I Got disfellowshiped..wana die!

by Chichi89 79 Replies latest jw friends

  • crmsicl

    Welcome JC101

    Good advice from everyone. Listen ChiChi to all this good advice and my best to you on the first days of the rest of your life.

  • cofty

    Hello chichi - Please don't make yourself sad by worrying about the approval of people who treat you that way.

    Concentrate on building a new life with people who care about you. It will take time but life will get better.

  • Fernando

    Hey ChiChi89!

    A very warm welcome.

    I pray and know the day will come where you will be glad you were pushed out of the Watchtower into a new and better life.

    Plenty of good friends and advice here.

    Take your time.

    Relax, read, think and share.

    Greetings, blessings and peace


  • jeremiah18:5-10

    Chi Chi I haven't read the second page of comments but it sounds like the JW's is all you've ever known, that your entire life and self-worth is tied up with them.

    Have you personally ever just read the scriptures with an open mind? Please make it a goal to begin asap. Read about Jesus treatment of people. Read about the message of forgiveness and acceptance it offers. Jesus message was of unconditional love.

    vPlease evaluate how you personally feel about your actions. Make an effort to evaluate these actions outside of the "box" of just what you've been told by JW's. Try to determine if you arrive at the conclusion that you have sinned. Don't just base your opinions on just what the elders have told you.

    Its important that you begin the process of learning how to think for yourself and how to develop your own ability to use your power of reason to know right and wrong, rather than being solely dependant on someone else (imperfect humans) telling you this. Also, you need to determine the level of faith you have in Jehovah as your God and whether you have a relationship with him personally. Its his opinion that matters, not the human interpretation of his opinion by people who can't read hearts.

    Please strive to feel good about your decisions in life. Feel good about who you are and who you want to be. Set goals toachieve that you can feel proud of. Evaluate your strengths as a person and be around people who love you for being you. I'm mso sorry for your sadness.

  • blondie

    Is this person you dated for five years a source of help and support?

    What about your friends and/or family you dropped when becoming a jw? You'd be surprised how forgiving some can be.

    I dated a non-jw that I later married. It has turned out well, married 22 years.

    You sound quite young but at any age disappointing your parents that you care about is painful. I don't know what you were df'd for, I assume it might be connected with dating a non-jw for 5 years probably concealing it from your parents.

    Many of us have had to make new emotional attachments after being shunned by people who said they loved us. I am only inactive and have been shunned by my family for over 10 years.

    Lots of good help on here, people with experience who have moved on to happier lives.


  • cantleave

    ChiChi89 - it get's better, it really does. If you still believe in Jesus ask yourself, would he shun people? Did he shun Judas? Did he shun the woman at the well?

    No! If the JW's are really true Christians what fruitage should they be displaying? Love. The fact they shun (which is bullying), should tell you they are not Christians. Use this time to research, and equip yourself for building a real life.

    Think about what you want to do in life, what makes you happy? What you would like to achieve? Then go for it!

    Use this forum to help you deal with the sadness and guilt, and use sites like www.jwfacts.com to help you learn the truth about "The truth".

    Wishing you the best of luck......

  • 20yearfader

    chi chi first of all don't blame yourself these people that are our relatives are sick there the ones with the problems.I mean really how can you shun someone you love?My cousin commited suicide a few months ago and since he had left the wt years ago my uncle and aunt had his body cremated,and disposed of without telling anyone,even a family pet that dies gets some sort of service,and if we were to use there crazy logic that the wt puts out once a man dies his sins are paid he's square with the house, but in the crazy world of the jws they still have to kick someone when there downor dead.This cult is unfeeling and devoid of any common sense,to tell family members to shun there own to me is overstepping there bounds.I was never dfed but i was reproved for dating a worldly girl when i was 17.My father an elder turned me in to the boe and the co.Even at that age seeing these elders falling over there selfs to get me to a jc was sickening.Think about it like this even if you get reinstated they will still talk behind your back about what you got dfed for...there's no winning with these people if that guy you are dating is a good man then marry him and start a family with him.Don't introduce him into this cult just to appease the very people that kick you to the curb when you need them the most.I don't pray anymore but i'm hoping you realize that this pain will pass in time.

  • speargrass55

    Stop going to meetings. Seek out friends who love you for you and not for what you believe in. change towns or communities if possible. It will helpyou recover faster. Leaving jws might turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you.

  • maisha

    are yo living at home?. can you move out from home? do so.

    Are you going to the meetings why?.

    They dont help you at this stage, only serves to give you pain and lets people torture you emotionally.

    Dont let them take control. Yes in Africa they are VERY hard on being close to others not in the truth.

    SO you step right out and be free or you suffer for the enxt 6 months .. only you can decide.

    if you need to chat pm me.. welcome!

  • minimus

    Interesting thread

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