jw's view of wordly people - hipocrisy

by spirituk 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • SophieG

    I think villagegirl hit the nail on the head...they want to OWN YOUR SOUL!

  • label licker
    label licker

    When I was in the lie, I saw drunken elders and wives, elders kids post themselves nude on facebook while drunk and underage along with sex before marriage and got rewarded with going to bethel fulltime. PO's who knew brothers were living with worldly women and kept it quiet yet gave a local needs on marrying outside the lord, the same brother who was paying for prostitutes in his previous twelve year marriage as well, another brother who was seeing hookers throughout his marriage before his wife gets disfellowshipped for fornication, husbands who bashed in their wives car by hand, who also got a worldly girl to forge a legal document, who had affairs right after they got reinstated, another brother who was doing esctacy and committing adultry while wify is at home expecting their first child, a sister who stole from the kingdom hall funds and admitted it and gets to go on the RBC, an ms's wife who is allowed to get her ass tatooed and her two kids as well and he's not removed, or two families who allowed their two kids to get married twice to the same two people ; that's four weddings for two couples, or a sister getting caught stealing all the food loading her vehicle up at the beginning of the reception, a sister who had her pedophile just out of jail son live with her and come to the meetings, ect,,,, Not once when I was in the world did I see these things, only heard of them or read about them. This was all in the first three years of me being in the lie. Most of this was reported and nothing was done. Oh, and when an elder wanted to go after a brother who had stolen a car from a dealership and police involved, the elder who tried to do something about it was removed. Why? The thiefs father was on the elder body.

    It just seems there's always rewards for such hypocrasies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I was wondering what the stand societies rule is when a married couple goes on holiday with a bunch of worldly people. Would that be a nono in this "so called christian" religion??????? Is there a local needs or anything?

  • spirituk

    To: LoisLane looking for Superman

    she lives in greece with her family

    she works with wordly people

    shes a born in baptised at her 15

    she has mentioned of a lot of bad stories for jw's but only to indicate that the specific persons are wrong

    as i said , she is greek . she doesnt say much for her religion ,except that,''indeed it is oppression but i feel nice when attending '' and when she was feeling romantically about me she told me that she feels like she's making god sad.

    to : SophieG

    how could you associate with wordly people when you believed that they were going to die and that they were manipulated by satan?

    also,since you were truly believing your jw doctrines, isnt it hypocritical when you were preaching door to door to other people trying to spread good news and save them but you didnt do the same on your ''FRIENDS '' ? i mean you just put that aside and had fun believing you will be saved in paradise and those people will die in armageddon but i guess that was ok for you .i guess you were thinking '' ok , i shouldn't try to change their religion and lose their company, so ,we can compromise, stick on our choices and when armageddon comes we will just spit up, (etc will be saved and live forever and they will die forever ,not such a big thing '')any signs of absurdity or guilt here?

    so as you can see i am not speaking of the kind of hypocrisy between people , but the most serious hypocrisy between jw's and god

  • SophieG

    to : SophieG

    how could you associate with wordly people when you believed that they were going to die and that they were manipulated by satan? Spirituk, I don't THINK I EVER really believed it! I always had a deep hope that the people who I LOVED outside of the org would not die in Armageddon. I always would shadow-box with Jehovah over this issue. If I COULD SEE the goodness of who they were but just that they were making alternative choices based on their freewill, WHY would a loving God sever me from those I developed a real love for?

    also,since you were truly believing your jw doctrines, isnt it hypocritical when you were preaching door to door to other people trying to spread good news and save them but you didnt do the same on your ''FRIENDS '' ?

    First I hardly ever spoke doctrine to my non- JWs friends. HELL.. I did not understand it, how could they? When I did get into those types of conversations though, I NOTICED that they thought what I believed was UNBELIEVABLE! Which made me go: hmmm. However, I always spoke about the benefits of doing things a certain way, living by certain standards, setting an example NOT as a JW, but as a PERSON. This also goes back to the above response. And as far as door-to-door...I soon realized it was a bunch of crock. When I did go D2D, I was so checked out of that activity.

    i mean you just put that aside and had fun believing you will be saved in paradise I got to a point where I DID NOT WANT TO GO TO FREAKING PARADISE! I felt like hey, if I can't tow the JW line then I aint going! I was beginning to not like the JWs anyway. LOL!

    For me it was always about being honest and authentic. I LOVE PEOPLE. I feel like I was created with that type of capacity. IF GOD gave me that gift I was going to use it wisely. I made sure the non-jws I hung out with were decent people for the most part. I still do that today now that I am completely out. I enjoy other people's company.

    I feel like the org tries to ostracize friendships with people outside the group. It does not teach people how to really interact with anyone on the outside. I don't think Jah feels like that. I always thought about the Jesus and how HE associated with all types of people.

