When You Went Door to Door, Did You Ever Go to Any Famous Peoples Homes?

by LoisLane looking for Superman 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • karter

    There was a watchtower artical many years ago about 2 bro's calling in Sir Winston Churchill.


  • villagegirl

    LoisLane - when we Skyped you told me you were an Atheist, I am confused, you seem to have fond memories of the Kingdom Hall and field service, so how did you go from active devoted JW to Atheist ? How does that happen ? How do you go from happily attending KH meetings to not believing in God at all ??? And you refer to brothers and sisters ? So I take it you still consider yourself a sister? But you are an Atheist ? How does that work exactly ?? Why ? How ? I see others here say they are agnostic or atheist as well, why is this ?

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    Fred Dinenage a local news-reader had the mags every fortnight from me so only famous locally.

    In Spain a TV cook was also a neighbour so he had them but not so regularly. I didn't want to lose his friendship.

  • cofty

    Villagegirl - there are a lot of ex-Jws who were once totally sincere in their beliefs who are now atheists. I was a christian for 9 years after the Watchtower before I rejected the notion that faith was a virtue.

    Rather than hijack this thread why not start a new one on this question. I am sure many of us would be happy to explain.

  • milola

    My ex once told me he went to Jackie Gleasons house. Don't know if it was true or if there was anyone who came to the door.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Many years ago I met Robin Ray the TV presenter. We obviously had got him out of bed, he was wearing a very flamboyant silk dressing gown covered in Chinese style dragons.

    I always felt he was expecting someone more exciting, like the milkman.


  • cantleave

    Roger Moore - never answered the door though!

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Well how about this, mind you before my time but we had Hank Marvin ( guitarist with the Shadows) go door to do...i understand he got invited in for quite a few cups of tea....

  • Iamallcool

    Not me, but one of the brothers did talk to Phil Neikro while I was at next door, he accepted the magazines. I was in awe.


  • Laika

    Alan Whicker. He was an ass.

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