to be said so that we as a corporation don't become blood guilty by not warning them.

    Psyc: So Anthony You mentioned your Corporation becoming Blood guilty if that happened would your Corporation fall out of favor with Jehovah?

    Morris: No the Corporation is the earthly part of Jehovah's Organization so I don't think that is possible but we could come in line for some discipline, but not rejection from favor because ours is the only Organization that is doing Jehovah's will. And beside there aren't any scriptures that show this ever happening instead we see from Matt. 24 and the Faithful Slave prophecy that they will be given all of Jesus Christ belonging for being faithful with no hint that as a whole they will loose Jehovah's favor. On the other hand individual appointments to the Faithful Slave can fall from favor and be replace if necessary but as a whole corporation it is not going to happen.

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: I see. Have you ever concidered that this parable in Matthew 24 might not be a prophecy?

    Morris: No, I can't even concieve it be anything other than a prophecy.

    Psyc: Why is that.

    Morris: Because it make so much more sense when viewed as a prophecy.

    Psyc: How does it make more sense to view it that way?

    Morris: Well when you match up things happening to our corporation it paints a detailed picture about what to expect our corporation to accomplish before armageddon comes.

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: Anthony Just because you can match up events that happen to your Corporation with events in the parable doesn't mean that it is prophetic, because that's not proof. Your'e engageing in a form of wishfull thinking that leads one away from the truth and makes one imagine things that arn't really there.

    Morris: Doc it's not wishful thinking the facts are all there, and the facts prove our understanding that this is a prophecy is confirmed by facts, we got all kinds of proof that Jehovah is blessing this Corporation. Look we got 1914 right, this corporation was telling people 30 year before it happened that 1914 was a marked year and what happen 1914? well the history books don't lie when they say world war 1 happened right on time like we said it would.

    Psyc: So let me if I understood you right, so you are saying that your Corporation foretold the date 1914 as the starting date of the first world war?

    Morris: Yes it kinda did, I mean we got the date right we just thought, that would be the date when armegeddon would be over and Jesus would rule the earth. We got the date right we just misunderstood what was going to happen. You know sometimes you have to wait until a prophecy is fullfilled before you understand all the details that were foretold in the bible.

    Psyc: I don't know Anthony sounds kind of pie in the sky to me.

    Morris: That because you need more faith.

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: Anthony this is childish reasoning for god sakes. Don't you see what you are doing? You are allowing wishful thinking to make you see facts where their arn't any.

    Morris: I don't see it that way doc.

    Psyc: Your useing great leaps in logic to make your case for the corporation being on a mission from God.

    Morris: It just seems that way to you because you haven't looked at all the facts with an open mind.

    Psyc: You are a hard nut to crack Anthony.

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: Anthony I want us to watch this recent video your Corporation put out to get little children not to steal lollipops and lose Jehovah's friend ship, and while we watch it see if you can spot any black and white thinking in it.

    Morris: Sure I had a lot to do with that video I think the art work in it was great and the timing with the music spot on Ok lets watch it.

    Psyc: Well I agree the colors and action in the video were done very professionally but: What is the meaning of being Jehovah's friend and being unfriended by him?

    Morris: Well we are dealing with small children so we need to take their age into account, and it sounds so much more softer and gentler to use word friend than the word enemy, so we avoided it in the video, we wouldn't want to say that or else the parents might not find it suitable for these little tots. And it is much more upbeat to focus on the word friend as it should be because these are little kids we are trying to teach how wrong it is to steal. I think the video is quite good and shows great senstivity.

    Psyc: What does it mean if a child gets unfriended by Jehovah in your Corporation?

    Morris: I feel like I'm being set up here doc.

    Psyc: Anthony I'm trying to get you to get out of black and white thinking which is the only way your going to get better, so if it is a set up it has this as it's aim so please answer the question.

    Morris: Ok, well if a child gets unfriended by Jehovah it could cost him his life unless he repents and Jehovah puts him back into the friendship catagory. But that is a worst case scenerio, and stealling a lolipop will never cause a child to lose Jehovah's friendship, only unless this is just the 1st case of theft in a long career of thievery in that case the friend ship loss is permanent.

    Psyc: Do you really think Jehovah will cut off friendship with a small little child over stealing a lolipop?

    Morris: Yes I aready said so.

    Psyc: And you don't find that as cruel or intollerant?