    Spirituk, I truly believe that I had been "out" mentally for many years, because I reasoned/thought too much. Most admontion I found myself ignoring, because it did not SIT right with me. I felt like Jah could read my heart, know I was good...but the cultishness of the group was where I had my wrestling point. I am glad I IGNORED the bad association crap, because NOW I have real friends that enrich my life...and not surprisingly the "friends" I thought I had in the org are no where to be found.!

  • Pterist

    Welcome SpiritUK

  • leaving_quietly
    "Worldly people" are people who are not Christians.

    Actually, "worldly people" are people who are not Jehovah's Witnesses.

    And, there is a marked difference with the term "Christians". Blondie said that there phrase "worldly people" has not been used as much in recent years. That's true. Instead, sentences that apply to JWs generally use the phrase "true Christians".

  • jgnat

    Hi, spirituk. I maintain you are stalking this girl and you need to stop.

    I never point out hypocrisy to a Witness when they are behaving like this because this is when they are most themselves. The more they behave independently and away from the Witnesses is good.

    If pressed, a Witness will admit to their "worldly" friends that they don't think very highly of them, believing us all to be highly sexed, hedonistic, un-spiritual, lazy, and prone to the devil's own voice.

    However, in this case, I don't think you are the man to point this all out to this girl. Find a new girlfriend closer to home.

    P.S. Change Name, I'm with my friend on this one. To Witnesses, anyone who is not a JW is "worldly". This is how I am viewed, even though I am a Christian who attends church regularly.

  • spirituk

    SophieG you have a personal message

  • spirituk

    jgnat its a hypocrisy to themselves ,their god and to others. why cant you see it? if you are a real genuine and rightous jw then you wouldnt even bother to associate closely with worldy people. if you associate closely to wordly peolpe ,it means that your faith has been compromised and you dont really believe in god but you are a jw for all the other ghetto reasons (family,friends,df,shunning ,marked etc)

    you can say whatever you want but nothing changes that . if you are a true jw ( brainwashed as f**k) you wouldnt do anything wordly (having fun with wordly friends that are going to die and that are controlled by satan) but you would focus on your preaching,marrying young ,serving god ,field service ,studying and only that.. but of course we know that all jws are hypocrites , leading their double lifes and ruin others people.. they feel guilt for a god that does not exist , they sacrafice reality for imagination and absurdity.Then when things get rough ,they just vanish from other peoples life ,believing of doing the right thing for them ,but thats only for themselves .. we ask our selfs where do they find such a power that makes them able to fight strong feelings .. the answer lies in their absurdity ,because their imagination and absurdity is so strong that they trully believe they please god by feeling this pain ,and by suffering they liken themselves like jesus and they feel satisfaction for this but they dont understand how arrogant and selfish is this.

  • LostInTranslation


    I have recently had a very similar experience as yours. I understand your frustration and hurt all too well.

    I am still dealing with the emotional upheaval of being lied to and consequently "shunned" by someone whom I was once (well twice actually...) very close to.

    I, like you, am not nor never have been a JW.

    It's a painful experience to get caught up in and something very very difficult to grasp in it's full magnitude if you really have not had experience in the cult mindset or understanding how VERY indoctrinated and involved the jw life and dare I say, culture is. I totally see what you are saying. I have been strugginling with the same thoughts:

    " if you are a true jw ( brainwashed as f**k) you wouldnt do anything wordly (having fun with wordly friends that are going to die and that are controlled by satan) but you would focus on your preaching,marrying young ,serving god ,field service ,studying and only that.. but of course we know that all jws are hypocrites , leading their double lifes and ruin others people.. they feel guilt for a god that does not exist , they sacrafice reality for imagination and absurdity.Then when things get rough ,they just vanish from other peoples life ,believing of doing the right thing for them ,but thats only for themselves .. "

    Even though the wonderful people from JWN have helped my understanding grow immensely, and I am able to more often separate my own feelings of "what did I do wrong" and see more clearly that this is NOT me, but entirely my JW companion's issue to deal with (really I am just Collateral Damage in the train wreck of his JW life choices), I UNDERSTAND your anger and frustration.

    The choice that your JW friend made to involve you in her life, all the while KNOWING she could never really BE in your life is cruel and selfish. Not very Christian at ALL is it?

    I feel very resentful that I am the one viewed as the devil's cohort, when I am not the one of the two of us who went against my "God", misled, hurt and then consequently totally walked away from and shunned the person I professed to care for so deeply. THe irony of these actions from my very "spiritually advanced" friend, are not lost...

    Having spent time here talking to some of these great people, reading their stories and understanding the mindset and CULT of the JW organization has helped me a great deal.. and I hope if you stick around and listen/read it will help you too.

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