greatest show on earth

by unstopableravens 273 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    post the paragraph for me.

    That was not the point of me referring you to the wiki-article. You obviously have no idea of how radiometric clocks are used and this article would have shown you which radioactive isoptopes are used for which period. When you understand the science, you realise that only a complete idiot would deny the age of the Earth.

    BTW I have got and have read the magic of reality. It maybe aimed at children, but I have yet to find an adult who hasn't found it educational, and it expalins why we know the Earth is millions of years old.

    I am not attacking you as a person, I am attacking your promotion of ignorance on this thread instead of taking the time to learn the facts.

    You cant answer my question, but your a scientist.

    I know how carbon dating works. It doesnt. Dawkins knows it doesnt. He says in his book they have to guess at it.

    I'm not a complete idiot because I know the earth may be old.

    I also know that it might not be old.

    You are just like most of the JW's I have ever met. You got to be right. Someone whispered a secret in your

    ear and now your'e right and everybody else is wrong. Your special, you know how to think. No one else can think.

    Any fact that says the earth is millions of years old is not a fact, its conjecture, its an idea.

    I'm not promoting ignorance on this board. I am pointing out that JW's have to be right

    no matter what. Even Dawkins when he debates his theories on youtube is no where near as crass

    as the people here who defend him.

  • cofty
    I know how carbon dating works.

    No you clearly don't. For the fourth time C14 dating has nothing to do with the age of the earth - absolutely nothing at all. What part of that don't you understand?

    Why are you refusing to educate yourself and read Dr Wien's paper?

    This paper describes in relatively simple terms how a number of the dating techniques work, how accurately the half-lives of the radioactive elements and the rock dates themselves are known, and how dates are checked with one another. In the process the paper refutes a number of misconceptions prevalent among Christians today. This paper is available on the web via the American Scientific Affiliation and related sites to promote greater understanding and wisdom on this issue, particularly within the Christian community.

    Any fact that says the earth is millions of years old is not a fact

    I agree.

    The earth is 4.3 billion years old.

    Stop pretending you understand things you clearly don't have a clue about and educate yourself - and stop accusing everybody who takes the time and effort to help you of behaving like a JW - that is really pathetic.

  • cofty
    Dawkins knows it doesnt. He says in his book they have to guess at it.

    Reference please?

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    James - I have twice posted a link to an excellent article that could have been written just for you. That makes three times. Why are you ignoring it?

    First question answer. I have been going back and forth to other topics.

    Cofty you give me a link to a site that seems it would take me hours if not days to read, it even has its own glossery

    and you ask me why am I ignoring it?

    I came on this site today to kill a little time, now you want me to spend hours maybe days

    to maybe go down a wild rabbitt hole?

    And am I supposed to believe if I read your link and understand it, I will agree with you?

    I'll tell you what cofty, Since I am now retired and have nothing important to do with my life, I have

    book marked your link. I will read it and get back to you it might be today it might be tommorow or a few days

    but I will read it and come back here and tell you what I think. With the tables and graphs

    it looks a little intense and heavy, intimidating.

    Even if I could read it in an hour, something that I could read in an hour I would have to think about for some time.

    And I will know what you know and you will know what I know.

    You seem to think this information is very important.

  • cofty

    Here is a link to a pdf version - its only 22 pages and should only take you a couple of hours to read, it's written for the non-expert to understand easily.

    Its author is a physicist who is also a christian and he directly addresses the sort of misunderstandings that you seem to hold.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    Things seemed to be better for Adam and Eve until they ate from the tree of knowledge, or knowing.

    Do you really believe there was a literal Adam and Eve? Genetic studies can PROVE without doubt there was not!

    I dont really know what is going on in this life. How we got here, where we are going.

    To find answers, I start with the bible, because that is the way I was raised and the place I was raised.

    Then I read pros and cons.

    I think there may have been a litteral Adam and Eve and there may not have been a literal adam and Eve.

    I think many studies prove what the authors of the studies want them to prove.

    Without a doubt is pretty strong termonolgy. Many courts make deciscions beyond a reasonable doubt.

    Adam and EVe were/ are biblical characters. The bible is a book of faith. Much of what is written in the bible

    is based on faith. If you dont have faith you cant believe it.

    Does that mean it is wrong? From a scientific perspective perhaps. But when you consider life is a mystery

    and the bible is a book of answers, maybe not.

    Even if there was no Adam and EVe, if there was no Jesus, if the bible is a bunch of stories

    and I know that, does that make me a better person, a happier person.

    I dont think so.

  • cofty
    I think there may have been a litteral Adam and Eve and there may not have been a literal adam and Eve.

    There wasn't. We descended from a non-human common ancestor of primates.

    James if you think faith is a virtue then good luck to you but please show some intellectual honesty. Stop pretending you have the slightest interest in science.

    Dawkins knows it doesnt. He says in his book they have to guess at it.

    Can you give me a reference for this please?

  • tec

    This seems to have gotten away from the discussion on the book,lol.

    James, I think Adam and Eve are literal people (but very much to do with the spiritual)... and... I can accept evolution of the species. I am not sure how each of these connect. But I have no doubt that they do. The only "seeming" conflict comes from us not having all the specifics/details of the physical world (in this case evolution), and the spiritual world.

    One can have interest in science AND maintain their faith. Many conflicts are due to a (mis)understanding of one or both; but that does not mean you have to stop being interested in one or both.

    Peace to you,


  • James Brown
    James Brown

    The earth is 4.3 billion years old.

    Stop pretending you understand things you clearly don't have a clue about and educate yourself - and stop accusing everybody who takes the time and effort to help you of behaving like a JW - that is really pathetic.

    That is such a big number that it could easily be off by 1 or 2 billions of years and if it could be off 1 or 2 billions of earth it

    could be totally off.

    I will say if there is no God and the bible is wrong. You might as well be right.

    I guess this is about God and the bible.

    Being educated is the price of admission to this discussion. Its like a Harley Davidson, you have to buy one to join

    the club. And if you dont have a Harley you cant join the club and if I dont have an education I cant join this club

    or discussion.

    It's kind of hard to be a poser with a Harley, But with education, its pretty easy to be a poser.

    But since I am retired and have nothing meaning ful to do with my life I will read about how

    Science determines the earth is 4.5 billion years old.

    If you have a definitive article for me please refer it.

    I am not just a former JW

    but as a worldly person my idol is/ was Frank Zappa, who I think was one of the smartest

    men to ever live and he didnt have much respect for the education system, especially when it comes

    to pseudo science.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    Stop pretending you have the slightest interest in science.

    I dont have the slightest interest in science.

    But I do think I have some common sense.

    And I think much of what you tout is psuedo science.

    The whole field of how old the earth is

    religion, atheism is psuedo science. Its not based on the scientific method

    Its not based on things that can be replicated.

    While I dont have any interest in science, i am going to read about the dating

    methods and if I can understand them put this dog to rest.

    If it is psuedo science which I suspect it is, I wont be able to help

    you or myself or anyone else, its a delusion.

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