    Morris: Well I can see you do but I don't Jehovah our God is a very Holy God and only those that are Holy will he befriend.

    Psyc: So Jehovah is justified in this issue?

    Morris: Yes because Jehovah's judgement are always true.

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: What's your Corporations view of small children that attend weekly teaching sessions sponsored by your oganization?

    Morris: Well the Bible shows us the children born to beleiving baptized parents of our members are holy and that they come under the parents merits for joining and becoming a baptised member our organization. But that only covers them for a limited time if they are past the age of reason then they need to get baptised as well and shouldn't delay slyly hopeing to pull a fast one on Jehovah and ride on their parents skirt tales into the New System.

    Psyc: So Jehovah is onto such decietful children who postpone baptism hoping to get a free ticket into the New System?

    Morris: Yup you can fool your self but you can't fool Jehovah. He will see to it no lazy back sliders will make it into the New System.

    Psyc: But Anthony isn't this really your own view point that you are projecting on to your corporation's God?

    Morris: I see where you are headed with this your trying to get me to think that Jehovah is just a figment of my imagination. Nice try doc but my faith is too strong for that to happen Jehovah is real and he reveals himself in the bible to all sincere persons I've done the studying I know what Jehovah thinks and feels.

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: Anthony your thinking is all black and white don't you see it?

    Morris: What do you mean my thinking is all black and white?

    Psyc: Well you only have 2 choices, either you follow what your organization teaches which is white or you disobey what your organization teaches which is relagated to the catagory of black with no inbetweens. Very short sighted reasoning.

    Morris: Well then that's the way it really is.

    Psyc: Don't you see any other possiblities?

    Morris No.

    Psyc: Well what about all your Corporation's changes in understanding doesn't that allow for perhaps another understanding based on the fact that Organizational policy can change makeing old rules obsolete? Surely this would allow some room for other options.

    Morris: No because even if we get something wrong in our understanding members are still required to obey,, Jehovah expect them to because imperfection of man can not be an excuss to disobey Jehovah.

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: So even if Your Corporation is wrong from time to time your'e not allowed doubt anything they teach at present?

    Morris: Well we must have unity every one must serve Jehovah shoulder to shoulder in unity so you can't have that if people are allowed to pick and choose what they want to beleive, it is therefore mandatory that we all march in step with the Corporation with no Independant Thinking because independant thinking is from the Devil.

    Psyc: And you don't see this type of Black and White thinking is wrong?

    Morris: We can't run this Corporation properly without black and white thinking.

    Psyc: And so you can't see the wrongness in this.

    Morris: I see what you are trying to get at, maybe it could be wrong if say false religion did it, but we are doing it in support of True Religion and so this is not so black and white but allows for shades of gray.

    Psyc: So in judging your Corporation you are able to jump slighty out of black and white thinking, but in defense of your Corporation you feel perfectly fine to revert back to black and white thinking?

    Morris: Yes I suppose so. As I said black and white thinking is not wrong in every case some cases require it to make sense of things.

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: So Anthony are you looking forward to your memorial celibration tonight?

    Morris: Well sorta but I don't think it will be a peak year for attendance I think we might be experiencing some fall out from the bad publicity over a few child molestation cases we have in the US and a few other countries.

    Psyc: I see, well we got protect the children from these predators, do you see any changes in Corporation policy comming from this?

    Morris: Yeah we got to protect out assets so the lawyers will be walking us through some proceedures that should limit our liabilities in the future.

    Psyc: What about this song I found on Youtube about jesus loves the little children can we watch it and talk about it?

    Morris: Sure.

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: Well Anthony what did you think of these videos?

    Morris: Well for one think I think our videos for tots are a lot better than these worldly videos.

    Psyc: Ok, but what about the message of Jesus Loves the little children?

    Morris: Well the message that Jesus loves the little children is correct but the people that put this stuff on Youtube don't have a relationship with Jesus Christ because they don't have accurate knowlede and so they are all together going to perish because of false hopes.

    Psyc: What do mean they don't have accurate knowledge so they are going to perish?

    Morris: You see the bible tells us you need accurate knowledge of the truth to get everlasting life.

    Psyc: And so How much "accurate knowledge is needed for one to get everlasting life?

    Morris: As much as you can get their is no set amount specified in the bible that is why we are told to makeing sure what is true and hold fast to what is fine.

    Psyc: That seems very confusing, so there is not set amount?

    Morris: No.

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