verybelated intro: Tylin

by Tylinbrando 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • blindnomore

    There are a lot of crazy details and things most of you may never believe that I have left out.

    I know exactly what you meant by that! I too have an unbelievable story that's similar to what happened to your daughter. I, too, like yourself, have never given up but tirelessly have been working in bringing justice for my daughter. I helped 4 Jehovah's Witnesses Elders to be convicted as child abusers by the DCFS in the State of Utah. As a consequence, I was maliciously slandered and charged with "Reviling elders" and got disfellowshipped. I appealed the case to the the Governing Body and at the end, the GB endorsed the convicted child abusers and persecuted my family, the victims. Those abusers are still serving as elders, one as a Sub-Circuit Overseer whose name is Harry Diamanti. 3 others are Dan Harper, Eric Stocker, and Lonney Hicks.

    But I can tell you this, their days are numbered!

    I am trully sorry what happened to your daughter. She wouldn't be here today had you not been there for her. You both are heroes!

    (check your PM)

  • Tylinbrando

    Thank you everyone for your posts and your PMs! I wish I had done an into much earlier. Such a small world. My greatest strengths come from knowing so many of you have deep wells of struggle, strife and frustrations. It brings an odd sense of relief knowing Im not on this island alone. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    I too am at a loss for words. Hang in there and it sounds like you are a great Dad and keep fighting for your children, you have a long road ahead of you, I wish you the best.

  • LostGeneration

    I've been wondering about your connection to the perv in Costa Rica....

    So sorry for the suffering of your daughter, but I am amazed at her strength, and yours as well.

    I hope you both get justice in the months ahead.

  • happy@last

    Hi Tylin, thank you for sharing part of your life story with us. I wish you and your family all the happiness you deserve. We cannot erase the past, but we can make each day count, and it sounds you are well on your way to doing that.

  • Lozhasleft

    I wish you and your daughter the best too, awful traumas to deal with, and added to by having to pursue justice without backing from the org, who should be helping not hindering you.

    Loz x

  • ABibleStudent

    WelcomeTylinbrando and I understand about writing a belated introduction.

    Best of wishes for you, your daughter, and your other family members. How is the rest of your family? I couldn't help but notice that you were married with 3 children, including your daughter, at 32, but you only really wrote about your daughter.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Tylinbrando

    Robert thank you for asking. My boys are in good health. They spend their weekdays with their JW mom and new Step Dad. Like any shared custody arrangement they have their challenges. Primarily for them is meetings, and service and family study which they do not like and are vocal about. Of course I get blamed for that. I try to teach them thinking skills and reason. I do not attack their mom or her beliefs and in fact I encourage them to keep peace with her. My middle son has some learning disabilities but he is very bright. We have recently enrolled him in IEP programs to help at school. My youngest boy is the observer. He takes everything in and scrutinizes it. I believe he is the brightest of my three. At my household we are striving to give them a "normal" upbringing. I have them for all holidays and school vacations. I suppose in a way I am living vicariously through them watching them enjoy all the things I missed out on a youth growing up in the organization. They are great boys. Of course my hope is that they grow to be great men.

    My step daughter is also doing amazing in school. She is a dancer. She is strong and smart. She is a best friend and sister to my girl.

    My lady is everything I wish I could be. Confident, sure, brilliant, professional, capable and the best mother I've ever seen. I would delve into her story but she is also a member of this forum and Im sure in time she will introduce herself and her journey. It fascinates me every day. And if she chooses to, the details will have all of you shaking your head in disbelief and wonder.

  • crazyblondeb

    Thank you for sharing! I tried to press charges against my stepdad, but the statue of limitation made it impossible. So, it's my goal in life to become the borg's nightmare...just by speaking up, and helping anyone!!

    During my teenage years, I personally know of 4 child molestors in the Moberly, MO congregation. One was my stepdad. Of course, everythig was swept under the rug, as usual. If you go to the threads i've started, under my username, you can find my story of where i was finally able to get my atstepdad into a long over-due JC!

    I believe that condace conti has helped to open a flood gate, that they cant control!

    I look forward to getting to know u better here!


  • 2+2=5

    Welcome. Thanks for sharing your story.

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